Another unique fauna from Sumatra Indonesia. The Asian Tapir (Tapirus indicus) is one of the protected animals in Indonesia. The Asian Tapir name itself is because this animal is the only tapir that comes from Asia.
Height of Tapir Asia reaches 90 to 107 cm with an average weight of 250 to 320 kg. Even the heaviest Asian Tapir is 500 kg. In general, the size between male and female tapirs is not the same. Male Asian tapirs tend to be smaller than females. Interestingly again, if you have enough adrenaline, try to get close and pay close attention to the number of nails that the Asian Tapir possesses. Yes, Amounts between toenails with different rear legs. The hind legs have 3 nails while the front leg has 4 nails. Not to mention the body is quite long, which ranged from 1.8 m to 2.4 m.
Another thing you also need to know is that Tapir Asia has some uniqueness. In a way, Tapir Asia is a class of intelligent animals and has many advantages. In addition to eating only plants such as leaves and tubers, these animals are also very active at night. In contrast, Tapir Asia prefers to rest in the afternoon. Yet the quality of Tapir Asia's sense of vision is bad enough. In contrast to the sense of hearing and smell that can be relied upon. Even so, they were able to walk around steep terrain and choose to live in wet or watery areas. Even the skilled Asian Tapirs swim and can survive in the water for some time. Communication between their neighbors are intertwined in the form of a tight whistle.
For those of you who have never seen this tapir before, will feel strange to the color of this animal hair. The shape of his long mouth will immediately remind us of pigs, whereas Tapir Asia actually has kinship with rhinos and horses. Asian Tapir hair is black, except on the ears that look white. This black-and-white accent made him look like a rock.
In general, Asian Tapir characters are less fond of crowds. The Sumatran fauna prefers to be alone. The Asian Tapirs are intelligent enough to limit their territory from being distracted by other flocks by spreading urine in their plants. So when they play in the forest, they recognize the area of the smell of urine. But not infrequently also marked area is the former belongs to the other.
The average age of this Sumatran fauna can reach 30 years. On the other hand, the birth of a baby Tapir long enough to be expected because the gestation period of about 400 days with a weight of about 15 pounds. The fundamental difference of the Asian Tapir is its size and growth that is bigger and faster than the other tapirs. When a new birth was, the color he brought will change as adults grow. The adult age for an Asian Tapir usually starts in the third year.