Intermittent fasting : the ancient modern trend THAT WORKS!

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I am not one to be big into trends especially for dieting and lifestyle choices. Intermittent fasting has been the only successful type of diet that has worked for me.

Thinking about "new-age" diet tactics I thought it was another BS idea however, there is nothing new about fasting. In fact, fasting is one of the most ancient diet practices.

The counting calorie in/out, Atkins, Keto and other trends are simply that; trends. Limiting what I eat is not the answer and is certainly not effective. I find that the time-based eating really helps. It promotes a healthy relationship with food in both a physical and emotional way.

Before eating I ask: Am I actually hungry? What does my body need? Am I in my eating or fasting window? Am I just thirsty?

Having a time out from eating is mentally and emotionally challenging but it also shows how much we rely on unneeded food for comfort. It's natural to eat a bag of chips or drink a glass of wine while watching late night TV. However, as an intermittent faster, I am consciously aware that not only do I have to forgo chips and wine during my fasting window but I also have to realize that my body doesn't even want or need those things.

**This is a basic template of fasting hours but I usually start my fasting window at 6:30 pm and begin eating the next day at 10:30 am. **

Here are some benefits of fasting: **


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great post...looking down I could use some intermittent fasting :)