Stopping the world's largest gold mine

in intercontinentalcry •  6 years ago 

Your belief if money is causing a lot of environmental degredation.
You thinking that we simply must have money to exist is behind more death and destruction than you would really care to face, imo.

It is your belief in 'monetary policy' that kills children in Yemen.
It is your belief in 'crapitalism' that killed 1.5m Iraqis.

Don't you feel grand?

Bristol Bay in focus ⬿

Alaska Tribes Call for Solidarity to Stop World’s Largest Gold Mine

Final public comment period for the Pebble Mine permit ends on July 1st, 2019

Original Story


Josh Tucker
June 26, 2019

Trump Administration officials have fast-tracked permits for the largest open-pit mine in North America.
The proposed Pebble Mine had previously seemed paralyzed, after more than a decade of relentless opposition by Alaska Native elders and youth.
Now, plans for the mine are being rushed forward.
The final public comment period for the proposed U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) permit ends on Monday July 1st, 2019.

Under the Obama administration, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) wrote that the Pebble Mine would result in a “complete loss of fish habitat” (PDF) in a proposed determination to block the project.
The mine is planned to excavate ore amid the headwaters of the streams that spawn the world’s biggest sockeye salmon populations, in Alaska’s Bristol Bay region.

This single mine is slated to disfigure an area larger than Manhattan.

Over thirty Alaskan Native village communities, living off of the road system, rely on the wild salmon threatened by the mine; on average they depend on subsistence for more than 50% of their food supply.
Between 60 and 80 percent of residents’ subsistence diets and over 75% of local jobs in the hub community of Dillingham rely on local salmon.

On any given Tuesday we can simply continue to do the work while refusing to pay to get our share of what that labor created.
By working, you entitle yourself to one share of the work.

Instead of demanding arbitrarily low wages, that leave profits for the crapitalusts to consume for being in line first, for our labors we just take what we need from the shelves.

The shelves are full because we put in the labor to fill them.

Why we insist that only through determinations made by folks that build nothing can we value our labor is beyond me.
There are many examples we could follow, but instead we enslave ourselves to people that live in opulence from our ignorance.

Here, and here, are two prime examples.

One is from 1887 and the other from the 1950's.
It's not like it's a secret that crapitalism isn't the only monetary theory.
You only think that because you trusted 'authorities' to fill you in on what you needed to know, but instead they used your ignorance to enslave you.
If you were on the other side, you probably would have played the cards the same way.

Who are we kidding?
We all want to be the king of the world.

Have a good Tuesday, dear reader.

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