From NASA to Steemit – Introducing me and my space adventure!

in introduceyourself •  7 years ago 

Hello Steemit!
My name is Fredrik Aarrestad, a recently graduated economist from Norway currently working as a Young Graduate Trainee for the European Space Agency. I am also the co-founder of Spaceport Norway, and working in my spare time to help create and support new initiatives related to space-based innovation and education. I also had the experience of my life staying a full summer at the NASA Kennedy Space Center in Florida as part of the International Space University.

I will share more of that incredible time in upcoming posts! Below you can see me in front of the "VAB" (Vehicle Assembly Building) where NASA rockets are prepared before launch. Here I got to see two launches during my stay!
2012: Me at the NASA Kennedy Space Center

For a long time, I have wanted to blog my space adventure. I would love to share the experiences I have had from meeting more than 25 astronauts and working with people from all the world's space agencies. As well as sharing the excitement I have for exploration in an age where new barriers are broken every month by new companies such as SpaceX. Furthermore, it is a dream of mine to help reignite an Apollo era level of enthusiasm for space exploration! I have therefore been trying to do outreach whenever possible. Whether it be visiting schools to give lectures about space, or giving presentations at conferences and other events.

fred esa.jpg
2016: Me at the European Space Agency Headquarters in Paris where I currently go to work

While the idea of building a blog has been attractive, I have often felt discouraged by a number of reasons. How much effort will I have to put in to build a website that is good enough? Will I end up investing a lot of time only for nobody to read my blog? It was here that I finally came across the steemit platform! I sincerely hope that the steemit platform can allow me to do what I love, and share my passion for everything related to space, science, technology, innovation, entrepreneurship, and education. As I intend to grow my presence here I have just transferred the weekly coinbase limit worth of STEEM to my account. I hope to continue increasing my STEEM Power and to vote up those who want to be part of my journey. 😊

From the bottom of my heart, I want to say that I am very grateful for every follow and every upvote. I view this as my attempt to do something I believe to be important, and thus every bit of support is truly appreciated. I truly believe the Steemit platform can be huge in incentivising more people to share quality content and inspire others. Therefore, I also hope to be of value to the growing steemit community and to be able, over time, to attract more people to the platform and contribute with quality content.

Thanks for listening this far! I will make sure to follow back and upvote as much as I can!

Fredrik / @fredrikaa
2017: Me at Spaceport Norway, a Space conference and exhibition I helped co-found

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Welcome to Steemit, great to have you here. I am looking forward to contributing to the advancement of space travel over the coming years. I believe we need to focus more on space / exploring new worlds vs fighting here on earth. The first step to changing this is : Money. Blockchains will free the world from the evils of fiat money so we then can focus on bigger and more important things as a human race.

Thank you! I could not possibly agree more, and look forward to having you onboard :)

Indeed Blockchain will be huge. Space provides small benefits to all of humanity (from satellite applications to scientific advancements), and also is the greatest collective endeavour we will ever set upon! So yes, blockchain can enable all of us to collectively play our part in a "NewSpace" generation which will go way beyond what only governmets have been able to do in the past.

I have just given you a follow and hope to exchange much, much more in the future.

Nice Appreciation , Good Work!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@thejohalfiles I'd share your sentiment if Space was real, but it's not. it's nothing more than CGI & greenscreens:

Not seen any Space footage from NASA or ESA that wasn't a sci-fi production.
Either they're feeding us crap to keep us in the dark, or simply there's still no way to leave the Dome and the Earth is indeed Flat.

Lolz, I knew I wouldn't have to scroll far to find one of these comments. I believe Dawkins refers to you and your kind as; yapping terriers of ignorance. :-D


So, you didn't even bother to watch NASA's own video fails? Seems like "condemnation before investigation" to me. Better question: Have YOU ever been to space? I didn't think so.

Maybe follow your own advice, rather than handing it out like so much candy: quit enjoying the comfort of your own opinion without applying any thought to what all of these problems with NASA's videos are really all about. Steem On!

Better question: Have YOU ever been to space? I didn't think so.

This is classic reductionist thinking, I have also never been in a Formula One car, or a fighter jet, yet I know it's possible to travel at those speeds.

In the same way that I've never been to space, yet I know the earth is not flat. The fact that there is day and night at different times. Or the fact that I can see two sunsets, by lying down on a beach and then standing up at the right time.

Or the fact that there are no other disc planets in our solar system, or any one of a multitude of things that tell me that the earth is definitely not flat. If you want to carry on believing idiotic things like that, until you personally go into space, then I certainly can't stop you.

Steem on and prosper :-)


Just do three easy things. Google "NASAS official earth image 2012" then the same for 2013. Compare them. View both on the NASA official website.

Thanks for taking the I feel like an ass. I was thinking in 2D like a flat earther. LOL.

OK, I humoured you, I did what you asked; now, what was I meant to see?


Never mind...just me being foolish.

@thejohalfiles space is not real, please please research Flat Earth here is a list of good Flat Earthers on youtube:

Eric Dubay
Flat Earth Asshole
Jenna Fredo


This brings us to question is there any alt-coin that is based on research for space travel. If there is one I think it would make a lot of sense. Everybody who thinks space travel can be viable in near future can invest in that coin

@gokulnk @thejohalfiles
Got a friend who is building an investment platform for people who want to save for their future Space travel, while investing in space companies that are building the commercial infrastructure needed to support such progress.

The company (still a StartUp) is called Space Vault maybe I should interview him for a steemit blog post in the near future :)

Thanks for the inspiration which gave me the idea! (No idea if he has thought about building it on a Blockchain, I could discuss that with him)

Space if fake = any coin related to space travel must be a scam!!!

I am so ready for Blockchains to rid us of the evil grasp of Debt Money...Fiat currencies are placing us all into slavery and the majority of people don't even know it.

I invite Hon. @thejohalfiles to visit my poor blog and upvotes if you like some photo, give me some comment to improve my blog, thank you for your support

Do you mean? "illegal" aliens - Donald Trump

If there would be more people like you out there, the world would be a better place...

I totally agree to you that blockhain will be a bigger thing in future.

Sure blockchain is great... but dude earth is flat, this guy need to be ridiculed.

If you loves to the steemians then vote them, they will return to you ! its blockchain

Yeah right, explore freely !

Hi Fredrik and welcome to the steemit family! What a fantastic job you have? I have also visited Kennedy Space Centre. In 2010 I was there for a scheduled launch of the Space Shuttle but because of high winds this launch was delayed and the shuttle kept in its hangar. Then Eyjafjallajökull erupted and closed the whole of European Airspace for a week - this meant that our time in Florida was extended by 48 hours so we saw a Space X rocket launch - very cool consolation prize! Looking forward to your blog on the space industry - an interest of mine too! Upvoted and following you.

Thank you @greenstar !
I have followed you too and hope we can mutually benefit from our presence here and share a part of the journey!

I indeed love my job. It is great to have found a place where you look forward to going to work in the morning, and are learning things that I would have wanted to learn in my spare time anyways. :)

Glad you got to see a SpaceX launch! Kennedy is such an historic place. I even got to launch my own student-rocket from the Launchpad 39A (used for most Shuttle and Apollo missions) while I was there! Will make sure to do a blog post on that later this summer when I will have a 5 year anniversary of that memorable day.

A friend of mine is also currently at Kennedy Space Center to test a prototype of his new Sea-launch rocket. So getting pictures and stories from there every week :D

I look very much forward to blogging on this topic, and am very grateful for your support! Tell me if you have related posts that I can support or resteem and I'll make sure to support you when I can. Followed and upvoted back!

Wow - so nice to be doing something for a living that you are passionate about - it will never feel like work - hold onto that! I will never forget standing next to the Saturn rocket and feeling like an ant - it was huge. I think the public's interest has lessened since the wind up of the shuttle program and nothing has yet filled its place - we need industry to pick up the baton from where big government left off...

How far did your student rocket go up?

I look forward to the blog of the new Sea-launch rocket.

Our rocket didn't go very far. We just had the challenge of bringing a raw egg and a 0.5kg crystal to a height as close to 1000 feet as possible, with a total flight duration as possible to 50 seconds. The egg would have to stay whole, so we had to figure out a way to ensure the rocket would split up after reaching target altitude, and release a parachute that would make a soft landing. And to make sure that the whole cycle could be done as close as possible to the target duration from launch till touchdown.

Our rocket went up ~725 feet (due to windly conditions we had to launch it a mit more sideways, reducing the height). I was just happy that our rocket made it, and that the egg was whole at the landing :D

That's a pretty good result - very well done - is there any footage?

Thanks! Yes, I was very happy about it. Especially as I had no hands on experience with rockets, and was doing something completely new and out of my comfort-zone. There is a video of the launch but I am going to post a blog dedicated to that event, and what I learned from it, when I have a 5 year anniversary of the day in roughly 1 week from now :)

Anyways here is a full group photo we took with the International Space University participants in front of the Launchpad 39A. (You may recognise it from the recent SpaceX launches). I'm the one holding the pink rocket :D


What a fantastic momento of your achievement - really look forward to the blog at the 5 year anniversary!

That's a good question, here are some real footage :

real ballone no curve.png

3d math shows curve 1.png

Earth is flat = Space is fake and NASA/ESA have never been to space and will never go.


rock on welcome

Thank you marco!

I am ready to rock indeed! A fellow Norwegian Space colleague made an awesome presentation called Astro-Rock presenting all the great rock hits over the years that have been inspired by space. I think you just gave me an idea for a post I can share in the future ;)

Welcome to steemit. Hope you'll enjoy here and share your experiences. I'm also a newcomer here.

Welcome to steemit. I hope you will have a great time here :D

Hello Sara / @inuk
Thank you for the warm welcome! It is great to see some fellow Scandinavians on board ;)

I have often wanted to do a lifestyle blog myself as I have often given others advice on how to combine a busy life with a healthy one. It takes some extra determination to go work out 5 times per week, and stick to a regular healthy diet, when you also work 24/7! But the secret lies in building strong and lasting habits, and setting short-term achievable goals!

Maybe I should add a few blog posts on this topic as I look to start blogging here, although the general focus will primarily be on my work. Perhaps we could stay in touch :)

Upvoted you and followed you back! Hope we can mutually benefit from being on this platform!


Welcome to Steemit Fredrick! We are lucky to have someone with your experiences here on the platform and look forward to what you have to share! Your story sounds quite fascinating!

Thank you for the kind welcome!

I look very much forward to making steemit my blog platform! I have quite a few stories I look forward to sharing and are lucky to experience new ones almost every day! Hopefully, it can contribute to the goals that you have!

I have also worked on the side with projects aimed to use space (its science, technology, passion and ability to inspire) to improve the quality of and interest in stem education. I even co-wrote a paper at the International Space University named “Space – One giant leap for education”. It was later quoted over 3 pages of Buzz Aldrin’s book “Mission to Mars – My vision for Space Exploration”. Something that I am very proud of.

Please let me know if there is anything at all I can do to help enhance the community that want to improve stem education globally, or improve the community here on steemit. Doing outreach and assist in education (I work with one project on the side to build a summer camp for students and young professionals interested in Space Exploration or Earth Observation technologies. Which I will look to announce later this year)

Also I would be very grateful if you could connect me with others on this platform interested in stem education, and promoting the tem subjects. I would be very interested in supporting their work, or collaborate if possible. So if you can, I would appreciate a resteem, or any introductions to people you may know :)

Welcome my friend...My room mate used to work for NASA.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Welcome, however we know NASA and ESA's Space is just CGI, greenscreens and disinformation. They've been caught out faking stuff time and time again.
a compilation:

here a technical breakdown of how they stage their latest tricks

and Space X and Elon Musk are just more of the same. Jesuit & Freemason deception keeping the Planet in the dark since 500 years

So I'm just hallucinating every day when I go to work and get to work with data that are coming from satellites? :o Damn I wish I had known sooner so me and my ~250 friends working in the sector could stop wasting our time :D

Satellites are a hoax. So if you think they are real and you work with anything related, you are being fooled!

I see it is pointless, even if you come with argumets you will hear the same, you are wrong, flat earth, you liar, freemason(this is a cool perk to have) and all others. Don't want to generalise and to offend anyone, but the educational level of the claimers stops at highschool, all are self taught from youtube and even if you put scientific facts, you are a liar and universities are hoax. Even if you show them on their own photos the curveture, they see there is none.

you're relying on data from high altitude aerostatic balloons, military spy surveillance planes, and high altitude drones. not to mention a lot of the data can be retrieved from triangulations.

I just made a long comment to the Nashhole... I cannot believe that he is actually believing he will go to space??? Earth is flat and space is not real.

Space is fake, the Earth is flat. <3

Ok I have three $1million challenges to you then.

I have been working with satellite data for 5 years as an economist working with optimising economic decision making based on Earth Observing Satellite data.

I have contributed to help shipping companies, Farmers and Foresters save millions of dollars annually by using earth observing satellites that can measure height, temperature, colour, etc, of the Earth's surface anywhere in the World every single week. (Using the data to autonomously guide ships where there is less Ice in the water or lower winds, when to harvest and/or water crops, when to cut trees for optimal harvest cycles etc).

If you can either 1: Disprove that the ESA Copernicus Sentinel 1-3 Satellites exist (I would love that since I spend all my time using their live-updated data, I would really like to stop wasting my time…) or 2. If you can show me a way to retrieve the same data, with the same precision, at the same time schedules, without using satellites, as is used in the case studies found in this link. I will pay you $1m per paper (there are 3). I hope you read them as they provide some very useful information.
PS: They are not written by people who care about NASA or maintaining any “government secrets” but by people who would only benefit if the data actually worked.

All 3 papers:

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I can send an object up on a helium balloon and have it take pictures as well, I'm not denying that fact.

The fact of the matter is the Earth has never been proven to rotate and no one has ever been able to show 1 iota of evidence denoting curvature.

NASA is a cancerous organization that sucks tax dollars from the American populous.


  1. Prove any amount of axial rotation and
  2. Prove any amount of curvature and I`ll tip my hat to you sir.

Also there is a $8,000 challenge open to anyone to prove just that.

Sacred Word Publishing: Open $8250 Flat Earth Challenge to All Globe Earth Believers

You just responded to his challenge by changing the subject. That's what people do when they have lost the argument before its even begun.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@fredrikaa is working at ESA not NASA, there are a lot more space agencies in the world, competing each other.

He just proved you at so many points that flat earth is a joke and you come again with the tax payer thing. Why does Elon Musk do it. He goes private in this with his own money.

I feel like the 1500s, when Galileo Galilei proved this.

Earth is flat, here is my OWN PROOF:

Also any public or private space agency is scams, look at the SpaceX footage, completely fake!

Also Virgin Galactics is a scam that killed 4 people:

I don't know if you are serious or not, and if we are really having this conversation. It is all about physical laws we are speaking, not youtube videos. Also making that post with @fredrikaa being an Nashole, was not very ethical. If we talks science we shall come with mathematical formulas, scientific thesis and laws, not memes offending the others. It might be pointless to try, but I don't agree with the insults. It is not the place for that. And if you would have read carefully, he works ar ESA not NASA. This are two different agencies.

All space agencies are fake and he wrote NASA in his headline, so the point is the same, the earth is flad, space is fake and anyone claiming to be an astronaut is a scammer, so yes it make sense to make the meme!

Here is your proof Ballhead:

Then why we have the little space there. And on other point, you did not have to insult anyone. To make a point by insulting somebody is called frustration.

Wow. I would have said - please ignore those lunatics. But I stand corrected - great comment!

Well, I have experienced first hand that taking the time to write constructive posts can change people's mind. Whether it be flat earthers or deniers of evolution or climate change.

While it is tempting to just ignore people, I think some of these issues are too important to sweep under the rug. Part of my motivation to start blogging and communicating about science is to help educate after all. I think it is often a lacking educational system, and a media that is very poor at communicating science, that is to blame (Don't hate the player, hate the game huh?). So someone will have to pick up on their slack!

I'm thinking the same. Always keep your cool and come with constructive communication. Thumbs up for the initiative. They shall not be ignored because in the end it will have the snowball effect, like it has now. More and more come with strange ideas.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

you don't need Satellites in Space to obtain such data.
high altitude drones and aerostatic balloons are sufficient.
like this one


Hello Fredrik and welcome to Steemit :-)
What a super cool job you've got!

Hello tomino and thank you!

I absolutely love my job as well. It is great to be in a place where you look forward to going to work every morning, and learn things that you would have wanted to learn on your spare time anyways :)

I hope to get to share much, much more of what I do in coming blog posts. As well as how others can get involved in the space industry which is growing very fast at the moment.

Have given you a follow and hope to exchange more, and mutually benefit from each-other in the future!

Welcome to Steem, Fredrik! I'm excited to see what blog posts you have in store for us. This will be one to watch, I'm sure!

PS: Feel free to join #steemstem on

Thank you! I am very enthusiastic about the potential steem can have as a platform, and the opportunity I may have to share what I love. I hope to do what I can to grow the page for both myself and the community.

I will give you a follow and join the chat you recommended.

Wow! Welcome to Steemit, @fredrikaa ! It's exciting to see someone who looks to the star with such passion join Steemit! Looking forward to reading your enlightening posts about the gruelling (no doubt) and fascinating (for sure) world of Nasa and Esa. Followed!

Thank you! I have followed you back as well.

Hope to see you frequently and engage with you!
I am very enthusiastic about what can be done on this platform, and look forward to building the community here together :)

Super cool1 Welcome to steemit!

Thank you!

Do you love surfing? Although I intend to focus my blog here on space, science and technology I am helping out a friend who is building a big community of passionate surfers! Your pic just gave me the idea to encourage her to build a blog on steemit for her surfing journey (she surfs at all destinations she can find!) and to bring her community here.

I hope we stay in touch, and that we can mutually benefit from each other's pages :)
I upvoted and followed you!


Very good information
I really like that.

Thank you! I hope to provide much, much more for anyone interested in this topic :) hope to share the platform with you going forward! Given you an upvote and hope to give you many more :D

NASA is a big SCAM! Outer space doesn't exist! And earth is flat! Don't waste your time with NASA. Get into cryptocurrencies! Welcome to Steemit!

Welcome to Steemit. Looking forward to more post from you on your space adventure. I am also an Economist but I work for the government. Do you want to attract more followers? Check this out.

Welcome to Steemit!

Thank you! I look very much forward to building a presence here, and engage with those who find the topic to be interesting :)

Great! Followed you

Cheers! Followed you back :)

Velkommen til Steemit :) spennende å lese om deg!

Hei Susanne :) og takk for det!
Kjekt å se flere norske her inne. Ser frem til å følge det du legger ut her og håper vi kan dra nytte av hverandre på plattformen! Kult at du jobber med entreprenørskap. Mulig vi kan ha en del gode utvekslinger da :)

NASA invented bitcoin

Wow, such an interesting post. I upvoted and followed you and look forward to your future posts. I'm really interested in reading about your space adventures!

Thank you very much for both the kind words and the follow!

I hope this blog can be of value, as I have worked extensively to see how space can be used as a tool to improve the quality of, and the interest in, stem education. Let's share this exciting time together :)

me too....hope to get more info through him.. nice reply for our new member...keep it up

Very cool to see another fan of space joining the platform! Following ya now, hope to see more of your adventure and to share in that excitement :)

Are you planning to watch tonight's launch?

are you also part of the space project @echozaurora
loved your response and support for our new member... keep it up

Thank you for the follow! Indeed let us make the most of this platform to share what we love and build a stronger community together! Followed you as well :)

I will indeed watch tonight's launch! Hardly missed a single SpaceX launch attempt since I saw their first commercial launch to the ISS back in 2012!

Welcome to Steem friend. Let's build this community! I left an upvote for you! Would be happy if you follow me for the latest tech news etc.

BTW and if you need help, you can always get back to me!

Thank you @olli0103 ! I really hope to be part of an exciting new community, and will be looking to help anyone succeed that wants to share the ride :)

I have upvoted you and followed you back, and hope you will do the same! As I will be posting a lot of articles on the topic of radical innovation in technology I hope we can mutually benefit from contributing to each other's posts. Please tell me if you are posting anything of relevance to my topic, and I'll make sure to give you a resteem or comments that I see fit :)

Hope to engage with you regularly going forward!

@fredrikaa your welcome to steemit. Nice pictures

Welcome aboard! Hope see more coming from you

Thank you! I will do my best to keep posting regularly :)
There is a lot to share on this topic!
Hope to see you around too!

Welcome to Steemit! You have the coolest job!!! Followed :) Enjoy your stay!

wow... i am really excited to follow and read up your blog on space adventure.

you seem to have quite a lot to share for us here as we cherish great contents from original creators...
am ready to accord my support anyway i can as such i upvoted you...
tel me more about your own project spaceport on your next reply

Thank you @kenhudoy !
Great to hear that you are interested in my story!

Spaceport Norway is a conference we intend to hold once a year in Norway. It was held for the first time ever last month. You can see the program we had (including NASA, ESA, United Nations, Nordic Space companies, the EU, and others). The focus was on Technology-transfer between the space sector and other non-space sectors. That includes both how space technologies can be adopted by companies working in lets say Oil and Gas, Robotics, Autonomous vehicles etc. But also how these industries can get involved in the growing space economy, and do research projects with organisations like ESA where I work and NASA, or deliver products to space companies. Another main theme is the emerging opportunities being made available by satellite images. Again for many non-space sectors such as agriculture, insurance, urban development, maritime industries etc. So it is an initiative that focus on the business opportunities that emerge in or around the growing space sector.

I will do a full post later on so stay tuned :) . Other than that I posted my second steemit post yesterday named 5 Beautiful Satellite Images of our Planet you won’t believe are real #1. I hope to make it a series as I think these images are quite spectacular. Will also look to blog on my work with satellite data, what new technological and data-driven services they are now enabling, and how they work.

I appreciate any feedback as I am still just starting out on steemit. Upvoted and Followed you back and hope to engage more with you on steemit! I will do everything I can to provide new and unique quality content, and contribute to growing this exciting new community and platform. :)

already you did great...keep it up
for your project can those of us who are not in the space business be invited to join as observers?

keep ding great!

Yes. We want this t obe more than just an event for people already in the space sector, but also to be an entry point for others.

good one...
keep up the my friend now
and always keep me updated on your posts and check in on mine too

@fredrikaa welcome to the community

Thank you! I look very much forward to engaging with people here and be part of a growing community :)

Welcome to steemit bro well I like to know something about astronauts sees your post keep in touch #followed #upvoted

Thank you! I have followed you back and hope to stay in touch! I have a lot of material from my exchanges with astronauts, some of whom have become close friends. I hope to share a lot more as I build this blog!

Thanks man for Reply keep in touch I'm new but I have the knowledge to share check out my post hope you like it.

Welcome to steemit! You have a really cool job, looking forward to hear more about it in the future.

Thank you! I love my job too :D and hope to share a lot more both about my job and the opportunities it will provide for many more in years to come! Space is only getting started ;)

Welcome to Steem and thank you for sharing your experience with those of us who can't go to the International Space University! I'll definitely be following :)

Thank you! I have a lot to share (right now is the 5 year anniversary of me going to NASA with the International Space University, so I am getting new "Memories" shared on Facebook every day). So a lot of material to share with all of you :)

I hope to also do some segments of how to get started studying or working with Space. I hope that can be of value to you should it be something you would want to do one day :)

Thank you again for giving a kind welcome! I look forward to engaging with you more in the future!

@fredrikaa welcome! and goodluck with your first post. looking forward to seeing more of you and your content.

Thank you! I am very happy to get started on this platform, and look forward to engage more with people who share my passion for the subject, and who wants to build the steem community larger!

Welcome to steemit!

Thank you @janreyqm1

Hope to engage more with you on the platform and collectively build a better community here together :)

Welcome to Steemit! I look forward to your posts as I find myself looking to the stars as well. Good luck on your space adventures!

Thank you @magicmaker ! I just posted my second post 5 Beautiful Satellite Images of our Planet you won’t believe are real #1 a few minutes ago, hope you will enjoy it too!

Thanks for the warm welcome and I hope to engage more with you on steemit!

Welcome to Steemit! Always good to see a fellow Norwegian on the platform :) And wow, seems like you have a lot of cool stuff to write about!

Thanks for the welcome! And also nice to see another Norwegian indeed :D

Yes my job is quite amazing. I sometime feel the need to pinch my arm and see if I'm dreaming or not! The Norwegian Space industri is growing very fast as well. So you may want to keep a look at the growth for companies like Nammo, Andøya Space Centre, and StartUps like Ripple Aerospace. I hope the Spaceport Norway conference and platform I have been part of building can also be of interest should you be curious to follow the growth in Norwegian space. (If so I suggest you like the page on facebook)

Anyways, I look forward to engaging more with you in the future! Given you a follow (As Norwegians should do ;) ) and hope to have a blast being part of a growing steemit community!

Welcome @fredrikaa! Nice seeing someone from ESA around. I hope you will have a great time here!

Also congratulations on your deposit! This is the spirit. I did the same for this week from coinbase. Next will do it again. I think it makes sense.

Thank you alex!
I only discovered cryptocurrencies for real about a month ago, but are now completely hooked! I hope to increase my investments both on steem and similar platforms. Such an exciting time to be alive!

Followed you and look forward to engaging more with you on this platform.

Thank you Fredrik! There is huge potential in them. Do you have also the 350Eur deposit problem? I will do the next by wire transfer, where the limit is now a little higher.

Maybe we will grab a drink in Paris next week as I'm heading for a party on Saturday there ;)

Yes I have had that problem too. Not worried too much about it as I thought it would be great to try it out initially with a lower investment. Although having gained around ~150% increase on the bitcoin value of my investment since June from investing in other crypto, I now regret not investing a whole lot more :P So indeed, I will look to transfer much more in weeks and months to come.

Yes lets grab a drink in Paris, give me a heads up for when you are available!

Welcome my frends.. @fredrikaa .. impressive introduction... you gonna rule over here... best wishes and best of luck my frends. wanna look your more post ..... upvoted... follow @retroo

Thank you for a very kind welcome @retroo ! I hope I can make a valuable contribution to this communit yand platform and look forward to engaging more with you on this topic! Followed you back as well.

Welcome, you have ambitious goals and I applaud that. In your opinion what is the single most important breakthrough we would need in order to truly open up the heavens?

Thank you for the welcome and the kind words :)

Pinning down 1 breakthrough will be tough as space is so interdisciplinary where many different sciences and technologies needs to come together and work at the same time. I recently got to speak with Pete Worden (previous Director of Nasa Ames Research Center) about this very topic. He is the Chair of the Breakthrough Starshot Initiative (started by a 200 million dollar Yuri Milner investment, and supported by Mark Zuckerberg and Stephen Hawking). I suggest you look their work up.

I would personally say the work that SpaceX is doing in bringing down launch costs and enabling the reusability of rockets will have to be number 1. When things get cheaper, more minds are allowed to try out their experiments in space. Thus, new people with new ideas are also able to contribute to innovation.

Secondly, this Friday the UK announced its intention to open the world's first commercial Astronaut Training Centre in 2018. This is also a big deal. It is easy to see how SpaceX can succeed as a commercial company taking on contracts from satellite companies and the military. It is less obvious how the training of astronauts can be made profitable. Yet they seem to have cracked the code, having built a structure that can also profit from oil and gas companies, blue farming companies, and subsea robotics companies, being able to pay to use the same infrastructure.

The number 1 factor for me then is the ability for space enabling infrastructure to also profit from delivering earth-based value. It will still take some years before companies can sustainably profit from space resources and pace tourism. So it will be important to find the innovative ways to scale the business and technology also in the short run.

I hope that answered your question :)

Hey Fredrik, welcome to Steemit.

Thank you @novina ! I look forward to getting active on this platform and engaging more with people like you :)

Welcome on board Fredrik ✌️🇳🇴
You're such a big personality, big respect. Steem is gonna get richer with you in it 🔝 You rock!

Thank you! Those are some very kind words from you :)

I look forward to building this blog, and perhaps exchange more with you in the future! I gave you a follow and hope to be part of your journey here as well! You should come see all the beautiful gardens here in Paris this time of the year! I find myself just walking around from park to park enjoying the seights whenever I have the time fore it :)

Welcome :0) really great post and interesting job u have. Must be a joy going to work. Lol
Followed and resteemed. Thx for sharing.

Thank you!

I absolutely love my life here getting to work with such an interesting topic, and getting to live in Paris :) followed you back as well! Thanks a lot for resteeming, and I hope we can mutually benefit from being connected on this exciting new platform :)

I belive u 😊 sounds awsome. And to travel and doing what u love and all the people u come across...
Im sure we will benefit in someway from being connected 😊 I already feel like I have by reading ur post. Have a great evening

Hey welcome to the community. Hope to see your space content soon!


Thanks a lot! I have quite a few topics prepared, and I am very excited to be able to use this platform to share my experiences, my ideas, and generally what is going on in a very exciting space sector!

What can you say about aliens? Anyway welcome :) Followed you.

Thanks for the follow! I think I will do a blog post about aliens soon enough. I am very lucky to have close connections with some of the world's leaders in SETI reseach (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), and have had many dialogues with them in the past on the topic.

I followed you back as well, and look forward to future exchanges :)

That's nice. Waiting for future replys :))

Welcome to Steemit.

Thanks a lot!
Excited to join and contribute to a growing community! Happy to exchange more in the future, and hope we can mutually benefit from each others posts. As I am currently teaching myself more computer science (having only a background in statistical analysis) I look forward to reading and enaging with your posts as well!

Followed and upvoted :)

Welcome @fredrikaa. Seems like you have some cool stories to tell, look forward to seeing more from you

Thank you @tylersr !
I just posted my second steemit post a few minutes ago 5 Beautiful Satellite Images of our Planet you won’t believe are real #1. Hope you may like it as well!

Upvoted and FOllowed you, and hope to engage more with you on steemit!

Welcome Explorer!

Thank you @efrageek !
I hope to be able to share a lot related to exploration going forward! Many exciting things that I get to witness and be a part of every day, so looking forward to share it here on steemit :)

Have upvoted and followed you. Hope you'll do the same and that we can mutually benefit from many posts going forward!

Hi @fredrikaa , Welcome to Steemit! :)

We have very similar interests, so I'm following you, feel free to follow back @dr-physics :)

Thank you! I followed you back and look forward to engage more with you on a topic we both like :)

Hey Fredrik. Have you become an Asgardian yet? :)

Yes I have ! :D I was among the first (I think) to sign up. I'm staying updated on their work and am glad to see the level of enthusiasm they are able to generate in the public!

I see the future of space as being a collective endeavour of all of humankind, and thus projects like these are much needed! Perhaps cryptocurrencies as a platform to build and co-fund space exploration and human settlement will be a key-factr in enabling our species to take the next big leap? I certainly hope so!

Anyways I will be happy to share many more of my thoughts on these subjects going forward, and hope to share the journey with you :)

Given you an upvote and a follow and hope to engage with you more on this platform!

That's great. I just discovered it recently although I was still just in the 34,000ths to accept the constitution. I was surprised given the total number of citizens. Lots of growth yet to come.

Welcome to Steemit, fellow statesman :) Nice blazer. Keep on shutting down flat-earthers! hehe

Thank you for both the welcome and the complement :D !
Nice to see some other Norwegians too! Followed you and given you an upvote! And look forward to engaging with you on this platform.
Beating flat earthers is pretty easy :) but unfortunately necessary in a time where, despite our accelerating technological and scientific progress, more and more people seem to prefer fantasies they can read about on the internet from their parent's basements, than the real world which is so fascinating...

hehe well put. Thank you the same...

Welcome! Will be looking forward to your posts :-)


Thank you @rightwithin !

I just posted my second steemit post a few minutes ago 5 Beautiful Satellite Images of our Planet you won’t believe are real #1. Hope you may like it as well!

Upvoted you and hope to engage more with you on steemit!

Hey Fredrik , sounds like a great blog! Looking forward to following you

Thank you @larksongbird !
I have followed you back and upvoted your post. Hope to stay connected with you and share both the excitement for this topic and collectively build this great new community on steemit :)

Thank you!

Truly an inspiration. Well done!

Thank you @br86 !
I hope my posts can live up to whatever expectations that may have been set :) at least I think it's an exciting journey to be on, and I hope to share as much as possible of it with this community!

Upvoted your post, followed you, and hope to engage more with you in the times ahead!

Welcome to Steemit! Looking forward to your posts!

Thank you @amuroturah !
I look forward to getting started on this platform, and hope to see you here going forward :)

Welcome to the platform Fredrik, your expertise with regards to space and satellites and experiences at NASA and ESA are of great interest to me personally and I suspect will be of great value to the community here as a whole. I look forward to your future posts and community engagement!

Thank you for this very kind welcome!

I hope joining this platform and community can allow me to share the work that I love, and contribute to the very important goal of improving and promoting science, technology, innovation and education.

Followed you back and hope to have many fruitful exchanges in the times ahead!

Please tell me if there is anything I can include in future posts, or any people I can connect to, that would help us co-create a stronger community and platform to everyone's benefit. Very grateful for any help I can receive in being connected to others that are passionate about the topic!

Please tell me if there is anything I can include in future posts, or any people I can connect to, that would help us co-create a stronger community and platform to everyone's benefit. Very grateful for any help I can receive in being connected to others that are passionate about the topic!

You have joined the steemSTEM chat, so we can continue to chat about things of that nature in real time there. The project is intended to serve as a science outreach platform on Steemit, and I certainly welcome your involvement there.

Followed you back and hope to have many fruitful exchanges in the times ahead!

I look forward to it as well!

Welcome to steemit ! I am artist, I write blog every day.

Thank you for the welcome @yadamaniart !

I just posted my second steemit post a few minutes ago which I hope you will find interesting as an artist! It is called 5 Beautiful Satellite Images of our Planet you won’t believe are real #1. The images are really some of the most beautiful ones that I know of. Hope you may like it as well, and that we can inspire each others :)

Upvoted and Followed you, and hope to engage more with you on steemit!

Fabulous to have you here, and what a great start to things with all of those upvotes, sir! A very warm welcome -- you will love it, and you will (obviously) do really well because you have something unique and interesting to offer here! I'm a singer-songwriter, and people have been pretty supportive in incredible ways so far (only hitting about 3 weeks on Steem myself). Looks like the same for you! All the best! Xx, Kay

Thank you @kayclarity for a very nice welcome :)!

I am very much looking forward to engaging with this platform and being part of an exciting new community. I hope to see you here and to also be a part of your journey myself :)

I think I will have to do a post in the future on the different song writers and artists that have been inspired by space and exploration in their music! A fun fact often overlooked. Perhaps you could be inspired to write a song on this topic one day too? ;)

Anyways I have given you an upvote and a follow and hope to exchange more ideas with you soon!

Very interesting, Im looking forwards to your future posts.


Thank you @markush !
I have followed you back and look forward to engaging more with you on t his platform! Let us build an awesome community together!

My pleasure and thank you :)

Let us build an awesome community together!


Hey, great post! We have featured your article in our weekend newsletter! Keep up the good work, and let us know if you have any concerns.

Join us on the science-trail Discord

Thanks a lot @science-trail ! You're very welcome to include me in your newsletter (although I would appreciate if you could give me a link either to the post, or a site where I can see the post when it is published).

I hope to continue posting many more blog stories relevant to the subject, and hope I can provide you with more material going forward. Hopefully we can both mutually benefit from one-another!

I have given you an upvote and a follow, and hope you can do the same. Perhaps also do a resteem of the post if you intend to share my story in a newsletter anyways? Tell me if you got any posts related to my subject, and I'll make sure to repay the favour!

Nice introduction. Welcome and enjoy :)

Thank you Nicky / @polyurethane ! :)

Hope to see you around and interact more with you on the platform going forward!

Welcome! Can we now please take off?

Thank you for the welcome @timsaid !
Yes let us! I am expecting to go to space, if "only" for a suborbital flight, within the next few decades. Part of my motivation to invest in cryptocurrencies is to save for that experience!

I am also actively supporting and following a close friend of mine currently at the NASA Kennedy Space Center with his own Rocket company doing their first test launch. I expect access to space to increase many times over in the near future as commercial space actors are lowering the costs to launch (such as SpaceX) and new private initiatives (such as one that begun in the UK only last week) lay the foundation for public space travel, whether it be as tourism or future settlesments.

I will do many posts on this in the future. Both to share the current progress that are being made to allow the frontiers of space exploration and settlement, and how people can get involved :)

Hope to see you around! I have given you what I hope will be the first of many upvotes, and followed you back! Let's take off together shall we? :D

100k USD is what I would pay at a maximum to fly to space once. My next travel post might be in zero gravity? :) let's see

Yes I'm expecting the price per ticket to go down at least a ten-fold from today's 250k USD. So looking at anything in the range 20k - 30k. Of course, it depends on the duration and destination. As SpaceX has announced their plans to send someone in orbit around the Moon and back that seems a lot more attractive. The idea of seeing the Earth the same way as the Astronauts of Apollo 8 did (image known as Earthrise seen below) seems a lot more tempting than a simple suborbital flight.

Anyways I could have many opportunities to do a zero-G blight myself in the years ahead. So that will most likely be the next thing. if only to find out how my stomach handles zero-G :P

Will make sure to lay out my plans and experiences with this topic in future posts for sure!


You can try Virgin Galactic (and you can pay with Bitcoin maybe even Steem), I think they plan to fly before 2020.

Welcome to Steemit! You are going to love this place! It's incredibly awesome and rewards quality contributors in a great way! Stick around for the long term though and follow some established authors here to quickly learn and grow with the community.

Thanks a lot @firepower for this kind welcome!

Yes, I have noticed already that I will have to find my way here in a jungle of people wanting attention and easy votes. Luckily I have been casually journaling my experiences from getting into the space sector, and lessons learned from along the way, and thus hope to have some content that may stand on its own, and not only be another scream for votes.

I very much appreciate any advice and help in establishing my presence here, and being able to contribute fruitfully to the development of this community and platform. I suspect you might be one of the "established authors here " and have followed you and hope we can mutually benefit from each other's presence as I aim to grow my page.

Indeed I'm looking at the long term. Blogging and sharing my story is something I have been wanting to do for a long time. I hope steemit will prove to be the right platform, and that the people here will prove to be the right community.

Let's see what we can do together!

On a side-note it is really cool to see the growing enthusiasm and intent of Space in India. I am lucky to have some good friends in ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) and to see the accomplishments they are making.

Cheering on you all the way!

Hiii Im Sani, Indonesian
See my account @kakilasak
I hope we can follow n upvote each others :)

Hello @kakilasak and thank you for the kind welcome!

I have followed you back and hope we can continue to engage with one another on this platform! Hope to see you around, and hope you will enjoy what I write and share :) looking forward to upvoting you more!

Welcome! I can't wait to read your future posts

Thank you! Hope you'll like them, and hope to engage more with you on this platform :)

Very interesting introduction. I guess you are doing what so many kids always dreamed of! Followed and Upvoted! And welcome to Steemit.

Thank you @anarcotech !

Having held a handful of presentations on local schools and student-groups back in Norway I can testify that there are indeed a high level of enthusiasm for the subject, and a lot of people who would want to do what I do.

I feel lucky to be in a place where I can share my experiences and my journey, and as mentioned in the post I hope to be able to help many more get a foot inside the space sector, which is growing very fast globally!

I appreciate your following and upvoting and are following you back. Again thank you for the welcome and let's build an awesome community here together!

It is each time so great to see another scientists joining Steemit! Welcome on the platform and I am looking forward to read more from you about what you are doing! :)

Thank you @lemouth for a very kind welcome!
Indeed I hope much more scientists and stem-enthusiasts can find their way to platforms such as this. The world needs more communicators of science and exploration. Both because it is such a fascinating thing which ought to be shared with people, and because our society so desperately depends on people understanding the value of science and exploration for future progress.

I hope I can make a good contribution to the stem and science community existing on steemit, and that we can mutually benefit from each other's presence! Please let me know of any ways I can take part in the community here. Any help getting to know those interested

I look forward to reading your posts as well. Although studying economics at University, it was reading and listening to people like Carl Sagan, Richard Feynman and Neil deGrasse Tyson who got me up in the morning!

I am sure you will contribute very well here! :)

I suggest to discuss lively on the chat (this week may be hardish for me) about what could be done to promote science better on Steemit (we are trying hard, but we are very few so that any extra contribution helps by a lot!)

Your are excatly a type of person that I would like to see more on Steemit. i'm looking forward to read your articles :)

Wow thanks @xxvjs that is very kind of you to say :)

I just posted my second steemit post a few minutes ago 5 Beautiful Satellite Images of our Planet you won’t believe are real #1. Hope you may like it as well!

Upvoted and Followed you, and hope to engage more with you on steemit! Let's make an even more awesome community here together!

Hello Fredrik - Welcome to! ....I enjoyed reading your story about joining the European Space Agency... Also, how'd you like the balmy summer weather in Florida when you were visiting the Kennedy Space Center? A bit different than Norway, huh? LOL! .... I visited Florida once & the humidity wrecked my hair! .... Anyway, I'd love to be your Friend..... Follow me @doctormegazilla & I'll Follow U back!

Thank you for the welcome!

Yes Florida was indeed different! So different that I needed 2 weeks of rehabilitation in the Norwegian mountains when I came back home :)

I just posted my second steemit post a few minutes ago 5 Beautiful Satellite Images of our Planet you won’t believe are real #1. Hope you may like it as well!

Upvoted and Followed you, so lets be friends here indeed! :)

Following U now!

Welcome to Steemit! Great intro, I am really looking forward to your posts. As a total space geek the subject fascinates me so definitely following you!

Thank you for the welcome @fiftysixnorth !

If you look forward to my post you may want to see my second steemit post I published about an hour ago 5 Beautiful Satellite Images of our Planet you won’t believe are real #1. Hope you may like it as well!

Upvoted and Followed you, and hope to share a lot of space-geeky stuff with you on steemit! :D

Awesome thank you! I will check out your satellite post, i love that kind of stuff. I have Tim Peake's book and Chris Hadfield's. So inspiring!

Awesome :D yes I've read those too! Happy to have been able to meet a lot of astronauts and been able to have conversations with them. Inspiring indeed!

I attended one of Chris Hadfield's lectures but didn't get to meet him.
You are very lucky :)

Welcome! I have teo friends working from European Space Agency too... 😊 i love when they tell me stories.. it is so far from my reality. I will follow you.. Hope you enjoy Steemit and share good content! This is a great community. I am a Brazilian writer and videomaker, living in London. Here I post about photography, travel and stories. Have a look at my profile and if you like it, follow me. Cheers!

Thank you for a very kind welcome!
I would love to get to know your friends who also work at ESA :) I hope to engage more with you on this platform and collectively build a better and more awesome community!

Sure we will! Some of them are engineers one of the girls was responsible to send the guys to space.. Of course that is me... not knowing how to describe them! I will get more info soon! Probably your job is very exciting!

Welcome aboard fellow Steemian! You really pickled my interest, and just gained a new follower, myself, lol!

Thanks a lot! I look forward to creating more content, and hope to engage with you more on this platform and to build this awesome community together :)

Upvoted and followed you back!

I sincerely hope the same! Thank you, and see you around ^_^

Welcome to Steemit Fredrik! I work near NASA and Space X company which is also doing some pretty awesome stuff. Hope you enjoying your new adventure in the Steem world. UpVoted and Followed.

Thank you for the warm welcome!
That is really cool :) yes I have been following SpaceX very closely for the past 8 years. It is amazing to see what they're doing! Hopefully, they will have a successful launch today!

Thank you for the follow and upvote, I am following you back and hope to engage more with you on this great new platform.

Welcome to steem, I am so amazed with your story I love space and learning all about it I think it is so intressting and I hope I could travel to space one day. I am really looking forward to read more of your experiences and space.

Thank you @qurka for a very kind welcome!

I'm glad to hear that you liked my story. I hope to share much, much more of it in posts to come and I am very enthusiastic about being part of the exciting community here on steemit!

I hope to engage more with people like you who share my passion in future posts! Let's build an even more awesome community together!

Very cool intro, dude! Very should be extremely proud of yourself, and I'm SURE that parents are as well! 👏 good job!! Following you for sure!

Thank you for a very kind welcome :) I am really amazed by the community here, and hope to help grow what looks like a really cool community! Looking forward to engaging with you more on steemit :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Awesome! I like to watch documentaries about the universe. I have watched such movies: Mars, Gravity :) I am looking forward your interesting post!

Thank you @kangji ! Yes it was documentaries and watching popular scientists on YouTube that got me interested in space to begin with! Glad you're also sharing the same passion and enthusiasm :) I look forward to share an amazing journey with you here on steemit!

Welcome to Steem friend. Let's build this community! I left an upvote for you! Would be happy if you follow me for the latest drone/tech news etc.

BTW and if you need help, you can always get back to me!

Thanks @sirhenry ! I have followed you back and look forward to reading your post and engaging with you on this platform! Anything that has to do with autonomous vehicles and building new SUVs are very closely related to what I do. So I hope we can mutually benefit from being connected here on steemit :)

Awesome, looking forward to some space-related tales. Also perhaps you can enlighten people as to why NASA is hiding the fact that the world is flat (JOKE!) :-D


Thank you @cryptogee for the kind welcome!
I have wanted to blog about this for at least 5 years, and have luckily journaled quite a lot from my journeys :) I hope to make steemit the platform of my blog, and to share the excitement and journey with people like you who are also passionate about the topic!

I would have hoped that with the election of Donald Trump people would intuitively understand that all these conspiracies are false. As there is no way he could have managed to keep that secret with his desire to tweet, and the number of leaks from the Trump White House ^^.

Anyways I have followed you back, and hope my "space tales" will live up to your expectations! :D

Unfortunately, I think Trump's election has somehow strengthened those theories ;-(.

I'm sure they will, I'm a space freak! I want to live till 500 just so I can see the advances we make in space :-D


Thats great experience. I thoroughly loved it. Undoubtedly, upvoted @fredrikaa

Thank you @bindu for sharing those positive thoughts :)

I hope it will only be the first of many posts, and look forward to being part of a growing community here on steemit!

Welcome to Steemit :) I think you will one of those that does really well here. We really do have people from all walks of life and you have one very interesting profession, one that many of us dreamt to be when we were young.

Thanks a lot @alexthemagician for a very kind welcome! Indeed I look forward to enjoying the diversity and richness of the platform and seeing people from all over the world share what they love.

I have followed you back and hope to engage with you a lot more on the platform in weeks and months ahead :) let's build an even more awesome steemit community together!

Welcome! That was a pretty good post! I'm sure you will rock here on Steemit :))

Thanks a lot @alphapack ! Very nice to be welcomed so kindly by people like you :)

I am hoping to rock it of course! As alluded to I have wanted to start blogging for a very long time, and have accumulated a lot of material I would want to share. But on a platform such as this, I think most of all we will be rocking it together as it is all about community. I have followed you back and hope to engage more with you in the future and that we can mutually benefit from being connected :)

wow! you are one of those who say, they wanna be astronaut and then go do it! Glad you commented on one of my posts

Haha yes I do expect to travel to Space one day. The question is when though ^^

Glad to have connected with you, let's build an even more awesome community here on steemit, and lets space it up a bit ;)

let's do it! :)

Sweet, I'm following, eager to read about your experiences!

Thanks a lot! I have followed you back :) Hope my upcoming posts will live up to the expectations :p

Very enthusiastic about starting out here on steemit, and are very glad to be sharing a journey here with you!

Welcome to Steemit @fredrikaa. It sounds like you have many awesome stories to add to this great community we find ourselves a part of. I look forward to reading them all. I do not have the VP to upvote the post or I surely would but I have followed and resteemed.

Thanks for the welcome, the follow and the resteem! I have followed you back and hope to be engaging more with you on this platform :) let's build an even more awesome community together!

Hello welcome to steemit !

Thank you!

Welcome and I can't wait to hear of your adventures with NASA!

Thank you ! I look forward to sharing my journey on this exciting platform and look forward to engaging more with people who share my enthusiasm about both space and building a more awesome steemit community :)


Is! Awesome! :D


Hello Fredrick, I live in Florida and had the chance to experience the Kennedy Space Station. I think you have an amazing exciting career, I will follow you here and look forward for your posts.

Hello @jarib and thanks for the kind words and follow!

I'll follow you back and hope we can share an awesome ride here on steemit! :)


Welcome man :) it's nice to have you here :)

Thanks a lot! It's great to be part of this exciting new community! Looking forward to engaging with you on this platform :)

You had me at NASA. 'm new to STEEMIT as well. This is the first introduction I felt I had to read...Glad I did..Space adventures..:)

Hello @aalihte ! I'm very glad you liked it :)
Hope to provide much more going forward, and to engage more with you on this exciting new platform!

Hi there :3 I'm Vikky and I'm a new steemer too! Let's be friends!

I'm not flooding here, just sharing funny stories with pictures about my golden retriever puppy Mr. Oliver. Follow me back and vote for my posts if you're interested! Thanks a lot ^_^

Hey @vikky ! Thanks for the welcome :)

I grew up with a Golden Retriever myself! Below is an image from when I got back home to Norway after being at NASA and Florida, at which point I needed a mountain retreat with the dog! :D

I followed you and hope we can have some fun exchanges on steemit in the future! :)

Welcome! Looking forward to more posts from you. Check out my blog and follow if you're interested.

Heya @nicolicreer ! Thanks for the welcome :)
Happy that you liked my post! I have followed you back and hope to be engaging with you more on the platform! Hope you will find my future posts exciting as well, and that we can mutually benefit from being connected here and building the community together

Welcome to steemit and good adventure )

Thanks a lot! Hope to share a lot more of my adventure with you soon! (Writing a new post and hope to have it up soon!)

Hope to exchange more with you on the platform!

hmm then why you didnt no resteem my own post, i have best on my wall, follow dear!

I am not going to resteem everyone here. But have upvoted you, and hope to upvote you more often in the future! :)

ah, yeah its enough for me, so thanks for positive thinking, nice to hear! :)

Welcome @fredrikaa ! Hope you like Steemit, I am looking forward to seeing more of your post you have a really amazing job !

Thanks a lot @kev321 for a very nice welcome!

I hope to be sharing more of my journey in upcoming posts (got a few lined up) and hope to engage with you more here!

Followed and upvoted you :)

You´re are welcome @fredrikaa! sure that will be very cool!

Welcome to Steemit! I used to go to Kennedy Space Center and get the pass to sit on the bleachers! How exciting for you! Good luck on your mission! I will be following you!

Thank you @dswigle !
That is really cool! I plan to go back sometime soon, as I have such fond memories of the place. The whole east-coast of Florida was my cup of tea. So could definately see myself living there a year or two :)

I look forward to engaging with you on this platform!

Excellent! I loved it so much, I bought a house down there so that I could visit from time to time. Now, if I could quit work! :) I have many friends in the astronaut program here (or were here until the shutdown) and they are all hard, driven individuals who live, sleep and eat Space. I hope you enjoy it here. I have been here ten days, but, if there is anything I can answer for you, just ask.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Thanks a lot! Looking forward to engaging with you on this platform, and hope to be able to assist in building an even more awesome community here on the platform!

welcome to steemit
and follow @fajarsubhan

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hello Fredrik! This is DubVDave from West Virginia! I love NASA and I have visited KSC twice, saw the third to last space shuttle launch from the highway 7 miles outside of Titusville. The whole sky lit up and the launch was timed to coincide with the sun rising, i will never forget it! Great to see a rising star in your country focusing on space with a business and ESA connects! I want to leave you with some advice on how to properly convert your SBD (Steem backed dollar) without losing money! From one minnow to another, i wish you all the best!

Good luck in your Space journey. I share your passion for space exploration as I also worked at the Kennedy Space Center for 14 years, having sat in every space shuttle commander chair on launch pads 39A & B. I will follow you and comment !!!

Welcome to steemit.Hopefully can produce good writing in steemit. I will follow you now.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment