Colorful culture of indigenous groups of Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh

in intestine •  7 years ago 

Intestine food.png

There are 13 indigenous groups of people living in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh. They have colorful culture, lifestyle and food habit. Here in the picture some persons of Mro community are processing the intestine of a pig to make food. The intestines are cleaned and washed after their own ways before cooking. Materials available in jungle are normally used in this cleaning process. Some people of other community also eat the intestine of other animals and birds as food. Among them the intestines of pig and chicken are popular among the indigenous groups. But processing method of making food is different in different indigenous groups. Some groups of these indigenous people have a popular way of eating the intestine-cooked sticky rice in this hilly region. They feed dog with sticky rice and let it stay for sometime while they think the rice fed is cooked already inside the intestine. Then they kill it and take the rice out of the intestine to be eaten as special food. Rice, fish and meat are cooked in green bamboo tube during their stay outside home. When the people of indigenous community go in to deep forest area for hunting or log/bamboo cutting for several days they normally cook their food in such way. They hardly use oil in cooking curry. Vegetable spices like chili, ginger, garlic, coriander leaves etc. which are available in jum (shifting cultivation)/forest area are normally used. They can live weeks together in jungle without having food facility they get in their house.

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