My name is Brennen Hodge and I'm an entrepreneur on a social mission to fix our failing healthcare system.

in introduceyourself •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hi everyone!  

My name is Brennen Hodge and I'm an entrepreneur on a social mission to fix our failing healthcare system. I've decided that I will not passively sit back and watch as corrupt politicians, greedy pharmaceutical companies, and unethical health insurance companies take advantage of us by charging more and more for healthcare, only for us to get less and for their profits & bonuses to increase.

I believe the health of a person should take precedence over corporate profit.

I believe in prosperity for all, not extreme financial gain for a few.

I believe that the power of the people is greater than the people in power.

I believe it's time to make a change.

I know you've heard the quote, "If your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough." Well, I've been working on a dream (or vision, rather) over the past few years that absolutely terrifies and excites me at the same time. This is something so audacious and so radical that I have a hard time telling people about it because it seems impossible to the ones who blindly believe & follow the status quo. But all of you on Steemit will get it. You and I are the pioneers of this new beautiful decentralized technology called the blockchain. You and I together are the ones that will build the future for ourselves and for future generations to come.

Everything started falling into place when I held my first born son a few days after he was home from the hospital. There's something very profound about bringing a new human being into this world that makes you view life from a higher perspective. As I held him, I imagined what his life would look like when he was my age and how much the world would progress (or regress) in the realm of healthcare. Combining everything I knew about the advances of artificial intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology, biotechnology, omic research, quantum computing, and just about every other exponential technology, I envisioned what the future could be and should be.

For the sake of my son, my current & future family members, and every beating heart on this planet, I've dedicated the next 30 years of my life to build this future.

So what's this big idea?

I've developed a system that eliminates the need for health insurance. The whole industry -- gone. No longer needed. I'm calling it "Citizen Health -- Healthcare for the people, by the people."

I've constructed the concept behind Citizen Health as if there were no existing healthcare landscape. As if we blew up our current system and gathered our greatest minds together to develop a better way to do healthcare. I imagined what healthcare of the future could be when we use technologies & capabilities of tomorrow, not the business models we've been keeping on life support for the past 50 years.

To build an organization like Citizen Health, I had to think differently. So, with a solid idea of what the future could and should look like, I started working backwards. It's much easier to connect the dots thinking that way -- the status quo doesn't apply.

Here's a brief overview:

Citizen Health is a new health ecosystem that involves a peer-to-peer funding, collaboration, & governance platform built on the blockchain that pools money & resources together to pay health professionals directly and instantly. We're going to crowdfund & crowdsource an entirely new ecosystem (I'm launching an ICO soon) where there are no health insurance middlemen (it's run by AI, smart contracts, & chatbots) to convolute the relationship between health professionals and patients. The perverse incentives & moral hazards that for-profit insurance companies and third party payers create do not belong in a system that manages our health & well-being. Citizen Health eliminates the need for the 300+ different health insurance companies completely. I'm not trying to compete with them. I'm changing the game.

The foundations of Citizen Health:

  1. Peer-to-Peer HealthFund: This P2P mega fund consists of cryptocurrencies collected from monthly memberships, investments from other entities, and from token sales. These funds will pay & reward doctors, patients, developers, scientists, and other participants.
  2. Collaboration Engine: Our collaboration engine will be the driving force connecting intelligent people from all over the earth to focus on solving problems in science and medicine. This will include health professionals, scientists, developers, engineers, researchers, caregivers, etc. 
  3. Community Governance Platform: This will be a hybrid of liquid democracy and futarchy. All decisions pertaining to Citizen Health will be made on this layer and all token holders will be able to propose, discuss, and vote for these decisions. 
  4. HealthGrid: This will consist of user generated health records, genomic data, microbiomic data, and numerous other data points from health trackers and wearables. 

The purpose of the above stack is straightforward: To build a healthcare system that is 10x better than our current global health system. With all the exponential technologies about to converge in the next few years, we're about to enable opportunities that were never financially or technically feasible before. For the first time in human history, we'll be able to practice proactive, preventive medicine, not the costly & inefficient reactive care we've been used to.

Adding to this boldness, I believe the foundations we're building with Citizen Health will enable us to cure, prevent, or manage all diseases by 2050. With the progression of Moore's Law and the advances of nanotechnology, biotechnology, omic research, and CRISPR, we're about to create a future where this is possible.

The turning point

Over the past few years, I've done significant research in crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, and crypto economics which has changed my perspectives on capitalism and corporate structures. I believe our future will not be the "big government, big corporations" we commonly see in science fiction movies, but rather taking the structure of decentralized collaborative organizations where tasks, services, knowledge, & value are distributed among many rather than in hierarchical controlled silos. I see this transformation happening in healthcare, leading to an ecosystem that is financed, owned, operated, and governed by the only people who matter in the equation -- the patient & health professional.

I'm not getting into the blockchain specifics right now, but the opportunities this technology enables will open up entirely new economic business models that haven't been conceived before. We need what the blockchain offers in order to grow AI, robotics, healthcare, finance, government, and the future of the world. I believe you see the same opportunity I'm seeing with blockchain tech.

Here's the deal. We are at a turning point in our country. We MUST do something to fix this broken mess or else we're going to continue on this path:  

This chart is behind a few years, but I'll fill you in on where we're at now. For the first time in decades, our life expectancy in America has DECLINED. We're now spending $10,000 per person for our life expectancy to decrease. I know there are plenty of factors that come to play in this equation, but I'm pointing the finger at the Medical Industrial Complex we have created. 

What's next?

Disrupting the American Medical Industry might seem like a pie-in-the-sky dream, but I've spent the past two years of my life researching and planning this out and I have a clear roadmap to move forward. I'll be releasing details over the coming weeks.

I know I'm not going to be able to do this alone -- It's going to take thousands, if not millions of people joining forces together to bring on a revolution. 

Would you like to help me in this endeavor? If this message rings true to you, please share it with your colleagues, friends, and family. Upvote it, share it, resteem it -- whatever it takes!

Do you have any stories about terrible experiences with health insurance or the medical industry? Do you have any suggestions on what you would like to see implemented in a new healthcare system? Care to express what you dislike about the American (or any other country) medical system? If so, please comment below.  Let's get the conversation going!

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Thank you for taking the time to read this,

-Brennen Hodge

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I say go for it man!
My brother and I refuse to fund big pharma healthcare system as it stands. We pay cash and get blood tests every year, checkups, and dental.
All cash basis. Or barter.
Stay healthy and stay away from pharma. Use oral cannabis and other herbs instead.

Cannabis taken orally prevents:
Cancers of all kinds including brain cancer
Improves immune system

Cannabis oil on skin prevents:
Skin cancer
Age spots

I strongly agree. Harbs are lot better than pharma. Nature already gave us everything we need to stay healthy. In fact just consider the benefits of seasonal fruits, its has tons of anti disease prevention vitamins. Unfortunately many of us way too much dependents on medicines instead of these natural resources.

This post received a 4.4% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @codebreaker! For more information, click here!

The american healthcare system is so damn bad. I live in the UK but unfortunately our government health service is going to be oligarchically privatized (not true privatisation) and I see our life expectancy falling as a result as a nation. So awful.

Great great stuff @brennenhodge makes me think I should give up work and do something truly wonderful to help the world like yourself.

Surfyogi, when you say "Cannabis taken orally" do you mean simply eating pot?

Boiled down in a rice cooker using alcohol, creates a pure resin of the plant that can be taken as an oral medicine. I like to boil off ALL impurities including water and alcohol, until there is simply the resin of the flowers that is left behind; a dark hash oil. Very small doses of this can be taken orally, like the size of 1 or 2 rice grains...

Alcohol? Do you mean Isopropyl or vodka? Seems tedious. Just throw some dried bud into a smoothie and be done with it. It's likely to be healthier raw anyway :)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I would say you are VERY POORLY informed, so I would not even know where to start..
Turns out you can use Everclear, OR 99% ISO, but it's a complex subject, and I would not attempt to try to educated everyone, starting at all different levels of chemistry knowledge.
Turns out, it does help to have a brain, and know what words like "decarboxylation" mean.

No offense, but you might not be well informed on this subject. It usually helps to BAKE weed if you want to eat it, for example...

Hi Brennen. I just joined steemit today and decided to search Health and this is the first article I have read on the site. I am an internal medicine physician finishing up my training in 10 days or so. Unfortunately speaking in regards to Healthcare in America, I believe there are challenges that we will need to overcome which other countries have eclipsed decades ago. 50% of healthcare is spend within 6 months of death. 50% PERCENT. In certain European countries intubations and dialysis are not offered after a certain age. I am sorry, are we outliving other countries? No. I spent a decent amount of my training in Intensive Care Units. Its difficult to explain to certain families to let go of patients who are brain dead let alone bring them to grasp the reality that we are actually hurting their loved ones more than we are helping. THE REAL PRIZE IS IN PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. Welcome to America, how can i prescribe you medication if your not sick? One thing people also tend to forget is LAWYERS. Laws in place have made it difficult to actually treat patients to the best of our ability. Instead we practice protective medicine where we make sure we will not be getting sued for not prescribing a certain medication even though it may not benefit the patient. If I get started on pharma companies and "Not For Profit" hospitals I probably wouldn't get much sleep tonight by the time I am finished typing.

And of course, let's not forget the lobbyists. Oh, hang on, they call them specialist consultants these days don't they?


100% agree and that's one of the main objectives of Citizen Health.

You may have read it before, but the book "An American Sickness" hits on a good bit of what you mentioned. I highly recommend it!

And welcome to Steemit!

take a loo at EECP Brennen, I think this may interest u a lot. There are many golden nuggets out there.

Welcome to Steemit Brennen!

I am sharing my first Steemit post to give you a hint of where I have been in the health care arena.

I applaud your mission and see it as an absolute necessity for humans to survive. While I understand your passion for technology:

Adding to this boldness, I believe the foundations we're building with Citizen Health will enable us to cure, prevent, or manage all diseases by 2050. With the progression of Moore's Law and the advances of nanotechnology, biotechnology, omic research, and CRISPR, we're about to create a future where this is possible.

It is crucial that the deceptive practices brought to light in this post be eliminated at all cost.

As good as technology may be, getting back to the basics and treating health issues with what was provided to us thousands of years ago should also be part of the plan.
As you can see the government is taking all the steps to gain full control in that area. This must also be stopped because all the research shows it works. If it did not would the government go to such lengths?

I am sure you understand the enormous opposition you are facing
so given your obvious resolve to this issue I say they are in for a fight!

I have followed, upvoted and resteemed your post. And followed your website. I look forward to seeing you succeed.

Hi @marymg2014!

It sounds like we're on the same page:

"Focusing on a healthy diet by avoiding all the toxic garbage that has invaded our food system is also a high priority. "

I'm a firm believer that if we eat healthy foods (not processed garbage) and have the proper exercise, 80% of our health problems would be eliminated. You may have watched this already, but I highly recommend the documentary, Forks Over Knives (

And I'm all for natural cures/treatments -- I'm a huge advocate for medical marijuana. Big pharma just wants to make money from their patent portfolio and they don't really care if they kill people or bankrupt them in the process. It's estimated that less than 50% of all prescribed medications have a positive effect on the patient. It's scary to take a shotgun approach to treating people.

As for the government patenting cannabis.... WHAT?! This is the first I've heard of this. Time for some research..

Thanks for your thoughtful responses to my first post on Steemit! I look forward to having many more discussions!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I agree .. There is a bit more though. You might be overlooking Geo Engineering and EMFs where we just can't avoid it. It gets interesting though I have found some really good ideas for those too. Ken Rohla (try youtube) is yet another person to touch on this. He gives a very powerful message, it is worth trying out imv..

Chemtrails are a huge problem but unfortunately, there is not enough awareness, yet.

Welcome to Steemit Brennen!!!

I hope you have a great new time in our community of steemians. You look like you're going to be a great addition and I will definitely follow.
Being on a whole food plant-based lifestyle myself and from the USA I agree that your diet and exercise can eliminate most if not all your health issues. I recently, well within the last year lost 70lbs and all my aches and pains disappeared, blood pressure dropped to normal to excellent range.
I also read forksoverknifes and saw the film, great stuff. Just keep with it and you're going to do very well.

I have seen Forks Over Knives but I follow the recommendations of the Weston Price Foundation It is the most heart healthy nutritional approach. Please check it out. My HDL is 80 I have had many physicians want to learn my approach to eating so they can share it with their patients.

Another assault on the the health of people is Fluoride:

Our area has a high percentage of memory spectrum disorders. Almost ALL of the ones I know about are on city water with flouride and dozens of other chemicals. Hmmmmmm....

It is criminal that they tamper with and destroy the most important nutrient our bodies need for life..... water. All I can say is that it takes a cruel, mentally sick person to do that.

Listen to Bill Gates opinion on vaccines and depopulation. Disgusting!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Lies from start to finish...

You did hear him did say that VACCINES are important because they will DEPOPULATE the world?

Yes, it is quite starteling is it not? But also the other "facts" are lies, that is why I commented "lies from start to finnish". I did not know that before, now I do.

More food for though. Truth Stream Media has a great reputation for their research.

I'll definitely give you a follow just because I admire your courage in going up against what is and will "likely" be an established business model of fraud that will l carry on into the future. I doubt you can break the bond between govmint and big business in the health care sector. Not in defense sector...not in health care. Those are "sacred" bonds between govmint and corporate America/Wall St. If you provide further updates...slow things down and take the issues one at a time instead of all at once please, my brain can't handle "pondering" what you just wrote before you make me think about a new topic I have heard nothing about. Take it slooowly. And wait until bitcoin is at like $500 before you do you coin ico also. If you launched that right now it would be driven to a price where it would get cut in half 5 times over the next year. The sheeple might lose interest in an endeavor where the "crypto value" is declining from lunacy levels. :-)

I and my family are currently smack in the middle of this healthcare mess. Enbrel is 1000/week for my husband. We've literally been told to sell our vehicle and home until we are on the street in order to pay. I am intereted in your ideas. Wondering how you will handle HIPPA and security? Heres the post I made about our struggles, its not a long read and we are definitely not alone trying to afford meds (Medicare wanted $5,000 up front to cover it for the year):
Good luck...hope this works!

My heart goes out to you and your family.

I'm sure you're aware of the new biosimilar out there called Erelzi. It won't be out until late 2018-2019 due to legal battles with the patent holder of Enbrel.

Here's what makes me furious. There are legal loopholes that pharmaceutical companies have been taking advantage of for decades now. Called "Pay to Delay," these companies are using legal tactics to delay other companies from bringing cheaper generics/biologics to market just so they can profit a few more years off their original patent. This happens for EVERY drug. How many patients & families have faced the financial struggles because of greed? This is why I'm taking a stand and doing something about it.

Here's reference to the loophole I mentioned:

As for HIPAA & security, well, that is one of the strongest benefits of blockchain technology. I'll get into detail with this when I release the technical whitepaper. I've also been dealing with HIPAA for the past few years with my previous company. Those outdated laws are seriously hampering innovation.

Thank you for your reply. I actually had not heard of Erelzi as we ask all the time if there are other biologics in testing or approved and we're told no by drs, pharmacy, and labs.
Im sure HIPPA was engineered that way for a reason. Good on you for getting this idea hatched..cant wait to see where it leads!

I will follow your posts on this subject with great interest.
I wrote about this type of corruption that the Insurance Companies in particular are involved in. He says that Doctors are being attacked by legislation. Doctors are being asked to break their Hippocratic Oath.

You are right that something has to be done about this.

Welcome to Steemit Brennen and congratulations on an excellent first post.

Myself, and a number of other steemians have been doing our little bit to raise awareness about the negative impact that the healthcare system (amongst other things) has on our lives.

You have taken on a far bigger challenge but I believe that you can do it. I sincerely desire you to make a great impact.

I'm following you and I've resteemed this post. I look forward to reading your next post and wish you all the very best in achieving your stated goals.

P.S. You have a beautiful family. Cherish them everyday!

Thanks @steemtruth!

Let me know how I can contribute to your awareness campaign. I have years of research just waiting to come out!

And thanks for the comments about my family. My son is actually playing with my feet right now as I type this :-) I guess that means it's time to put the laptop away!

Thanks for replying @brennenhodge

Right now I am most interested in the fraud that you may have witnessed whether that be bogus research and medical studies, bribes, blackmail (eg loss of license or work for non-compliance), on-going attempts and tactics used to silence whistle-blowers, pay-offs etc.

By way of background here are some of my posts on similar topics:

The Harmful Parasite that is Living Inside of 250 Million Americans - Part 1


Big Pharma Spends Much More $$$ On Marketing Than It Does On Research

Boy With 46 DD BREASTS that Sued Johnson & Johnson & WON!

DOCTORS EXPOSED - Doctors are Bribed and Compromised by Big Pharma - Get the Facts!

Welcome. Come join us on Discord!

I really agree with this paper, anyone who has power must exist in the midst of the weak
It is not good if we just watch a failing healthBecause health is very important in life, without good health will affect the social culture and the order of life.I like things like this

welcome bro :)

I believe we do not have a "Health" care system, we have a "Sickness" care system. The goals and incentives are designed to keep people functioning while requiring continual medication. It's very similar to a drug dealer with his users, keep them from OD'ing, but needing their next fix. I would like to see a large focus of this be on preventative care and natural treatments.
A system similar to Steemit with reputation and user rating would decrease the need for the exorbitant levels of malpractice doctors, surgeons and hospitals need to carry. It would reward the good doctors and weed out the bad ones.
I look forward to following your progress.

You hit the nail on the head, @swenger. The core mission of Citizen Health is to keep people healthy. I think everyone is too concerned with the 'care' part of health. How about we focus on getting our bodies to a point where we don't need that 'care' at all? Seems logical to me.

We haven't been asking the right questions. Out of the $3.4 Trillion we spend on healthcare, what should be the main objective? The answer is to keep people healthy, not to make people money. Keep them out of the hospitals.

Once we ask the right questions, we can get to work on producing the correct answers.

Exactly. That's exactly what we have. Because God forbid we actually heal someone and then they won't need their doctor or drugs anymore. It's a great system if you're immoral. We've got to start taking care of ourselves. Doctors have gotten rid of their Hippocratic oath. They do plenty of harm. Let's see, we'll use some thing that causes cancer (chemotherapy) to cure cancer? Brilliant!

Today's Hippocratic oath, "Do no harm... to your wallet".

Nice one.

Very nice reading, i will follow your account.

Have a good steem adventure...

Best regards @mrstaf

Congratulations @brennenhodge!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following categories:

  • Comments - Ranked 5 with 98 comments
  • Pending payout - Ranked 2 with $ 336,87

Hey @brennenhodge, it's great to read all the thought you have put into this. Check out the VIVA project because I think there might be some overlap with what you're each trying to do. Also, there are some good funding opportunities within the VIVAconomy that you don't want to miss, particularly through being a crownholder. You can find info right on Steemit by looking for the #viva tag and also you can check out the website

All the best to you. You've taken on a very big job!

I wish you all the best @brennenhodge , Great initiative :) upvted + following

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Hey Brennenhodge, I spoke to a few people about a concept very similar. I would definitely love to get involved. I currently work for one of the big tech companies and I have a tremendous amount of knowledge in health care and software. Your fundamentals on approach are correct, since google has been trying for 20 years to break into this area with no luck. The idea is to do the counter intuitive thing. Whats a contact I can get u on? FYI u will need a team of practitioners behind this to give it credibility. That will be the hard part.. How ever there are a multitude of probabilities on how this would get started and I for one do not have the answer, but would love to discuss. Your passion exceeds most. ohh I see there is the url we sign up on.

Hi @danlupi!

You can email me directly at [email protected].

You're correct on getting a team of practitioners behind this. That's why I'm focusing on the direct primary care movement right now as it is gaining traction across the country. This direct payment model is already disrupting the need for traditional insurance and it's the logical business model to launch the initial phase of Citizen Health on.

Shoot me an email and let's keep this conversation going.


Brennen, You speak from my heart. I love your ideas and signed up at I had a homeopathic doctor once in Los Angeles, whom I paid a fixed amount every months (about $ 35 as I remember) and I could go to him whenever I needed him. I also remember the Chines concept of being paid to keep people healthy, that takes all the initiative of making money by people being sick and would totally change the "game". I am looking forward hearing from you and participating in whatever capacity.

enjoy the 2000 person resteem :)

He doesnt know about your super powers yet dear one....

Well thanks! And @farmandadventure is right... I'm still getting the hang of how this works!

With you for the cause....go for it

Thanks for the backup @danishmmir!

I'm glad smart people like yourself exist and try to improve the world. I have no idea if you will succeed or not, but I take my hat off for the attempt. It sounds really interesting, and you're definitely on to something. Good luck!

Thanks @scandinavianlife!

In the words of Elon Musk:

"If something is important enough, even if the odds are against you, you should still do it."

The main thing I'm worried about is retaliation from the hundreds of billion dollar plus companies I'll be sticking it to.

incredible initiative. this is very ambitious and a definite game changer if you somehow manage to succeed. i'm not sure how long it will take, but i'm rooting for you!

upvoted, followed and resteemed :)

Thanks for the support @nnnhhh!

Like I mentioned in my post, I've dedicated the next 30 years of my life to this. I know it will take time and serious effort, but that time will pass anyways. I'm trying to make the world a better place for future generations. That has to be put into motion now.

Hello welcome to steemit and i wish you good luck.

Thank you for your initiative!! I'm very excited to read your ideas, and will definitely follow you and Citizen Health, as this is so needed!

My name is Victoria. I'm from Czech & I live in London, UK. I recently being interested about cryptocurrency, so i found this community (steemit) and i think that is a great place to learn, share knowledge & earn $$ ^^ :) So i'm happy to be part of this community and share all what i know.!
i will be blogging about : online business, startups, marketing & cryptocurrency .

Follow me to see more :) @victorialuxx

I welcome you to the colorful world of steemit! You will definitely get a whole new experience from all the wonderful people in this community.
Also feel free to check out and follow @dhingrapranay15 for posts on lifestyle posts and good passage of time.

Good for you! I will definitely follow as I think this is an extremely important topic right now. I live in the States and am new to block-chain technology but healthcare was one of my first thoughts in regards to decentralization. If successful monetary coverage is dependent or healthiest when in the largest possible pool, than a world-wide decentralized pool universalizes healthcare with ultimately coverage for the most people with the least amount of hands in the pot. Transparent, equal coverage for all. If I was a block-chain engineer I'd be all over this. Sadly I am but a web developer/designer and marketing guru in the traditional sense. Web-languages no problem, however I am just starting to learn about the ins and outs of the block-chain arena. Noobtown Central right here in that regard, lol! I knew there would be intelligent minds all over this healthcare potential in the near future. They could be "HealthBits" or maybe something like "MediBits". Maybe tie in a medical exchange system (kinda like the banks with Ripple). I wish you the best of luck and will be watching and cheering you on! Go change the world!

Thanks @i-am-wade!

Your mind is in the right place and it sounds like we're reading the same 'book'. I've been contemplating calling this new cryptocurrency/token either "Medabit, Medibit, Medobit, or just Medo."

You know what is going to critical in the mainstream adoption of blockchains and crypto? The user experience. If you have an eye for design and know how people interact with web interfaces, you can definitely help in this space.

I'd be happy to help. I own a visual media firm and I actually have some experience designing to the medical community via a few of my company's clients over the years. I'd love to see a viable solution make it to fruition and do some real good.

Welcome Brennen! Sounds like citizen health has some great points. Great luck sir

Hi @joeyrocketfilms! It's only beginning!

This is a phenomenal idea! I am passionate about creating an alternative "healthcare" system, too. I live in the U.S. and I recently found out I cannot get health insurance outside the open enrollment date each year (something like a 4 month window) UNLESS a special event occurs like marriage, moving, getting a new job, etc. It's crazy! And this applies to all U.S. citizens, not just me. The government thinks it has the right to keep me from health insurance.... and yet, they act like they want everyone to have it with their annual health care tax if you opt out of health insurance.

Thanks! Every aspect of health insurance is ludicrous. The fundamental business model of this whole industry is flawed and the only way to fix it is to start fresh with something entirely different that takes advantage of our technological progression.

I agree. I've personally only had health insurance for one year of my adult life. And now that I see how flawed the system is, I don't really want to buy into it anyway. To me an insurance policy is making good lifestyle changes. It just doesn't make sense to eat garbage and make other bad choices and then pay a high price to see a doctor. I'd rather spend the money on quality, fresh food :)

thanks to brennen hodge for his social mission on healthcare system. @brennenhodge

welcome to steemit @brennenhodge

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Hi Brennen, I look forward to following you on this as I work in this space and can share comments on how this relates to Canadian and Australian health care. The status quo frequently benefits a few at the expense of the many and the system in not sustainable. We need a system based on ethics instead of greed and we need new thinking to tackle this complex issue.

Hi @contemplate!

For some reason, my favorite RSS reader has been serving up Australian health news for a while now so I've been in tune with some of the happenings over there. I would love to hear more details other than what the media likes to showcase.

I agree with you on needing new ways of thinking. "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got." Whoever originally said that is wise. All our current healthcare & political leaders are just rearranging the chairs on the Titanic. It's time to build a new ship.

Brilliant. Guys like you are the reason I joined Steemit today. Keep up the good work. I will follow your projects :)

Thanks @freefuture! You just upped my confidence a bit!

I applaud your concern over the criminals exploiting people for their own monetary gains. To fix things, people's mindset must change. Everything must be reevaluated. Unfortunately, the masses want easy answers, not hard choices.
There are so many things that need fixing, but good luck. I will be following your journey.

Oh yeah, this is a huge mess -- but definitely one worth fixing!

Hopefully when I release the official plan, this will seem like the only logical choice.

I think this is the future.... Too logical to not come to fruition

My thoughts exactly, @itsyeboy! Once the curtain is pulled back, everyone will see how big of a scam this whole industry is.

Welcome to steemit, happy to have you here

I am @alienposts , my real name is achraf :)
Checkout my blog posts, Enjoy your time here and let's get this party started :)

Hello welcome to steemit, i want to understand more . The annual fee to fund the block chain ....The block chain to pay doctors and healthcare .......but Who gets to say Who gets paid & what amount & who gets ttt &when.

Hi @topslim! Glad to be here!

Most of that will be decided upon via the Community Governance Platform. It's a unique hybrid of liquid democracy & futarchy. I'll explain this all in detail with the upcoming whitepaper. Steemit will hear about it first.

Thank you,can't wait.

Welcome to Steemit! It's a great community. You will love it here.
I love the vision you have. I myself work in Healthcare industry (In Medicaid and Medicare population). Looking forward to seeing your next article.

Glad to be here, @uday625! Feel free to critique the whitepaper once I release it. I need feedback from people in your industry.

Sure, I will.

Thankyou for your immediate attentiveness to healthcare and the corrupt financial institutes around it. It really is scary to believe we put such a high cost around helping a human life, I have a daughter due in 3 weeks and am getting married next year! Health insurance in general is going to be a night mare because it will go from 50 to 520 bucks a month on the plan I have at work.:( I am planning around this situation...but it will be a giant sacrifice on a 2000 dollar a month salary lol So I appreciate this post and Good luck to you and your mission sir:)

Simply amazing. Welcome to the community. I'm following you now, and look forward to participating in whatever way I can to spread the word on your initiative. You are an instant hit here @steemit with this introduction. Resteemed as well!

Thanks @andrewdaines! I'm glad to be a part!

how many rich can afford ... how many not rich cannot afford...??? I do like your STEEMIT post @brennenhodge … nice one … look forward to future posts as are been waited; so hope for you the best in this much interesting & challenging environment.

I like writing/posting about several topics that call my attention, from travel, life, politics to science, food and technology. Here are some of my last posts, that if you can, read them and leave some comments - it will be great.

Best of good luck in the STEEMIT arena …. have given you my UPVOTE tick for the post, and hope you will FOLLOW to be up to date on posts ..!!

Txs. & Rgds.


Welcome to steemit and Godspeed in your mission!

Wecome to steemit communithy..@brennenhodge & your cute family...Happy steeming...

I'm following you and upvoted
I'm introducing korea food and culture.
If you interested in this topic, you visit my steemit :) have a good day

Very nice to meet you Brennen Hodge I am Rish the Ayurvedic Herbalist, @rishherbalist and I totally agree with you.
Our current system is horrible, and educating the public on proper eating and digestion is one of my missions in life. I have many patients I have cured with kitchen staples in their own houses.
Being aware of all the external toxins is critical to being healthy in 2017. Pesticides, GMO foods, chemically altered food, heavily processed foods, and fluoride in our water supply just scratch the surface on healthy eating.
Then our doctors being bullied by the big pharma companies is a whole other topic, where proper eating will prevent diseases, but doctors are only drug dealers now.
I look forward to chatting with you in the near future, keep up the good work.

Totally agree with you on the giant mess that is health care in America. Looking forward to seeing your plan.

As a physician. I am interested in following your logic. The current system is by the people for the people any which way you look at it. Even govt. subsidies are paid by our taxes.
Remove the middle man seems to be the big idea here.
You will replace this with AI which will require programmers, management , and a whole lot other stuff. The system for example will constantly need to monitored and changed based on algorithms of various sources and demographics. Thus there will still be a middle man and a group of choosers who have to prioritize the algorithm in some fashion. In medicine there are many hard decisions. Some systems cannot afford to pay forvdialysisvafter a certain age so you don't get it. These dilemmas have implications on distributive justice, ethics, society morals etc.

I appreciate your efforts as great ideas start somewhere in the back of someone's head. It is going to be one hell of a complex job. Best of luck and may you have success.

Beautiful family and great post.

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the steemit community where you'll meet great minds.
Follow @GLOBALFOODBOOK for instant updates on my food and health-related articles.

This is an amazing idea. My parents are involved with an insurance company that has a similar business model, where patients contribute to each others expenses. But it does not really focus on health, like healthcare should. I am really excited to see blockchain technology and bitcoin to pair with healthcare to reshape the western world's mentality on health. Good luck with your endeavors.

I am more than happy to join you as it is lots of work to do.
Especially to ensure people are getting knowledge and are strong enough to live the life according to those principles :)

as a stroke survivor and four year resident of nursing facilities i can attest personally that the 'for profit' healthcare system is woefully inadequate for the task at hand and will be burdened with increasing difficulties in the years to come if the present system is allowed to continue. best of luck in your endeavors and welcome to steemit

Fantastic post and I wish you the best of luck. You'll get there I'm sure.

Hi! We are @valhalla-hash nice to meet you. We like to welcome you to the amazing steemit! You will definitely LOVE IT.

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Enjoy your steemit ride!

Great start @brennenhodge welcome to Steemit! Upvote🙂

Thanks @mxzy! I'm glad to be here!

Hi Brennen,
I'd asssume this as AMA thread (a.k.a. Ask Me Anythin on Reddit).

#1: Let me first ask you, are you doing Citizen Health alone or you already have a team?
#2: What's your latest milestone and do you have a clear image on the ICO launch?

Hi @steemfluencer,

You would be correct. I've opened this post up for all questions & critiques.

  1. I've been doing this mostly alone for the past few years. I have a close group of doctors, economists, health industry professionals, and financial guys I've brought in over the past few months to bring different perspectives and to brainstorm with. As for engineers, I have a few guys that are waiting for me to move forward which will be within the next two weeks. I'm also looking for some sharp blockchain devs if you know any.

  2. Latest milestone? Well, finally figuring out this whole idea was possible was a huge milestone! Seriously, I've spent the last 12 months -- 12-16 hours a day 6-7 days a week (it's consumed me) researching the whole entire healthcare system just to make sure there wasn't anything that would kill the whole plan and also for me to fully understand every facet of this mess. All I see are green lights and the perfect opportunity to do this now.

As for the ICO, it will be this year, probably September or later. I'm anticipating this to be one to set a record so the legal side has to be air tight. I'm not rushing that part.

I'll be announcing any updates on Steemit first.

Okey then. You can also put me in a waiting list for people interested to buy shares once you launch in September. Yes, do not be rushing it.

So, you are looking for sharp blockchain devs.
To be honest, this would be a chance for me to make few connections. I have the guts to say I'm good at making connections. I'd be happy to get back to you soon.

I realize your devotion. You've gained popularity only with a single post here.
This platform is definitely a place to build future supporters.

What you could also do is translate your post in Russian and post it on
What I could recommend you is posting a STEEM GIG for the translation and use some of the accumulated SMD to reward the translator.

To find a lot of Russians here, you may send a request in the Russian chat channel on

Just have in mind that I'm still waiting for the answers :)

I truly wish you all the best in your mission @brennenhodge !
upvoted (although it makes very little impact)


You are highly welcome to steemit! This is a wonderful community to be part of.
You can find assorted nutritious recipes and health-related articles via @GLOBALFOODBOOK

I say go for it @brennenhodge! I'll be following along as you try to disrupt the American Medical Industry.

And welcome to Steemit ;).

I'm new myself as well, I'll be posting my 'IntroduceYourself' post really soon.

Welcome with a bit of warning.

It might sound odd but it is essential to know that:

  • the US is a corporation since 1871
  • persons are treated as securities for the national debt through their birth-certificates
  • the constitution as you know it is not in effect

I therefore think that any first action should be:

  • Cover yourself and your family by claiming your registered name as on your birth-certificate
  • Check which laws and statutes apply to people
  • Now that you are exempt from tax you have a lot more dollars to spend on healhcare
  • Get others in

Welcome to the steemit family Brennnen. :) I am a subscriber now, looking forward to reading more of your post about health care. :) . Keep up the great work.

Glad you are here This is a difficult task, many unknowns. The hardest thing will be the conviction of people and social groups that it will be better and needed for them. How do you want to do this?

Welcome to Steemit) You have good and global ideas. Thank you )

Glad to have you hear buddy! @brennenhodge

Hope we can connect !


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Welcome to Steemit! Look forward to seeing your content. So what do you think about companies using blockchain to solve pain points in the Healthcare system, or insurance in general? Thoughts on the recent ICO crowdsale for Good luck with your project. I work managed services IT and we support quite a bit of medical practices, and it's a mess!

Glad to be here! I think most of these companies are only making incremental changes to the fringes of the main problem. They won't move the needle enough. We've got to dig down deep to the core of the issue and that is how we pay for healthcare. I haven't been impressed by Patientory yet.

Great post and good luck. Yes our system is mucked up bigtime. We need to get government out and citizens and compassion in.

I like your stance, upvoted and follow.

Welcome to Steemit ! Great post !

Great introduction post! Welcome to Steemit! I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do! :-)

I admire your initiative. Best of luck.

Welcome to Steemit! I love this idea that you have and cant wait to see where this goes. This is an amazing idea and I feel that innovative ideas like this are exactly what we need in this world and especially with the health care system. Keep up the great work and I cant wait to see where goes. Its people like you that change the world for the better.

I like that your dreams are scary! Mine, too!

Beautiful family as well, sir.

In Canada, medical care is free.. technically. However, we definitely pay with our taxes, and a lot of people end up having to leave the country to get proper care. It also doesn't cover any functional medicine options--which have been my lifeblood for finally getting better after years of doctors ignoring my symptoms!

I'm interested to see your ideas develop on here. It's not an area of expertise for me at all, so I'm interested to see a dewy-eyed dreamer on here with a passion for this.

Gonna follow so I can keep up. If you like, feel free to check out my music (I'm a singer-songwriter). No pressure at all though.

All the best to you on here! You're already a hit. Xx, Kay

Welcome To my blog This New House for blogger and social network platform. I ll wait for your great post.. Keep Steem On and earn big money as a reward. Good luck guy !!. Im waitin for you to come. Visit my blog I ve latest post. Im following "Meme Contest" that i posted on my wall. :)

I think this project can change healthcare in all the ways you mentioned. I hope to see it take root. Though it will be an enormous undertaking, success would be a pivital event in human history.
The profit agenda creates an industry that thrives off extorting the sick and powerless. Out of all the systems we depend on that are grossly imbalanced (the financial system, education, the prison system, etc), healthcare is the most obscene. I will follow and spread the word as best i can.

As a healthcare professional, albeit still fairly new, I am highly interested in your development of a new healthcare system! I absolutely agree with you and many others that have commented that our current system is too profit-driven by greedy companies instead of putting patients' actual needs first. I've heard stories from fellow healthcare professionals complain of being pressured to diagnose/prescribe/treat more and provide unnecessary and extra treatments to receive enough reimbursement to cover their costs.

I'm definitely intrigued by this new model and would love to read more about it once the whitepapers come out! Another user has already brought this up, but I just wanted to add that HIPAA is also something that came up as I was reading through your post. Also wanted to add that as I was reading through, another ICO unrelated to the healthcare industry, but related to security and validating personal information, popped up into my mind: Civic. Maybe something in their layout/program can help further address maintaining HIPAA while utilizing the blockchain technology?

Do you have any suggestions on what you would like to see implemented in a new healthcare system?
Yes, access first to natural means of achieving health without drugs if possible and made accessible to everyone.

Natural means? As in, eating healthy and exercising?

What do you have in mind?

Yes, first, to use natural means as a way to reach good health before drug intervention. just as a priority.

I have never known a doctor who was aware of natural remedies because they are only trained in anatomy and drugs as a way to diagnose and heal.

the priorities to find health must change

Good job bro

Welcome to steemit! Great introduction:)

Yeah! We need more people like you!! Welcome and please keep posting so we can learn from you. Followed and upvoded Brennen!

Welcome to steemit community @brennenhodge

That is great work.

good luck bro!

Thanks for the review I will most probably be watching it again follow your posts on this subject with great interest.

Hey Brannan that sounds awesome keep going man!

Have you ever heard about the World Health Innovation Summit ( short WHIS?

WHIS was established by a guy named Gareth from the UK who was fed up with how the current Health Care works similar to how you must have felt.

Nowadays WHIS, which originally started with a single Tweet, is an international operating network of health advocates and all kinds of people with events taking place all over the world bringing some real changes.

Let me know if I can connect you both and help you somehow :)
Keep rocking and Thank you for Being!

Good job! As a med student (in Poland) I already see that there is a lot of work do in the healthcare system.

That family photo is so cute! 😍

Well thanks!

Glad you have you here!!!

Since your background is in healthcare have you heard of the blockchain project patientory? Here is the coinmarketcap profile for related info.

Again welcome to the platform!!!

Glad to be here @alao!

I've been tracking them for the past year or so and they haven't impressed me yet. Most all health tech companies I've seen are all operating on the fringes and not really focused on making any meaningful changes. Patientory does seem to be working on a product that's needed.

Yea I've been looking into it as well and they have some work to do. Can't wait for your ico. You should put together a slack channel.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Steemit! I hope you like it here as much as I do. Upvoted! I'm always learning from others, so feel free to connect with me @lulita 😀

That's quite the task. I wish you all the best in that. I'll be following you.

Welcome to the platform, I wish everything work out for you. It’s not easy here but not difficult neither but just ask an extra effort, engagement is the key good luck I’m @goodaytraders Start by following people and they will do the same.

Hey @brennenhodge, glad to have you on Steemit! Great post, and it's awesome what you're doing. Keep up the good work!

This is an important subject. Glad to see people who gave made this a mission. Would be great to see blockchain communit have impact on this. Resteemed and following for more.

Thanks @deserttree!

Hello Brennen! Welcome to the platform! I'm a registered nurse, your goal has intrigued me! I look forward to future postings about your concept. I have added you to my follow list.

Welcome to Steemit!

Agree, but how do we blow it up?? By not participating in the current system?

my name mam @mamm....i come from Thailand.... , i just new here and hope you have fun and share more post and hope we can be friend enjoy about our my Englisg is't very well, but will try the best for that....
so should be nice if we are follow each another and vote... i will follow you and vote, have a nice day dear. and see you soon dear ^_^

Thank for sharing ❤❤❤


Howdy @brennenhodge! I support your en-devour.

real health comes from within us and so we are our own best healer - we need greater understanding as individuals about our own body - not more technology and conforming to voices of authority. at this point there are valuable services available from a minority of healthcare professionals though and making access to them easier for everyone is an honorable intention.