Hello everyone / Hallo Leute,

in introduceyourself •  7 years ago  (edited)

this is my first post on Steemit, so this feels like the time to introduce myself.

My name is Dennis, I was born in North Rhine-Westphalia and am currently living in Bochum and Cologne. I am 34 years old and work as a project manager and an editor for a text agency. I find deep satisfaction in writing, but the day job is what pays the bills. But, all in all, nearly everything in my professional life deals with the written word. That is something I am quite thankful for, except the countless deadlines in project management and Kafkaesque client wishes. ;)

I am an Existentialist with nihilistic traits, which does not mean, I cannot laugh or find pleasure and beauty in life. On the contrary, I love life even more, since I understood – and that is my opinion, we all make sense of this existence with our own set of beliefs – that life, in the greater picture, probably has no bigger meaning than living it. That is terrible and beautiful all the same. I think this perspective on life sums me up pretty well.

As my nickname suggests, I am interested in mythologies (ancient Greek, Roman, Northern, Egyptian) and that I love a good drink (wine, whisky [Lagavulin, Glenmorangie anyone?]). ;)

Other interests:

  • (social) psychology
  • sociology
  • anthropology
  • philosophy (stoicism, anti-natalism)
  • art (Beksinski, Goya, Füssli, Blake, Magritte)
  • Buddhism (not dogmatic)
  • martial arts
  • video games (particularly VR!)
  • Classical Music, Postrock, sometimes Jazz
  • Crypto Currencies (I am full of surprises, am I?)
  • technology & nature

I like the psychological horror genre and watching series religiously (recently House of Cards, Mr Robot, Better Call Saul, Black Mirror, True Detective... you name them.).

I will always prefer a nice talk or a house party over a night spent in the chaotic bee-hiviness and the humidity of a disco. But at times, you might even find me enjoying that (last time: Halloween... Me and Lucille had great fun ;).

So, that is a bit about me. On Steemit, I will be posting in English and in German. Some topics just personally feel better in the English language, others more natural in German. Regarding my future posts: I am not intending to settle in a special category , but I am thinking of postings that touch more bizarre, darker or fringe themes, maybe even some entries out of a dream journal. I want to publish some fiction on here as well.

Regarding the verification of my identity: I uploaded a profile picture with myself holding a sign with some of my pseudonyms I published under written on it. If that does not suffice, I am willing to give further proof.

IMG_20180125_190821 (1).jpg

I will read you soon! I am curious, what's on here. A bit of everything, I guess. Many topics to dive my head in.

If you have any questions or want to connect, feel free to reply or to send me a message!

Be well and have a nice one.

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Welcome to Steemit!

Thanks, Trogdor!
You have done some informative work. Will definitely look more into EOS.

Hallo Dennis,
da ich erst nach Dir hier angekommen bin, kann ich Dich auch nicht willkommen heißen, aber als Bochumer muss ich Dich natürlich grüßen!

Grüße zurück! Und viel Spaß und gute Erfahrungen! :)


von mir auch ein herzliches Willkommen. Ich bin auch erst gerade neu auf Steemit und schaue mich um, aber deine Interessen klingen sehr interessant und ich bin gespannt mehr von dir zu lesen, da man doch recht viel über Technik liest und ein bisschen Geisteswissenschaft kann der Plattform ja nicht schaden.

Liebe Grüße

Danke dir! Dann herzlich willkommen auch an dich. :) Sehe ich auch so. ;)

Viel Spaß und viele Leser!

Welcome to Steemit and good luck!

You commented to one of my post, that‘s why I am here.

Usually, newcomers get whole lists of recommendations (but you can get some by visiting other people‘s introduceyourself - so no problem!), get visited from steem bots or get invited to chats.

I‘m honestly not prepared to provide a collection of hints for newbies but three things came to my mind.

Shortly, @theaustrianguy started to post a series with excellent instructions for beginners. There are some Steemit-tips on my blog, too, but I would really recommend his series.

Second: The German community really needs more posts. As you plan to write in German, too, please take care to tag these posts with the tag #deutsch.

Third: There are Gernan speaking Steemit communities on Discord. It is beneficial to participate for many reasons. If you want to try this, I can send you the invitation link to Steemit D-A-CH. Feel free to ask. We are here to assist each other.

I decided to follow you, being curious what you will publish here. Your topics sound interesting!

Thank you very much, Martina – for your recommendations and your advice! I just followed the @austrianguy.

Yes, please. :) The invitation link would be nice!

There is a German group on Telegram as well (Steemit deutsch), but didn't know about the Diskord one. It's open, so if you're interested.

See you and thanks again. Really liked your AI article, but will look into your other topics as well :)

:) Here we go :) https://discord.gg/8SmMW9

Yes, I know that German Telegram group but only watch it.
The Discord group is doing a great effort to support newcomers, having cultivated exchange. Just drop in, look around and if you want to be part of it, introduce yourself - there is a special subchannel for introducing.

In my blog, between my own posts, I preferably resteem informations about a better use of and benefit from Steemit.

Please take note, the correct writing is @theaustrianguy

You will find many other kind and genius Steemit pioneers at the given address. I am Austrian and we have another Discord channel too, called Steemit-Austria. Many of us are on both channels.

You might be surprised how helpful it is to join and how wonderful to support each other.

Have a nice day.

Hallo @dennis.bacchus, herzlich willkommen auf Steemit.

Wenn Du Fragen zu Steemit hast, oder Dich mit anderen deutschen „Steemians“ austauschen magst, schau einfach mal auf unserem Discord-Server https://discord.gg/g6ktN45 vorbei.

Unter dem folgenden Link findest Du einige Anleitungen, die Dir den Einstieg in das Steem-Universum deutlich erleichtern werden: Deutschsprachige Tutorials für Steemit-Neulinge: Ein Überblick

Thank you very much! :)

hello and welcome @dennis.bacchus~~

Thank you! Nice to meet you. I see, you are into minimalism? Just saw the book cover and thought that it could as well be lying around at my girlfriend's flat. Greetings!

Hey @dennis.bacchus!
Deine Interessen lesen sich sehr gut, ich lasse dir mal ein "follow" da in der Hoffnung auf lesenswerte Posts! ;)
Liebe Grüße

Danke dir! Ich werde mich bemühen. ;)

Herzlich Willkommen :) endlich mal etwas Unterstützung aus dem Ruhrpott

Danke! :) Gleich mal gefolgt.
Bochumer Grüße!

Hey Dennis,

Herzlich willkommen in der Community. Lasse dir direkt mal ein upvote da ;) D-A-CH Gemeinde kennst du ja bereits ?

Super, ich danke dir! :)
Ja, ich guck auf jeden Fall mal rein.
Besten Gruß!

schöne Grüße aus dem selben Bundesland :)

Hi! :) Schöne Grüße aus Bochum zurück (naja, aktuell noch aus Krakau)!

Willkommen hier! Freue mich auf Nachrichten aus NRW. Nutzt Du Deine Erkenntnisse im Rahmen der Psychologie?

Danke dir! Meine Erkenntnisse entspringen eher einem Laieninteresse. Sozialpsychologie war zwar Teil meines Studiums, aber Freunde von mir sind da versierter (arbeiten in der psychiatrischen Forensik) – vor allem, wenn es um die genaue Kenntnis der Krankheitsbilder geht. Nützlich, wenn man mal Rückfragen bezüglich authentischer Darstellungen hat. ;)

Beste Grüße!

Willkommen auf steemit :)

Danke! :)

Hey 😀🙌 welcome to steemit! Enjoy your steemit journey

You can follow my blog @jofomaja on how to do creative marketing even here on steemit

I promise I won’t waste your time.

Thanks for the welcome! :) I will have a look. Best wishes!

welcome! to the steem room!

Thank you for the welcome!

Schön das du bei uns bist 😎

Danke dir, Maurice! War eine gute Idee :)

welcome dennis i started using my steemit just yesterday same as you nice to meet man.

Hey, good to meet someone as new as me. ;) Thanks! Best of luck!

Welcome here on steemit. Hope you enjoy it! If you love movies, especially drama/fantasy/action, feel free to follow me and check out my blog :) Best wishes, Sveto.

Thank you for the welcome! I surely will check it out. :)

Unroll the red carpet!!
Welcome to Steemit!

I'm looking forward to read your next posts. It's great to have you here in this community.welcome__by_tainted_adopts-d9v7sgb.png

Thank you very much for the warm welcome. :) Kind greetings!

Its my pleasure to welcome you to the community

You should be able to find the platform very enjoyable. With many individuals and many themes, from crypto currency, poetry, stories, photography, art, etc…..
For now, my advice? Get to posting high quality content, and making thoughtful commentary.

I am especially looking forward to sharing in your works. Have you any questions? Just ask and I will be glad to help.
I Followed You And Hope That You Will Follow Back :)

Thanks for the advice. I just read through the FAQ and the guide, but will certainly come back to you, when questions arise. Aaand followed back. See you on here!


I wish you all the best.

Feel free to check out my blog @maxdigi, this way we can support each other!


Thank you and all the best to you, as well! I'll check it out.

Herzlich Willkommen auf Steemit wünsche dir viel Spaß beim Schreiben und Lesen.

Ich danke dir! :)
Gelungene Fotos hast du da auf deinem Blog.
Viele Grüße!

Dank dir auch :o)