5 Ways to Attract Real and Lasting Followers

in instagram •  3 years ago  (edited)


There are numerous benefits to having an active and engaged social media following, whether you’re on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or Snapchat. Besides the promotion of your business’s brand and products, gaining followers gives you an opportunity to connect with your potential audience and establish your company as an authority in its industry. However, getting genuine followers who will engage with your brand isn’t easy – but it can be done! Here are five ways to attract real and lasting followers.

  1. Add value without expectations
    One of the best ways to attract followers is by providing value without expecting anything in return. This could mean sharing helpful tips, industry news, or even just offering a listening ear. When you provide value without expecting anything in return, people are more likely to take notice and appreciate what you have to offer. You can share your knowledge on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. And if you're able to keep it up for a long time (month after month), then eventually those appreciative followers will turn into loyal fans who want to learn from you every day.

  2. Inspire, don’t self-promote
    It can be easy to get caught up in promoting your own work, but if you want people to stick around, you need to give them something to follow. Inspire your followers by creating content that is interesting and engaging. If you’re always self-promoting, people will quickly get tired of seeing your name pop up in their feed. Instead, share others' work when it's relevant to the topic at hand or engage with other accounts through social media.
    It's important to remember that while it may seem like a good idea at the time, not everyone wants or needs an overbearing social media presence in their life. When crafting a strategy for attracting real and lasting followers, don't let all of your focus go into marketing yourself; instead, invest some time into helping others grow as well.

  1. Engage your audience
    The first step to attracting followers is engaging your audience. You need to post content that is interesting and relevant to your target audience. If you're constantly churning out content that no one cares about, you're not going to attract many followers.

  2. Start with the right mindset
    It's easy to get caught up in the numbers game when it comes to social media followers. But if you're only focused on the quantity of your followers, you're missing out on the quality of your relationships with them. Having real and lasting followers starts with the right mindset. Here are five ways to attract genuine relationships with people who will stick around

  1. Use social media platforms wisely
    You can use social media platforms to your advantage by sharing interesting and valuable content, participating in online conversations, and connecting with potential customers. Just be sure not to spam people or post too much self-promotional material, as this will turn people off. Instead, create engaging posts that show you’re a person worth following.
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