Can A US Army Veteran Get Some Love On STEEMIT? (My Introduction To STEEM)

in introduceyourself •  9 years ago  (edited)

After spending a week reading tons of posts on STEEMIT and studying how this amazing platform works, I'm finally taking a shot at my official introduction. But before I start, can we all agree on how amazing and liberating this innovative platform truly is? I mean did any of us see the day that this kind of platform would be accessible during our lifetime? I know I didn't... 

So let's start with who I am... I'm a Veteran of the United States Military that believes in equal rights for ALL humans. I served as a 74B Information Systems Analyst and I spent most of my time working with a Secret Clearance at the TRADOC Headquarters on Fort Monroe under General Abrams. I learned a ton during my 4 year enlistment. What I learned in my early twenties was that the world was not the place that I had always envisioned it to be. As I moderated plenty of domestic and international secure video-teleconferences I was able to obtain a 20 year advanced view of the world that was being created around us. Often this world view that I possessed from my direct exposure to those that call the shots did not align with what the media put forth to the public. When I realized that disconnect I promised myself that I would not just sit by idly and let others be fooled while I completely understood the direction that we are all truly headed in. Hence the reason for all of my online activism through information dissemination.

On September 11, 2001 my life changed forever. Prior to that date, I was approached by my command to develop a photographic database of every building and structure on post. I was given a team to help me assemble all of the necessary photography to complete this massive project. We collected tens of thousands of photos and I sequenced them in a way that is comparable to Google Maps. But this was before Google Maps... That fateful day in September would prove to be my first test of something that had never been tried on any military installation, to run a virtual simulation that would reduce the likelihood of any physical penetration of sensitive material or areas on post. That terribly tragic day was one of the most memorable and honorable days of my life. As I briefed a room full of Generals and other high brass I remembered thinking that this could change my life forever. How right and wrong I was at the same time... 

Months after 9/11, while manning the Army's head EOC (Emergency Operations Center) I was replaced with a Non-Commissioned Officer who was at the time re-classing to my MOS (Military Occupational Specialty). Several complaints had been given to Headquarters that I was the only E-4 on Fort Monroe who was in control of a small group of soldiers. During this time and on the type of post I was on, this was unheard of. And this is where the politics started... Instead of being rewarded for my project and all the hard work my soldiers had done to deliver this powerful tool to the Army, I was was instead given a smaller award with my soldiers while my brand new NCO who was up for promotion during his re-class was given my award. That dagger to the heart was my first lesson in politics. I was told that I was too young and that the older Sergeant needed the award more so that they could place him into a position that he desired. That unfairness set the stage for me to reevaluate how I would take care of others around me for a lifetime.

So in I've arriving at this point in my life, I've learned that hard work should always be rewarded and a person's achievements should never be politicized. In owning several of my own small business ventures I've been able to fairly reward those who work with and for me according to their contributions. My employees of Computer Peeple in Virginia can attest to the fairness that I provided for them at all times. My 15 fellow artists on my record label, HomeGrown Studios will attest to the aforementioned as well. All in all the military taught me that we're ALL living one huge lie and that the only thing of importance in this huge lie that truly matters is how we treat people. And all of that leads me to you guys and girls here on STEEMIT. 

The first thing that I noticed on STEEMIT is that this platform is truly about sharing and lifting each other up. It doesn't hurt that a part of that "lifting up" is monetary... LOL. But when you look at the state of affairs that are happening throughout the world you can quickly see the importance of being around like-minded individuals. And that's what I've noticed on post after post here. The level of pure love and support for those that share truthfully and unabashed is something that no social media platform currently has. Sure it's awesome to earn some STEEM, but isn't the whole point to connect with quality individuals who can either a) help to guide you, or b) support you on your mission? I've read the comments here and immediately I knew that this platform would be my brand new home for thought and innovation due to it's massive, and still growing, audience of STEEMIT members. 

I'd like to keep this first post short because I could go on and on about my life and about how great this network is. LOL. So instead, this is what I'd like to ask of the STEEM community... Will you join me on my journey? If you agree that STEEMIT is the wave of the future and you leave a positive comment below, I will personally follow you. I just hope that you return the love. My personal vision for STEEMIT is to bring all of my content to this platform as a new home. How could anyone just want to do Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube but not STEEMIT? I don't think it's possible once you know about this awesome platform! And even though this is my version of a brief introduction, I PROMISE you that I have so much more on the way. I will NEVER run out of content in this crazy world that we live in today.

I am currently a writer for Uncorporate Media and Before Its News (not so much anymore). I also manage a strong YouTube account with a couple million views and a pretty decent blog too. I'd love to bring all of my information here and I'd love to bring my vast audience with me. Will you join me by following and upvoting so that I can tell my audience the great news about this network and my first successful post on here? I truly can't wait to get to know some of you. Thank you for your time and I look forward to connecting with everyone and anyone that keeps an open mind and heart! Let's remember to treat others fairly and to keep rewarding those people who give so much of themselves. Peace and Blessings. ~Sincere #AllRightsMatter 

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ANYONE wanting to follow me comment here so I can follow you back! That way I can see when you post and I'll upvote for you! Let's build this community up! Thank you for the love so far! ~Sincere #AllRightsMatter

I've been following your u-tube for about a year now. Love your positive outlook. I've never messaged anyone or posted anything before. My father served at Ft. Monroe from 75-78. Have no idea what he did. Keep up the great work!

Wow. Best comment ever! :) Thank you for following me here too. It's truly an honor to have you! God bless you and your family!

Welcome to Steemit @allrightsmatter will be looking to see what you post .. good start.

Thank you @shadowspub!! I'll be sure to follow you too. #Respect

Following, and looking forward to all that you have to say.

Hey brother! Thank you! Following back!