in inspiration •  7 years ago 

The Art And Act Of Lying!!!

Since from the time I started to walk among humans, what shocked and surprised me most and it is always happening, is their love for and dedication to LIES! Now you are wondering who or what I am! The trick is successful! "Mystifying oneself"!. You almost believed I am not human and if I had tarried with the lie, a lot of people may start seeking to worship me as a deity!

Apart from life's basics which are;
there are three things that most, if not all human beings cannot resist. I was just wondering and to my amazement, even the basic needs of humans are not as appealing! Some people go to every length just to adapt to those most desirous of all things!
The revelation surprised me!


  1. White Lies
  2. Dirty Lies
  3. Other Lies


From the beginning of creation, the devil has proven that man is easily swayed by lies, when he told the woman she will be able to know the difference between right and wrong if she eats from the tree of life. Big lie. To date, right and wrong have not been able to be differentiated, cause being guilty of either, is SITUATIONAL!

Do you know that whenever a great idea is presented vividly and a bad wrapped in a lie, most people will subscribe to the bad? This is because even when we know something to be right, we would always wished it were not.
Because we don't like facing reality, oftentimes, ironically, when we hear the news of the death of a loved one, instead of accepting, we would always rather be told the person was alive, even when we are sure he is dead! Also, we sometimes don't accept a good news or a beautiful thing, and when we are faced with such, we often say it is a lie! See how bad we are? Good and beautiful things are lies, while evil and ugly things are realities!


A. Why do people loved to be lied to?
B. Why would people easily be attracted to events related to lies than a simple honest beneficial endeavor?
The answer is the same basic reason why people desperately prefer magic and miracles to practical solutions, "laziness".


Is man actually to be blamed for the way he is? When God created him, he gave and did everything for man, who had no reason to worry over anything, but had to fall out of favor because he believed in a lie!


A lot of people have lost so much because of greed, selfcentrednes and pervasion. These attributes easily attract lies. Anyone that has such chararacter traits is naturally, partially blind to objectivity and an easy target for lies!
Whatever is started with a lie, has to be concluded in like manner, with the result obvious, "continuos suffering".
Some people lost their lives and others became insane because they choose to believe in lies.
It is baffling that when a matter/idea/solution is presented with simplicity and in sincerity, it will be shunned, but the one that is offered with the pretense of importance, will be embraced and at the end of the day, it's the simple sincere solution that will prevail!


When telling a lie, a lot of effort and complexity is required, while maintaining and servicing it is tasking, thus costly.
Lies appeal to human beings generally!
It is interesting however, that most women loved to be lied to that men are finding it increasingly difficult to have dealings with them without lies. It is so bad that in this part of the world I live in, men borrow, rent cars and even clothes, to create an appealing deception that could enable them to woe women.
Women are so obsessed with lies that they do not spare themselves. A woman can brand herself by bleaching, wearing unnecessary makeups, walk naked, wear rags and believe she is sexy and beautiful!
The things they do and caused men to do for money because they erroneously believed it gives joy and happiness is appalling!

A Short Story

A certain beautiful girl fell into the hands of a lier. She shunned most suitors that approached her and one evening, out on a stroll, a fancy car gave her a lift. Seeing that she could be receptive, the driver tried his luck by telling her of his wealth and bad luck with women, which made him not to be able to find a suitable wife to marry, and the lady gave in to the lie. She ended up spending the weekend in his supposed house, cause it was on a Friday. She left on Sunday, feeling lucky and happy, after he had given her the sum of ten thousand naira.
A few days later, she decided to pay him a surprise visit. She bought a romantic gift for him, believing it would strengthen their relationship, as she has started hoping he will eventually marry her.
When she got to the house, after ringing the doorbell, a man that had previously tried to talk to her and she shunned, cause he was not looking important and was walking on foot at the time, answered the door.
He was surprised to see her and after greetings, she asked him if the owner of the house was around, more surprised, he demanded if there's a problem and she said she came to visit, so he asked her in, offered her a drink and after a while, seeing he didn't call the owner, she asked him him to and he told her he is the owner, but she refused to believe him and became angry because she recognized him and thought he was working in the house. Sensing something to be wrong, he asked her the house owners' name and she mentioned the name of his house help!
He was shocked and from the window, called the house help who was in his room at the boys quarters. When he came in, he bowed before his master and the master told him he had a visitor, that he should take her to his quarters. The girl felt so ashamed, she left in tears!


There are times when we do things because of greed and always end up with regrets and frustration. We prefer fake glistening things to lasting reality. The ones that suffer most are those that marry for material security, even when they know they are not compatible!


When we do not accept ourselves, situations and environment, there is no way we can be the best or bring out the best, in or around us.
Running away from reality is fatal.
Do not seek the fake life. You can make where you are to be heaven if you want, as long as you understand that you are the image and likeness of God!
Do not lie to yourself, or be lied to, that you are inferior and incapable of optimisation in whatever you do.

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