My life of boredom

in inspiration •  7 years ago 

Wow, I feel like I should apologize for some of these answers. You should feel great because you're not dead? You should accept the fact that you are a soul-less, boring person?

Jeez. :-)

OK, you're bored. I'm assuming that means you have exhausted the usual and are looking for the unusual. Something more than just stimulating your senses, you want something you can look fondly back on when you're my age.

Road trip. But not the "Party On, Wayne" type. Find a person, place, or thing that needs help. Think Katrina type of help. Organize a road trip to spend a weekend, or a week, volunteering. You and a few friends. At 17, that means being out on your own (ish) for probably the first time. You'll get to help others, you'll see something entirely new, and you'll be outside of your boredom zone.
Research some jobs, the fun way. I'm assuming you have some idea what direction life might take you. Let's say medicine, in some capacity. Go find someone who is doing that (Doctor, nurse, technician, whatever) and tail them for a day. My wife does that quite frequently. She is a Cancer Doc, and when she finds a high school kid who is interested, they get to go through an entire day with her. It's quite detailed, and eye opening, for them. Do this for as many careers that might interest you.
Do something you would not normally ever consider doing. Find the local dirt track and take a beginner course on how to ride motorcycles. There are kids out there in single digit ages who are doing it. Why not try? It's a hoot, and not really all that dangerous.
Create a Youtube documentary. Find someone interesting in your hometown. Or something unique. Do research. Film interviews. Gather some answers and put together a 30 minute film. Post it here and I'll be glad to watch it.
Become an EMT. Yes, many volunteer departments will take you at 17. It's incredibly interesting and hard work. Give up one night a week, and you get to help others, learn something valuable, and get to know some great folks. There is a great camaraderie at most houses, and you will never be bored there. Just listening to all of the war stories will keep you busy. :-)
Be thankful you're not dying of third world diseases, you ungrateful, pissy, ... er ... someone already said that, didn't they? LOL!

Now, go forth and be un-bored!

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