Screw Challenges, what I need is Self- Discipline - plus free tools that I already have. (Reposted Profile Pic Included)

in introduceyourself •  9 years ago 

  **My Profile**   [Imgur](

Name: Juliet  | Steemit ID: @chanda ------------ | ------------- 

Country: South Africa | Links: @steemit #steemit  

Hey Steemers! My name is Juliet Julius and my friends call me JJ. I’m an **Entrepreneur**, **Kindle Publisher**, **Bookworm**, **Lover of Wine & Food**, **Health & Fitness Fanatic**. 

I am excited to be here where I can connect with like-minded people and have lots of fun while sharing ideas, knowledge and experience about working online.  I am sure I can learn a lot from you Steemers and use that knowledge to empower myself and others.  I am always learning and I would love to help.     

My Favourite Quote **This is no time for ease and comfort.  It is the time to dare and endure**. Winston Churchill 

I live in a foreign country and have stayed here with my family for the past 8 years. I learnt to speak one foreign language fluently and acquired new skills.  

I try by all means to stay happy and manage my stress levels as best as I can. The most powerful mental tool that I use is **self-discipline** and many people think it is something you either have or you don’t have.  What they do not realize is that we all have it and the only difference is that in some of us it is more developed or conditioned than in others.    

Somehow we must **get out of our comfort zone** and that is something many of us do not want to do.    It is a shame because developing self-discipline is something that will cross over in every major area of our lives be it physical, mental and financial. It enhances everything we do.    

Discipline doesn’t sound like much fun but it’s how you see results.    I held a senior management position in the corporate world for some time. When the contract ended I did odd jobs and freelance work just to help put food on the table.   

I could not get a job that I was qualified for so I forgot about working altogether and started browsing the internet for opportunities. Initially I was all over the place until a friend advised me to get coaching.  I am forever grateful that I crossed the paths of some renowned Internet Marketers among them Michael Cheney and Ty Cohen. …Then my internet marketing business took off. The rest is history. 

I eventually decided to settle for **Affiliate Marketing and Kindle Publishing**. I now work from home on the internet full time. 

In my quest for seeking financial freedom, I’m always looking for new ways of making money. This is another reason why I joined this site. I have realized that you cannot depend on one form of income.   What if you wake up tomorrow and realize that you can no longer have that income you depended on? 

I want to create lots of **dependable income streams** that will last a long time. I want to leave a legacy for my children and their children. I really hope to become a **millionaire** one day. 

Sitting on the computer the whole day helped me to gain financial freedom while my health took a knock; I developed circulation problems. To resolve this, among other medical advice from my doctor, I now take short breaks every hour.    I make sure that I stand up for a few minutes after every hour or if it’s my lunch break I take another walk. I’m considering getting a standing desk and I believe this could be the best option for alleviating circulation problems.  

On a typical day, I try to wake up as early as 6.00 am and start my day doing stretching exercises for a few minutes and then take a 30 minute walk. When I get back I have breakfast. I walk 3 or 4 times a week either first thing in the morning or in the evening.  As I advance in age I cannot stomach any heavy exercises except for an occasional lifting of weights while squatting. So taking long walks is just good enough for me for now.    

Whatever tasks that I have during the day I make sure that I’m done at least by 5.00 pm and start preparing dinner so that I can spend quality time with my family.   My diet is mainly Paleo, what some people call the “caveman’s diet”. I also eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. I consider myself lucky to live in a country where these are in abundance. I eat the right foods combined with the right exercise for maximum peak performance.   

I love travelling and I hope to visit Hawaii before the end of this year. I also want to try yoga and meditation.  Happy steeming everyone!!!      

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