Ch ch ch ch changes...

in intermezzo •  7 years ago 

Moving assets.

Main focus on Bitcoin, BTC, now.

Schnorr signatures coming.

Had to make some financial decisions lately. Will I keep all my Dogecoin and how about Steem? Still think Steem is great and a kind of addictive, but it has changed a lot. Some of the early adaptors are leaving. For a part I did too when I did my first Power Down a while back. Yesterday I stared another one. Maybe I'll keep it at 500 Steem Power {SP}.

Will I stop using Steem? No and I am still introducing it to others too. It is a great way to get into Cryptos. An unique way of mining through posting on a blockchain. No guarantee in finding that block, as a figure of speech, that will give a huge payout. But chances are at least a few cents will be earned. And now it can be bought too, through the use of bidbots, with nice gain chances. There is an investment risk, yet still pretty safe. Just like with earning from SP delegation.

It takes some digging in to. But it can give some nice Return On Investment {ROI}. It is not my thing though. To me it was fun posting until all those game-changers were added. Still I kept doing my thing, although with less extras, like home made graphics. Freedom of expression is still one thing that will keep me here. And also because I can check out any time I like, but I can never leave.

Had to let DOGE go.

Now that did hurt a bit. Not because Dogecoin did relatively gain less well than Bitcoin. The exchange from DOGE to BTC was not at the best time to do so. And now I even wonder if I made the right choice. But most of it will be used to finance a private real life thing. Sometimes one has to do what needs to be done. It still feels kind of weird though. And what if Dogecoin doubles all of a sudden, or goes to 1 cent?

Been there many times before. It is all part of the realm of Crypto supply and demand. For me, like many others Cryptos have been a great ride so far. Steem a new way of earning through the use of a Social Media platform on a blockchain. And at the end of the day even providing a new way to pay for the food on the table. Or pay for a fast laptop with Bitcoin {BTC}. And even provide for some extra vacation fun.

The best is yet to come.

In Steem I want to keep 500 SP at least. With the Smart Media Tokens {SMT} coming. And very soon the activation of the Resource Tokens {RC}. Could be some great changes ahead for Steem. Having a least 500 SP is nice for using the vote slider. And that can add at least a cent or more with an upvote. Bitcoin {BTC} will sure get a boost when Schnorr signatures are being used. Also Lightning Network is growing very fast.

Dogecoin is doing fine, still the fastest, cheapest and widely supported Proof Of Work {POW} Crypto out there. Still have a bit left and I will keep on using it. Developement is still moving forward and with the use of TrueBit it can be swaped to the Ethereum blockchain and vica versa. When this becomes stable I might feel.a bit sorry that I made the exchange from DOGE to BTC. But no matter what I expect Cryptos to blast through the 300 billion USD threshold soon...

Next up, EOS?

Really like the early days complexity of EOS. Feels like back in early 2016 exploring Steem. Some things are tough to figure out. It just does not work right out off the box, or not as expected, at least. Early user interfaces still leaving much to guess. Just as easy to have a lucky shot as to lose it almost all, within days. Which gives me the chance to remind you to only invest in Cryptos what you are willing and able to lose.

Most of my Cryptos time and energy invested will be into EOS. Although Steem I will keep using too. Looking forward to having a total Crypto black out for at least a couple of days. Going out and about enjoying other aspects of life. And this is for me another moment to thank you for your support and all the good times we shared so far. Cheers to more adventures to come!

Have a great one!

The future is bright, the future is Crypto!
Image cc-by-sa @oaldamster.

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you remember your post of that app that shows whether you have a shit coin or not right?
the market would always go up and down
and yes Steem would keep changing
it's best to adapt imho
anyway .. maybe we won't be needing huge SPs in the future

There was this site, I forgot the address, that did tell wether something was a shitcoin or not.

There will be better times ahead. Maybe SP will become less of an issue for post voting. We will see Ivy.

yeah that one :)
it was not so long ago

I'm sticking with this cause no other social media is like Steemit
where posting gets rewards and cents are still bigger compared to nada :)

fijne dag Oaldamst en ik hoop dat je oog veel beter gaat

ik ben ff weg van de chat
te druk tegenwoordig :)
de tuin vraag veel water
ultra heet
ik ben bruin maar zelfs op Zondag verbrand in de hete :D
ik was de aan het frezen een paar uurtjes maar
ik dacht ff work out doen
amai.. ik kwam thuis en zag mijn benen en mijn armen helemaal anders gekleured zelfs mijn rug
S is helemaal aardbei op zijn gezicht en de nek geworden
niet normaal de hete
vandaag is wel lekker koel
dus ... ff van de dag genieten ff weg van wat ons stress geef ;)
groetjes van ons twee!

Zijn nog enkele Cryptos die ik aanhoud, vanuit eigen idee waar ik wel iets in zie. Ook gekeken naar hun ontwikkeling en ondersteuning.

Blijf ook op Steem, kan er niet eens af, ook al zou ik willen. Geregistreerd voor het leven, of zolang de blockchain doorgaat. :-) Chat is voor mij zelden. (Meestal zie ik het pas in email voorbij komen dat er een chat bericht is.)

Het gaat goed. Druk met wat andere zaken. En wil ook eens met wat andere dingen bezig. Er een paar dagen op uit bijvoorbeeld, van die dingen. Crypto gefinancierd, wel zo leuk, de Cryptos laten rollen.

Recent online weer met Cryptos iets betaald, bij een Nederlands bedrijf, geweldig.

Voorzichtig buiten in de volle zon, sterke UV intensiteit, insmeren, ook als je al bruin bent. Sterkte voor S met het aardbei gebeuren, daar heb ik zelf ook de nodige ervaring mee als bleekscheet, hahaha.

Nu is het wat koeler, morgen weer wat warmer en vanaf zondag lijkt het weer flink zomers te worden. Leuk voor de mensen hier in het noorden, waar de vakanties van start gaan.

Geniet van de stressvrije momenten!

Groeten retour.

ja precies! 4ever in de blockchain al ..

ik dacht dat ik niet verbranden kan .. helaas wel
een paar plekken doen wel pijn hahaha
en dan krijt je nog klein beetje prickly heat op de vouw van mijn arm

#til, bleeksheet en groeten retour hahahaha

mischien slaap je al
ik ben nog steeds wakker, doetje gedaan dus ben nu een uil
ik dacht ff posten dan word mischien mijn ogen moe van dit hahaha
en slaap komt hoop ik

Goedemorgen al weer.

Oei, oei, Ivy, vandaag voorzichtig in de zon, die gaat weer flink branden! Beterschap met de sunburn voor jullie beide.

Yep, vast in de blockchain for life. :-)

Groeten van de blanda toto aka bleekscheet. =D

dank je wel
vandaag niet verbrand
was in de stad geweest
te druk daar en veel schaduw

idd... dit is niet deletable toch?hahhaha

als bleekscheet ook blanda toto heet
hoe noem je mijn huid kleur dan? in mijn land noemen ze me "morena"
hebben wij ook hier word voor dat?

Het is hier de komende drie dagen warm en druk...

Het Zomerfestival in Winschoten en het Festival Hongerige Wolf, in het gelijknamige dorp. Vandaag is de nacht van Winschoten. Tienduizenden mensen komen deze kant op. Gelukkig meer richting centrum.

En alles blijft op de blockchain, als gebeiteld in steen. ;-)

Denk dat men jouw huidskleur als getint zou omschrijven. Vind overigens dat de de huidskleur van een bleekscheet als ik beter omschreven kan worden als biggetjes roze.

Let op in de zon de komende dagen, het gaat weer ultraviolet branden. Voor je het weet ben je kreeftrood verbrand...

Fijn weekeinde en de hartelijke groeten van hier naar daar!

I know this feeling. Im looking at the wallets and thinking I have to make all kinds of moves, but not sure what has the most potential in the upcoming months.

Im keep my Steem at 700 and hodling SP but the liquid I want to play with. Especially if you cant really afford to buy extra crypto now this is perfect way now to at least to get some fiat rolling in.

Have been making the moves, not sure how it works out. Getting some cash in too. Had to be done. Hope the market will blast the 300 billion threshold soon, that would be nice.

Fingers crossed! And nice move you made...that will pay out quite fast I believe

Yes, fingers crossed, I hope things will turn around for the good soon.

The future is bright, the future is Crypto!

We'll see, hehe. But, my feelings are not good about all this, but the thrill offered makes me crazy to reach it, hahaha.

Really? Well, I am neither pessimistic nor optimistic, but more realistic, I hope.

The thrill is there to enjoy, the Crypto blockchain train is still moving forward.

Enjoy the ride! 😎👍

Ready to wait! As always, my brother!👌

Patience is often the key to good results.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You need a little over 500SP to get a slider, I think, but sliding may be overrated anyway.

And yes, the advent of, um, new earning mechanisms on Steemit made me power down as well, with the added benefit of having been able to sell when the price was high. I could buy back rather more Steem now if I wanted to. Hodl is not necessarily sound financial advice.

Think there will be a little over 511 SP left after I stop the powerdown again. And if it takes a while longer to get the slider back, so it be.

Could be I started the PD at the wrong time. But it is time for me to do so. Who knows I might be buying some back in the future.

And you are right, to HODL is not always the best strategy. Buying and selling takes quite some time and effort, steal nerves, a healthy heart and strong stomache.

With EOS RAM speculating eventually worked out for me, but at the cost of my ZEN.

Want to get out more, too many Cryptos dominated days.

Yes, walk, walk already!

511 gets you a slider, I'm quite sure of that ;-).


And I shall walk...!

I just hold my cryptos. I have a lot of hope with steem, eos and doge. You are right that when btc will be rising then steem, eos and doge are flying to the moon.

Once the Cryptos market bursts through the 300 billion cap it will get very exciting, I think.

Deep space for some, as they used the moon as a slingshot. :-)

Good plan.
I hope, what you want to do goes smoothly.
its movements are like waves at sea, sometimes ups and downs.
Have a good day @oaldamster

Thank you, whish you a smooth ride too.

All the best.

Thanks my friend

You are welcome.

Your plan is very good , i hope you want to goes smoothly . Best of luck .

Thanks for sharing @oaldamster
Upvote you .

Thank you. All the best to you.

If the headtitle just would have been 'Ch ch ch ch', then after reading the rest I would have came up with this video as well.

Understand your decision. If it's the right/best one, who nows? Time will tell.
Enjoy your break and assuming you're not gone for good I'll just say ... Latex!

Thanks man, I was counting on you getting this one for sure. ;-)

Cannot look into the future. Will see where it goes. And being a Steem blockchain registered member is like staying at the Hotel California: "You can check out any time you like, but you may never leave..."

Have a great one!
