Reflections from Life on the Streets

in inspiration •  8 years ago  (edited)

With love from Brook

Previous post:  
Inches from Death

Several months ago I was in front of CVS pharmacy and I noticed a blue nylon bag by itself in a planter box by a tree. No one was around so I thought somebody left something behind or something and I looked inside and it was a five dollar bill and some little radio inside. I looked around and it seemed to just to be abandoned by itself. This guy comes out of this store 6'7" I'd seen him before, another homeless person. He started yelling at me, "leave that bag alone, put that five dollars back, that's mine" and I left it there and he was inside the doorway of the store. He came right out. I left it in the bag and I stood up, and he stood in front of my face, about 3 inches away and was yelling at me schooled me left to right. I wouldn't back down, I just kept staring him down and looking at him, and he didn't like that at all. So he backs off of me for a second, and he yells out and says, "I'm going to kill you". He reached underneath his shirt and pulled out a 12 inch blade, knife, and he proceeded to plunge it forward and about two inches from my heart I backed off like to the left and missed the blade by just a couple inches or so, he almost went through my chest. He pulled the knife back. He didn't go into a frenzy or run after me or try and kill me. He had stopped at that point. I turned around and went back to my car with my friend. I told the police by kmart, I found an officer, and he was going to check the area. He asked me to wait a half an hour. I waited as long as I could, and no one came back. Nothing came out of this event. I was just told if I ever saw the guy again, I should call the police. Next time I saw him I called the police but they didn't arrest him or nothing. Next time I saw him he started bobbing his head back and forth, he's some gang guy, he says, "don't call the police, don't call the police." He was getting wound up, so he knew I called the police. I saw him another time at night, he was drunk and he was walking towards me where I was holding my sign. I can hold up a sign sometime, even though I got hurt from my job. He started spurting off, "I've got a gun in my purse", he had this draw string thing he calls a purse. He started talking about his gun, but I tried to be cool. I just knew better and to shut up and wait until he goes away.

Day to Day

People have given us money. One time I was sitting in our car, and a man walked by the front. He stopped and kinda did a double take or something, and pulled out his wallet and gave me a brand new hundred dollar bill, and said please go take your friend to breakfast, buy her a breakfast and I did. I went to stacks and I bought a big breakfast for my friend Katherine. Money helps. People give us a bag of incidentals, tooth paste, sock rolls, candy bar things like this. Creature comforts of the word of the lord, and tell me god still loves us, or maybe a go between person when your faith is weary and wavering and you're not sure where you stand. You're so down graded in the streets and feel so hopeless, and you don't count. Sometimes we get food from the dumpster. I guess when you come around full circle about this and you don't know if you're gonna make it or not, the horror stories, the shelter stories, people just take money, a lot of abuse goes on in the system. The best people do for us is leave us alone. I go to a dumpster to eat, and when people leave us alone and we try to survive that way it really helps. When people just go on by and don't judge you.

Fixing the cracks

There needs to be a support system like for FEMA or somebody for injured or homeless people to get emergency debit card or something to stay alive. The police have a problem with you signing. If they don't like you signing they going to give you a ticket which costs three or four hundred dollars. If you get three or four tickets in a row you go to jail. It seems like the police are the last line to decide whether you should live or die. To sign to beg for money to get something to eat. It's perplexing, on one hand maybe the society thinks there's a lot of outlets to get help with agencies. A lot of that is a fallacy, it's kind of a scam, and it kind of pertains to a small sect of a bell shaped curve. For instance, a lot of folks they need money, they can't get a job, their condition, there's no home, it piles up on them. There's either crime or there's signing they might sell drugs who know what goes on.
The key thing is it's hard to survive to keep you alive. Water, food, basic life supports. One thing that is starting to turn around about for the positive point, is little miniature homes are being built like pods for people who are homeless in Seattle and Portland. Whether or not that would take off down here, remains to be seen. I don't really envision that. It requires land, property, sanitation, police. It's like this small community of problems itself. Maybe the pressure of crime and stuff would be lifted a bit.

People resort to stealing and all kinds of things to survive, that are homeless. There's a big cross section there. Even one guy said in the morning in the men's bathroom some of us used, "I told my woman, if you steal from me I'll kill you. Well I caught her stealing from me and I killed her." These people are cold, a lot of them are ruthless, they got nothing to lose and everything to gain. They will do whatever they have to do to protect their life. Stealing, breaking and entering, whatever they gotta do to get whatever they need. If they had an emergency card as a debit card to survive that would be one thing. Not free but something interjected in the system as far as emergency help for people. Like burned up people, tornado victims, they get help, they get help from FEMA, they get this, they get that, well we got a sect of society that needs money help, they need food, clothing, shelter, a tent, a sleeping bag, somewhere to roust. Sure some drink beer this and that, it helps alleviate the problem, and shows part of the solution. They won't go to the shelter, there's so many rules, they pick on you, they're weird to you, they just won't go. It's not that the help isn't there, but it's not a 100% full proof system. The mental health money is not there. The hospitals. It's a thousand dollars a day. They're not going to put people on a hold just cause they look mental. There's a lot of issues.  

note from assistant:
@creationlayer I've transcribed this story over the phone. We'll be setting up Brook with a laptop this week. Beyond helping a homeless person out, I genuinely think Brook has some good stories to share, and my goal is ideally he can be autonomous and use as he continues on his path. If we can take a homeless person off the street and teach him the possibilities are endless. He's saving now for a motor home, and a place to park/live. With your support in only a couple weeks we may take a homeless person off the street give them a home, and get them started writing for steemit. I am in the process of getting the first funds to Brook, converted SBD and will get cash as soon as possible. I have been providing some of the basics and helping out as you can see with the previous posts, but Bitcoin is slow to USD as most of you know, and he doesn't want one of those debit cards. I will post an update when that occurs, as we open him a bank account and pay off his small debt to the bank. Until I setup his computer I'll transcribe his stories. Thank you all for your support.    

There were some questions about the validity of my account. Here is a PGP signed message for verification.    

PGP Signed Message for [email protected]  
Hash: SHA1  

I am Creationlayer on Steemit  
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
iQIcBAEBAgAGBQJXmAI7AAoJEGTTn4O/vDyASO4P/icn2W2srf7wqXn1kyFxuO/6  uhJEJ9RGCMrsgc3Y28SigR/jQOZ6jE8QDZWDhhMgmunkyG8KmD2m2TbmHPJOzlQb  SeZNhdWveCYcDM1lZe5rUE6b7q0EwKFcKVLZ4ioV1YFEWdaeZiEStedMizyBvvf3  mkJgdDGXeecRVpCZFDCMxIYJUa4A9PBgqwJ3vxzvbr19TN3WJIevBCx4li04rljV  c6mXEIdbDTOeAGkb/sRw/8SHjtXtDH5DD7pjADf576ZQJfD1Wyhi/7xGoVl39Cx+  PQDQsi5qbYHtq4RMKV1NOW0BB3aP4ezSVuwvoanzNtTxQ0k4E9se3AIvpyh1vFq5  XAOJ/vlcvn2aC4uZ58Vo1yNQc4Go95zCK7PEc5HnWDUMtogIVDbnEALDEh5R+ND/  mkb6IxDsNlAKSfRcorirrqjtm29KbIa/A6Vq2oD04avvTD4ybuZ20N6ckyw0gKDq  FzWmZ1lGYI7yfm1gnXwDcYIDn/MhkfDr7EBlZpeCIJsy0plQqPyu6qMLopyWxvFO  h4yQmvlOc2SeyXj97jB+gEyfjXT2D08IRionzJk8mFdzg7dozhSx3RdqbtwkiF++  2TO+BOWRAV+oQsFn3XTyx3KEQ2f+tTSE/mKKLLnxkuiIvBNqBxmckwjN4LXKa6m4  a3NIFTb1yCpQRshcwm2F  =BNOw  

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@brookdemar, this story is incredible. I honestly don't know what to say that could properly express the feelings I feel having read it...I must say, I truly feel like no response is actually worthy of this - you're legitimately living a life that even the vast majority of us on Steemit fear: the struggle, the severity of what you've undoubtedly already gone through...If (and when) you post again, I swear to you: I will legitimately follow (and upvote) any and every post that I am fortunate enough to see from you.

Please keep fighting. Please hang on. Please. Seriously. I pray others will read your post and do their part to support, as well.

i'll show him comments, we're getting a laptop shortly for him.

Something terrible will happen to it because the guy's got a victim mentality and doesn't seem too sharp. You'd be better off giving the laptop to a poor kid that wants to learn code. This guy gives homefree guys like myself a bad name.

well then find a poor kid, tell his story and make a steemit. You could post comments of judgement, and say what should happen, or you could actually do the work and help someone. Excited to see your post.

Look up my posts. ;) For the last five years, I've been trying to prototype green tech to enable a home free lifestyle that could actually save humanity from itself, all while being homeless and injured.

Building a computer setup that I can use ergonomically is actually the next thing on my project list. It will be an Odroid Xu4 based wearable laptop/smartphone replacement with all open source software and meshnet capability. Once I get it done, I'll be putting open source plans up so home free people all around the world can build one and compute/communicate efficiently and easily.

Every one of the projects I have that keep me up at night when I'm not progressing on them at the pace I'd prefer is designed to free people that can't or won't participate in civilization by showing how to provide them selves with low cost, efficient, transportation, shelter, cooking facilities, water filtration, and communication.

I posted up some blog posts about these ideas and projects but they got buried before anyone saw them.

I know I sound judgemental and harsh but I'm just really tired of the "Why won't someone feed me?" crowd. Where are the families and communities that they should have been building relationships with? I could be "off the streets" in a minute just by contacting friends and family because I've spent my life helping those people. I actually choose to live freely though because it's the only lifestyle I've found that doesn't empower tyrants.

Sorry about rambling on, but this is a topic I'm passionate about. Help those that help others, those that are trying to help themselves, and those that are trying to make the world a better place. Let the people that choose suffering through their ignorance and selfishness suffer their lessons until they learn.

You do not deserve that kind of life, i hope that steemit will still help you.
You are very educated about crypto-currencies and technology, im glad you are living the right life.
Get well buddy, you can go on !

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thanks for sharing, Steemit is an amazing place. Keep some of your Steem invested if possible. It's like company stock that could be worth a lot in the near future. You have my upvote, and I'm following.

that will be up to brook, i'll have to give him the sales pitch. right now he's good with some food. ;)

Sure I completely understand.

I noticed that Brook is badly overweight, obese even. Does that bother anyone else?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Steem is already doing amazing things for people. I don't see why we can't make Brook the first man to be off the streets thanks to the Steem community. I hope Steemit continue to be a platform that can help others in the future. Have my upvote (and I wish I had more to give), and I hope it helps!

oh we're going to do it, we're gonna have a fat steemit sticker on his motorhome, and he's gonna get those speakers he was telling me about so he can listen to his old records. man what a world we're in.

You are an angel.
When I was homeless I asked 100 friends on facebook to borrow me 300. Nothing

I asked the BitShares community and all I got was 25 dollar from dan and 5 of xeroc.

And I was doing so much.

Now this has changed with Steemit.
The greedy bastards are not in full control anymore.

Keep it coming, I always knew that charity is essential to grow a community.

How many times have i tried to convince people to help?

Now they all see how well the people react on it.

While they were stashing away their witness salary and used me.

I am happy that you have gotten help as well. There's plenty of generous votes going around right now, so early adopters are going to found the future.

You mean help when I needed 300 for a room?
No I got 30 dollar of a community with a 50 million marketcap.

Now it's better.
Philantropists are flocking in.

You should have been grateful for the $30 honestly.

I was, I never said that I wasn't

Maybe I shpuld ask people in bitcointalk to lend me 300. I guess I would just feel ashamed for doing so. I bet I wouldn't get a dollar.

@brookdemar this story is impressive and very amazing, at first I thought this was what he meant but after I read and I understand. I salute your posting this, maybe someone else should read this post in order to provide an upvote for you .. thanks for sharing stories on steemit, story is the life story of your best experiences like good or bad it's just you and god knows....

You sir, deserve me upvote. It amazes me to see what a community we built together. We can help people in need and turn this world a little better. If there is anything I can do for Brook send me a message.

I am proud to be part of Steemit. It gives me and many other the opportunity to help people in need.
Thank you for this post and do me a favour.

Never give up.

fully support you and what a great story you have there! lets hope steemit changes more lifes!

Brook is lucky that he has such a great companion. I just hope that he is well, and he can get off the streets soon. Life on the street is tough.

Good luck to @brookdemar, as well as @creationlayer. I appreciate your work.

yea really spending a lot of time with him, takes some guidance to do this right for someone.

It really does. All the best to you buddy.

a very nice story
I am very moved to read this story
great post!
thank you @brookdemar

good share

Brook has noble intentions in wanting to help solve the problems he and many others face everyday. I hope that his transition back into society goes smoothly, and that it will give him an experienced voice so that we may come at least one step closer to solving these problems at hand. No human being should have to endure such a rough life, and I'm glad to see Brook be a starting point for making lives better in the steem it community.

You may have found the seed that can sprout your ambitions, keep on living and writing; your great at it.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Massive respect to you @creationlayer. I think this is a very good thing you are doing. I am intreagued to know more about Brook's life and sincerely hope that his fortunes continue to change for the better. It's fantastic to see being used in this way, you both are an inspiration. Good stuff

I can't pinpoint it, but it feels like a John Steinbeck novel...

thank you brook !

Nice post.. upvote for u

I have been following Brooks story, and i have to say that this whole thing is a major inspiration. Steemit can be alot of things to alot of people, but this shows how good people can make good things happen for others by working together. I imagine there will be plenty more interesting stories to come from @brookdemar

This really all comes down to a monopolization problem. Even back when the human population was small, a king would own everything and put people in jail for hunting deer on his land. This is why humans always explore and go out into new areas, to try and get a claim on something.

When the world runs out of places for people to do so, you then live in a prison. At that point, I can't think of any logical solutions besides the population going down until the entire surface of the planet can't be monopolized, otherwise, groups in certain nations would likely join for collective benefit to go to war and expand.

Thank you so much for sharing your story. I have had several people in my life who have fallen into hard times and landed on the streets. I'm from a small town, and you would think this is a big town problem, it's not. It's happening everywhere. Please use this as a way to benefit others and up vote or share!

If a proposal like that. Then the majority (over 90%) responded that this proposal is "Yes", I will leave it to the trash immediately.

The reason is simple

"If a lot of people who think this is a good proposal. It shows that there are a lot of people are working on that as well. And the likelihood that it did not belong to us. "

Jack Ma, the man's salary is 95.40 CNY ($14.33) now firm Alibaba's not worth more than ($1,500,000,000) is an Internet company with a market value higher than eBay, Twitter and LinkedIn combined on Alibaba Group sold its IPO on the first day. Facebook surpassed it all! For the individual who achieved the highest in China now.

(Jack Ma)

At every moment of our lives, we all have one foot in a fairy tale and the other in the abyss

You're a dick for going through someone else's shit, then calling the cops on him. Homeless people that stay in cities are like zoo animals that have escaped their cages but are too stupid to leave the zoo. I know it sounds like I'm being overly judgemental here but you're whining about needing more help from the very system that chewed you up and spit you out. I've been home free for 8 years. One reason is that I'm dealing with a busted neck that makes my blood pressure spike so bad that I had a stroke a few years ago. The main reason is that I can see that capitalism is a slavery system and cities are a disease. I don't get food stamps or disability. I'm resourceful and scavenge and hunt. I've learned useful skills so I use those skills to help people and actually have a little gift economy going in an area full of people that are consumed by civilization still. I've read your stories. I've lived on the streets with people like you. Being a pro hobo is way easier than sitting around stinking up the sidewalks and whining about getting help. If you're not willing to help yourself, and you don't help others, why should anyone help you?

best of luck to you.

I had no idea!

Strongly story. Broken destinies, unrealized dreams... This is our world.

Great post!

If too many people sell their coins the economy will not stand. The trading volumes are very low. There is money only for a few not for the many. You can have the illusion to make money but on cash out day it wont be that easy.

Nice story... 👍

Very cool your post ... Congratulations!

Quite good point

I am very appreciate to read your story.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

what an inspiration. Thank you!

Its really sad to hear story like this in Developed country like your. I have never wondered how it feels like for those who have not sufficient money to buy goods and livelihood in developing country like ours. Surly this story had made me think about it. I wish you all the best for what you are doing... Peace from Nepal.

this is very nice :)

Dear brookdemar, inspiring story..never give up..

Posts similar to this one are so inspiring and show what the true nature of the world could and should be. This platform could be a huge part of the future if we utilize it correctly. I wish him all the best, and I hope someday I can be as influential as some of you are!

good post @brookdemar

Liked it

This is a very powerful story.

I hope things do improve for him/her (Brook). Unless I'm reading it wrong Brook is the person in the story and the poster is someone else?

Good on you for doing this. It is a sad fact that there is little help for homeless people. Most are there due to adverse life circumstances which are not their fault.

A large number have mental health problems which are untreated.

The 80s and 90s practice of closing long term mental health care has created a subset of people who are unable to function without a lot of support. It is cheaper for local authorities to just abandon them and let the streets take care of them. Many will succumb to illicit drugs and alcohol.

The sad fact is people are so distracted with modern life that they don't even see them any more.

Governments don't fund helping these people because their invisibility and the fact that many of them don't vote means that it does not serve their purpose. It is not a glamorous cause.

Shame on us and shame on them.

Hopefully things will change and this is an example of how Steemit can do some real good.

This is an amazing story and it proves that...

"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity" - Albert Einstein

I really want to get more closely involved with helping people get through tough times like this. Just remember:

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work" - Thomas Edison

Never. Give. Up.