My interesting articles article will be a weekly post in which I share several articles from various places on the internet, and offer a short commentary on them. I will usually post these every Sunday. Let us begin:
Ron Paul: Don’t Reform the Fed, Fed-Exit! and The Path to Fed-Exit
These articles by Ron Paul describe the damaging effects of central banking and lay out the case for “seceding” from the Federal Reserve while outlining a method of accomplishing this.
While Americans Focused on the RNC, the US was Provoking War with China
This important article from exposes the unnecessary increasing hostility and the very real possibility of war between the US and China. A US ex-admiral just made the recommendation to a Senate panel to “defend” the Philipines against the Chinese, and a source close to the PLA in China has said that the Chinese military is possibly going to set up an air defense identification zone (ADIZ) in the South China Sea due to US provocations. These malicious interventions made by and for the military-industrial complex are going to impoverish clueless Americans while getting a lot of people killed. This is something that the establishment doesn’t want you to read.
Calling Things by Their True Names
This is an excellent and amusing article that tells it like it really is. My favorite is the one that says we should replace “because its the law” with “because violent people say so”.
The Criminalization of Everything
I was going to write an article about why it’s immoral to be a cop, but instead I’m just going to ask my readers to take a look at this article and then remind yourself that its the police that are enforcing these immoral, unjust, and wrong pieces of legislation. There are, of course, many other laws that stand as reason for the police being immoral. It would be impossible to list all the victimless crimes and regulations that are simply acts of aggression perpetrated by the police.
Can Bombs Win the War on ISIS?
Verizon-Yahoo Deal Shows Once Again the Need to Remove Intellectual Property Rights
It is a very little-held view that so-called “intellectual property rights”, or, as I like to call them, intellectual monopoly rights, don’t exist, so it is very refreshing to hear this view espoused.
It’s Our “Freedom” They Hate — US Coalition Air Strikes Kill 77 Civilians, Including Children
This fantastic and much needed article sheds light on some of the horrific crimes of the US military while showing the true source of terrorism.
BREAKING: Supreme Court Rules Warrentless Forced Blood Draws For DUI Unconstitutional
Finally! Some great news.
Wikileaks Just Revealed Mainstream Media Works Directly With Hillary, DNC
Exposed! Corrupt Clinton manipulates media!
Once again, someone (this time Roger Stone) beat me to it: I was going to write an artcle called The 28 Pages, the Saudis, and Hillary Clinton. No one mainstream (for obvious reasons) is talking about this and connecting the dots.
Police Retaliate, Arrest Man Who Posted Video of Cops Killing Alton Sterling — the Next Day
Shows how corrupt police are, silencing anyone who dare to oppose and speak out against their crimes.
French Officer Claims Interior Ministry Made Her Alter Nice Attack Report
Very suspicious. No police were there, but made attack report say they were. Were the police just trying to make themselves look better, or is it a coverup — maybe a false flag?
Jacob Hornberger calls the Nice attacks what they are: blowback, and makes the case for a non-interventionist foreign policy. We need more people writing and reading articles like these.
US-Backed Rebels: US Must End Syrian Airstrikes Because They are Helping ISIS
Shows that US massacre of people in the Middle East is causing many in the region to support ISIS, and draws an accurate comparison between the reactions in the Middle East to US bombings and the terrorist attacks in the West.
In Dallas, Drone Wars Just Came Home
Explains the dangerous precedent set by the killing of the Dallas shooter by drone, and warns of the increasingly totalitarian police state we’re living in, a police state in which there is no due process, only execution.
That’s all for today, folks!