The Interwebs.
For the longest time.. computers didn't even exist, it was a dark time... dinosaurs walked the earth and the ice age had yet to come, that would be years late- ... Oh.. my apologies, back to reality. ;)
The internet (interwebs) is undoubtedly mankind's largest technological achievement thus-far. Which says a lot.. considering how many ridiculously.. advanced.. advancements we've made in technology in recent years alone.
The amount of information on the internet is mind-boggling.. I'm not sure there's even any way to particularly measure that accurately... who knows.. The fact of the matter is, the internet is massive and filled with anything you could imagine, any piece of knowledge you could be seeking..
It's undeniable that the internet is probably the most awesome human creation of all time as far as technology goes. The question is; Are we harnessing it's potential power properly or to the best of our ability? I don't believe we are.. As, in a perfect society.. Everyone would know how to fix their own car, build their own batteries, set up plumbing and electric and maintain it, forge metals, etc, etc.. You see my point.
The fact of the matter is.. We all could be doing this.
We could ALL know how to do just about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING vital to sustaining life in general, but we don't..
There are people who don't know how to change a tire.. People who don't know CPR.. People who couldn't tell you how to make a fire.. People who don't understand thermodynamics.. People who don't know how to code.. People who don't know how to ride a bicycle!! The point is, we aren't fulfilling our true potential when we allow tools like the internet (more of a collection of information highways than a tool, but you get the idea..) to not reach their full potential. Think of all the things you or your friends have learned to do passively through seeing youtube videos or memes or who knows what else it may be... The fact of the matter is, simply from a passive-learning standpoint.. you've already unintentionally learned skills and facts or traits thanks to the internet. Obviously, not everything you read or see on the internet is true.. but that's where logic, reason and the ability to deduce facts from falsities come into play. Survival of the fittest, to each their own.. If you'd rather pay someone 20-40$ to change your oil each time instead of putting up about 40$ worth of investment in the first place and then oil filters and oil in the future.. that's your prerogative.. but it's illogical and costly! Just think about all the things you could have learned and saved having to pay someone else to do! Imagine being able to create your own PHONE! Not having to dish out 400-1200$ of your hard earned slave wages to have something that you could have, but didn't care to invest the time to learn the skills! Obviously not everything can be adapted to that logic.. but it's up to you to decide what's worth it or not and for the most part, humans as a whole are reliant upon one another when they don't have to be if they'd learn the skills currently waiting at their fingertips to be learned!
As a society, I think it's our duty to change this.. To become more adept at more things, causing us to be more self sufficient and less reliant upon others to survive and function in this world.
Thank you for taking the time to read! :)
Currently homeless and in need of help along with others. Please donate what you can and if you can't or don't want to, please just donate some kind words. <3