The Celestine Prophecy: Insight 2 - A Deeper Understanding of our Past, Leads to a Deeper Understanding of our Future

in inspiration •  6 years ago 

Good afternoon beautiful people! Sending you some of my love and light on this lovely day!

Today I will be talking about the Second Insight from The Celestine Prophecy. This second insight puts the history of the human race into a new perspective, which allows the insights in the Manuscript to seem not only plausible, but inevitable.

Before I go any further, if you haven’t checked out my first two posts about the Celestine Prophecy, or if you don’t know what the book is about, I suggest you take a quick peak at either one, or both of these posts before reading on 😃 :

Intro to the Celestine Prophecy: Book Review

A look at the First Insight: Understanding the Coincidences in our lives

Now that you know a bit more about the Celestine Prophecy and this ancient Manuscript, let's take a look at the second Insight.

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This second Insight takes a look at history from the veiwpoint of how our thought has evolved, as opposed to how technology has evolved. It says that at the close of the second millennium (at the end of the 1990s), we should be able to look back on the entire millenium as a whole and more clearly understand why humans have been so relentlessly focused on creating better standards of living.

By examining this past 1000 year period, we can better understand the motivation of those who have come before us, and will begin to understand how this focus on creating more comfort and security has been necessary for our Spiritual Awakening.

The manuscript explains that during the later half of the millennium, the time known as the “Modern Age”, humans became preoccupied (or, completely absorbed) in material and technological advances, and thus have become distracted from the bigger picture of life, and the bigger questions (like, “Why are we here?” “What is our purpose?”).

But if we take a look at the bigger picture of history, and if we take a look at how humans have evolved over the past years, we can better understand where we came from, how we got to where we are today, and thus, where we are inevitably headed.

In the book, it is the character, Dobson, who explains this second Insight. He says:

“It’s not enough for me to tell you about it. Remember what I said before: to understand history, you must grasp how your everyday view of the world developed, how it was created by the reality of the people who lived before you. It took a thousand years to evolve the modern way of looking at things, and to really understand where you are today, you must take yourself back to the year 1000 and then move forward through the entire millennium experientially, as though you actually lived through the whole period yourself in a single lifetime.”

So, let’s put ourselves back into the year 1000 and try to see this past millennium as a whole.

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Part One: The Churchmen Make the Decisions

The year 1000 is during the time referred to as the Middle Ages, or the Medieval Times,. During this time, life and reality were defined by the Christian Churches and the powerful churchmen running them. These men held great influence over the rest of the people. They placed “God’s plan”, or rather, their idea about God’s plan for mankind, at the center of life. Spirituality and religion were the center of all.

During this time, you would have been born into whatever profession your father was before you (most likely peasant or aristocrat), and this is the status you would always be confined to. However, this status was not what was most important. Rather, it was your spiritual status that mattered most. During this time, the churchman explained that God had placed mankind at the center of the Universe, surrounded by the entire cosmos, and life was about following the word of God and avoiding temptation from the devil.

What is more important to understand, is that regular folks during this time were not qualified to determine if they themselves were living appropriately. It was the churchmen whose job it was to interpret the scriptures and tell the people step by step how to live in accordance with God. It was only those who followed the rules placed by the churchman who were promised a rewarding afterlife; and those who did not follow the rules, were condemned to a life of damnation.

During this time, the churchmen believed that humans, and Earth, were at the center of the Universe. They believed that everything that happened on the Earth was the will of God. Every thunderstorm and earthquake, every death of a loved one, and also every successful crop and needed rainstorm -- everything was interpreted as either a gift from God, or the malice of the devil. During this time, they did not understand weather, or disease, or geology. All of that came later. But during this time, people thought the entire world operated solely by spiritual means, and completely believed everything the churchmen said.

Part Two: The Trust in the Churchmen Begins to Crumble

Then, around the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries this trust in the Church began to break down. The churchmen began to violate their power, breaking their vows of chastity, and violating their oaths to God and to the church, and this created a rebellion in the people. During this time, the churchmen were the only ones who could interpret the scriptures, thus they were the only connection between the general population and God. So when they started to violate their power, it created a full-on rebellion.

A group, led by Martin Luther, called for a complete break from papal Christianity. They said that the churchmen were corrupt, and they demanded an end to the churchmen’s reign over the minds of the people. They wanted new churches to be formed where every individual could have access to the scriptures so they could begin personally interpreting themselves.

And with time, the rebellion succeeded. The churchmen lost their power and their credibility, and this led to the beginning of the Renaissance.

It also led to lots of confusion. You see, for centuries the churchmen had defined the nature of the Universe and man’s purpose here on Earth. But as the churchmen’s power collapsed, so did their definitions of reality. People were left to wonder . . . . if the churchmen’s description of reality and the reason for human existence is wrong, then what is right?

Part Three: Question Everything

People began to challenge everything they once assumed to be true. By the 1600s, astronomers had proven that the sun and stars do not actually revolve around the Earth as the Church had been telling everyone. Instead, Earth is a small planet orbiting a minor sun in a galaxy that contained billions of such stars.

Which means, Earth, and man, are NOT at the center of God’s Universe like the churchmen had you to believe.

This is important to note. In the past, people were able to think that God, or the devil, was responsible for everything - death, disease, the success or fail of crops, earthquakes, etc. - but as man lost his place at the center of the universe, the certainty for all things began to break down. Everything they once took for granted now had to be redefined, including the nature of God and our own relationship to God.

For the first time, man had an entirely New World to discover and define and get to know. The thinkers of that day decided they needed a systematic method to explore the new, undiscovered world, which is how the scientific method was created. With this scientific method, they sent explorers out to find out about the true nature of life, the purpose of mankind’s existence, and the true nature of God himself.

Here’s Dobson’s explanation again:

“We sent explorers out to bring back a complete explanation of our existence, but because of the complexity of the universe they weren't able to return right away. … When the scientific method couldn’t bring back a new picture of God and of mankind’s purpose on the planet, the lack of certainty and meaning affected Western culture deeply. We needed something else to do until our questions were answered. … Eventually, we looked at each other and said ‘Well, since our explorers have not yet returned with our true spiritual situation, why not settle into this new world of ours while we are waiting? Why not work in the meantime to raise our standard of living, our sense of security in the world?’ “

And that is exactly what we did…

Part Four: The Preoccupation with Security and Comfort Begins

For over four centuries now man has been focused on conquering the Earth and using its resources to live a more comfortable life. We were left feeling lost and uncomfortable from not knowing what mankind’s purpose on earth, and so we ran away from that confusion by taking matters into our own hands and manipulating the world around us to work for us, rather than working with us.

“Our focus gradually became a preoccupation. We totally lost ourselves in creating a secular security, an economic security, to replace the spiritual one we had lost. The question of why we were alvie, of what was actually going on here spiritually was slowly pushed aside and repressed altogether.”

“Working to establish a more comfortable style of survival has grown to feel complete in and of itself as a reason to live, and we’ve gradually, methodically, forgotten our original question . . . We’ve forgotten that we still don’t know what we’re surviving for.”

Over the past four centuries, man has gotten caught up in trying to make life the most comfortable, and the most “successful”, but we have stopped asking the more important questions about the reason for life itself. Everywhere you look, you will see people who are completely preoccupied, completely absorbed, in their jobs, their status, their paycheck.

People are as unhappy as ever, even though we are technically living in the most comfortable times ever. People are searching for happiness in all the wrong places and are completely engulfed in consumerism and the status-quo.

“During the Industrial Revolution, we saw major technological gains, reaffirming the mindset of “progress.” And we almost lost our need for spiritual knowledge completely. Preoccupying ourselves with materialistic concerns, we accepted the illusion that we lived in a rational and predictable universe, where chance occurrences had no meaning. As mankind progressed, mechanization and technology led to higher and higher levels of consumerism, thereby leading us away from our age-old quest for the spiritual meaning of life.”
-James Redfield

But four hundred years ago, before we were so focused on material comforts, before we were consumed with the desire to manipulate the Earth and create more economic security; before all of this, mankind was focused on establishing a relationship with a higher power. Focused on discovering the reason for our existence on this Earth. Focused on discovering how the Universe works and what role we play and why.

“Our focused, obsessive drive to conquer nature and make ourselves more comfortable has left the natural systems of the planet polluted and on the verge of collapse.” We cannot go on this way.

Now, it is our job to awaken from this preoccupation and get back to asking the right questions. To awaken to the fact that mankind is lost in a sea of ego and competition and greed and consumerism and to make a different choice for yourself and the generations to follow.

Now is the time to slow down. To take the time to breathe deeply and appreciate the people around you. To appreciate the nature around you and all the gifts the Earth provides us. Now is the time to open up the synchronicities (meaningful coincidences) of life, and realize that they are occurring to lead you in the right direction.

Slow down. Breathe. Listen. FEEL. And allow the Universe to bring you the answers to your questions.

It’s time to stop focusing on material comfort and security. It’s time to stop manipulating the world and the universe to work for us, and to begin learning how to work with it, and alongside it.


Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog. If you want to read more about the Celestine Prophecy and the Second Insight, check out the full book. It’s a really entertaining read.

Again, you can also check out me previous blog posts about the book in general and about the First insight by clicking the links below:
Book Review
Insight 1

And stay tuned for a look at the Third Insight, coming soon!

Until then, I hope you have a wonderful and lighthearted day. Know that you are loved, and that you are exactly where you need to be.

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Sending you my love and light:
🌈 Rachel

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