Why is it Becoming "Uncool" to Point Out Misinformation?

in internet •  8 years ago  (edited)

If you frequent some other more mainstream social media sites you have probably experienced this yourself.

Not going to name any names or anything cough cough Facebook cough cough. Have you ever been browsing on your least favorite social media site when you should be on steemit and you see a meme that is clearly presenting false information as a fact? These can be clearly politically charged but can also be something silly but totally wrong.

Like if everyone is talking about how it's really neat that daddy long legs have just 3 legs and can hop 40 feet in one leap you would maybe want to point out that they have 8 legs and can't hop that far in one leap. This gnawing part of you would be screaming "That is wrong! They are sharing wrong information! Correct it!" but nowadays if you were to politely point out the fallacy you would get a swarm of people letting you know that you musn't be the life of any parties and calling you a spoil sport, etc.

Usually, I see one guy politely pointing out interesting facts and then 200+ people in the comment thread hounding him for ruining the "fun" of the meme. When did sharing clearly false information turn into people's idea of fun? And who are they protecting? The page that is sharing what they know to be total crap usually in an effort to get "fans" and thus acquire monetary gain?

Here is a personal example to illustrate my point.

I saw someone about 6 months ago on my page share this viral meme:

They clearly believed this was true and were presenting it as such so I decided to let my friend know that this was not in fact something that happened and it was photoshopped. I also shared the fact that they did illuminate the white house in rainbow lights to celebrate LBGTQ rights. I figured they may want some actual news to present their point. Instead, they got angry at me and insinuated they don't feel like checking every meme they share because it's the message that matters.

But is that true? Is saying the president and vice president did something they never did to push an agenda really virtuous? Why is it suddenly the worst thing to do to point out misinformation? I support LBGTQ people and their rights and fall under "B" myself but I still would want to know if I was sharing clearly fabricated information to push my agenda. It does nothing good for a cause to share lies.

When non politically charged memes present "harmless" misinformation:

Here is something I saw last week:

Sure, the woman was a bit heated over this bird and fish video but probably because she is sick of seeing people eat up misinformation. Regardless of how harmless it may seem people are now conditioned to swallow bite-sized memes and rip the head off of anybody who argues with it. Also, is it necessary to call a 65-75 year old woman a bitch for being annoyed at a false heading.

I remember when I had fun actually LEARNING information about nature and animals. When my grandmother would present me with facts about how they live and I would eagerly listen. Never did I get annoyed that these animals weren't being friends just like in my children's books. If you want animals that are all best friends pick up some books for toddlers.

What is your opinion on this sort of attitude? Am I being dramatic? Are we barreling into "idiocracy" territory? Is presenting false information ever really harmless?

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Upholding truth is a mostly thankless job. You have to be wired such that you cannot help but do it. There are others like you who do it themselges, see you doing it and approve. Hold the line.

Yes, I will continue. I don't care that it is unpopular. And likewise when my beliefs are challenged I will reassess them.

People do find a reason to get offended by lots of online things. If I were to comment on the O and Joe running with flags post, I'd couch it in as gentle terms as possible:

Great Message! It didn't actually happen but it was awesome to see them illuminate the white house in rainbow lights to celebrate LBGTQ rights!

That may have been what you said too, and seems the least confrontational way to present the truth, but some people will find a way to be annoyed anyway!

I did present it that way.... That's exactly what I tried to do and that's why I pointed out the white house illumination. The gentleness didn't matter. I was still a jerk for not simply ignoring the photoshop and "enjoying" the message. XD

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I suspect that it never was OK on fakebook - up until I stopped all use of that cursed site a year ago all I ever managed to do there was cease to be on speaking terms with people I barely knew to begin with...

That's one of the awesome things about Steemit - it's not just about being in agreement, sometimes it's about discussion and learning.

So here is one for you - I think the previous US president is really called Barry Soetoro, and is a gay cocaine addict and sociopath, who wasn't born in America, and whose "wife" is a man called Michael.

None of this really bothers me, and not being an American it's all like watching a slow motion train wreck. And I don't think America has had a real president since Kennedy - they are all puppets selected by the Rotchild family.

But I wouldn't say any of this on fakebook because it would be pointless. I'm only saying it here because I'm curious to see if it's OK to say it on your post

Totally okay. I have no strong attachment to any president in power since my birth. I think our political system is sorely flawed. :) I have pissed many a person off on facebook myself!

"We don't listen to listen, we listen to reply."

Seems everyone wants to stick their oar in and be included, no matter which bandwagon they're jumping on. Interesting social dynamic.

I personally have struggled with this myself but lately have been really trying to be conscious of listening and not talking over anyone. :> I hadn't thought of that being part of this issue so interesting input. :)

People don't listen at all.. great points. When is the last time you actually heard someone ASK a question to legitimately hear the answer? Instead people ask leading questions only to be able to share their own opinion

It's "feels over facts" with people nowadays, not to mention this hyper-polarized political climate (partly-driven by news media)

Definitely feels over facts. Good way to put it and I used to consider myself pretty much on the feels side but that was long before the idea of offending someone became the biggest crime. I still do believe we should all try to respect one another but when facts start getting laughed at and feelings placed above all else, including freedom I have to reassess where I stand. I stand with facts and freedom. I still try my best not to hurt people's feels unnecessarily though. :)

yeah it can be a bit of a tricky "balancing act" at times, but the truth is still #1 in my book

This is the end result of "everybody gets a trophy" mentality. Teaching kids that results don't matter for fear of hurting feelings leads directly into facts don't matter. A large portion of the younger generation act as if telling the truth, personal responsibility and freedom don't matter. Now get off my lawn.

I would have to agree at this point. I am scared of what I see around me. I am not saying everything was better in the past but the direction we are going where facts are frowned upon is terrifying to me. Large groups of people that are uneducated but hold passionate beliefs fucking scare me.

Fucking scares me too. Large parts of the population that will not be debated, questioned or held accountable. Yet they tend to maintain a similar belief system and are passionate about it. eek.

Yes, it's the passionate often angry dedication to these non-beliefs that is so scary. D: Especially when like you said, they won't listen to reason or facts.

I really believe this is the conundrum of our age.. WE are pointing out just about everything. All of the time. Nonstop. I seriously believe most of this is caused by Twitter.. the idea that we have an opinion that matters. And in a sea that flows nonstop online into a mess of opinions drowned out and that don't matter..

I see your point about twitter. I've been on that platform for a long time and have a decent following. I have had to make a large transition to start posting on steemit after years of twitter. Steemit is an actual community, I don't know what to call twitter.

I haven't much used twitter personally but have wasted much time in the comment sections of facebook.

I love this comic! :)

My pastor and I had this conversation the other day. How we can't talk to people without a brawl or major argument.

We are in the age of disinformation and there's no indication of any change of direction with regard to information integrity any time soon.

( ._.) True.