Cats have individual preferences for scratching surfaces and angles. Some are horizontal scratchers while others exercise their claws vertically

in interestingfact •  7 years ago 
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thats' what i wanna do))

thats' what i wanna do))

What a cute cat, hello to her from our cats) Admire them here: Thank you for the wonderful post. Supported.

thank you so much for your support @sinilga!

Purring does not always indicate that a cat is happy. Cats will also purr loudly when they are distressed or in pain.



Neutering a cat extends its life span by two or three years.



Cat pet animals. Very dear to this cat. Everyone looks very beautiful together.

thank you!!! they do look very pretty))

Добыча Раскольникова – 317 руб. 60 коп.: именно столько было в кошельке старухи-процентщицы, помещенном им под приметный камень после двойного убийства и ограбления

Cat pet animals. Very dear to this cat. Everyone looks very beautiful together.

Клинические проявления опиумного абстинентного синдрома начинаются и развиваются в результате внезапного прекращения введения препарата в организм.