Purported diary shows Bushra’s iron grip on Imran’s every move

in intertenment •  2 years ago 

A purported diary attributed to Bushra Bibi, the wife of former prime minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan, has emerged, causing a stir in the political landscape of Pakistan.

The diary, reportedly containing directives and instructions allegedly given by Bushra to her husband, has ignited a heated discussion about the extent of her involvement in shaping political decisions of the deposed premier.

Excerpts from the diary have been widely circulated on television channels and social media platforms, quickly gaining viral attention. The entries claim that Bushra played a significant role in advising and guiding Imran's political strategy, including influencing decisions involving the judiciary, military, and government.

The alleged diary entries paint a picture of Bushra actively steering the course of PTI's political manoeuvres. She is said to have advised Imran to exert pressure on various state institutions, such as the judiciary and the army. The diary also reportedly outlines strategies for rallies, demonstrations, and public statements designed to apply pressure on the government and establishment.

One notable claim within the diary revolves around a particular prayer that Imran was instructed to recite, along with specific wordings that carried a rebellious tone. This has raised questions about the intersection of spiritual beliefs and political activities.

Further, the diary entries suggest that Bushra was instrumental in instilling the idea of a political revolution in Imran’s mind. She allegedly urged him to be prepared for extreme actions, including shutting down entire cities if needed.

The diary also suggests that Bushra took an active role in shaping legal strategies, providing questions for the PTI lawyers to ask in court. These questions focused on issues such as the government's longevity and the alleged motives of those seeking to destabilise Pakistan.

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