Hi. Steemit friends.
I am a newbi in here. I live in Seoul, Korea. I love travel and activities. So, I will introduce my life in Korea and my travelling story to you. I hope you like it and some information might be helpful to someone who need it.
안녕하세요. 처음으로 글을 써보게 되네요. 이렇게 쓰는게 맞길 바래보며 써봅니다. 저는 여행과 액티비티를 좋아하고 서울에 살고 있습니다. 그래서 앞으로 제 일상고 여행이야기를 소개해 드릴까해요. 제 이야기들을 좋아하셨으면 좋겠고 어떤 정보는 여러분들께 작은 도움이나마 되었으면 합니다.
Today I will tell you my first UMF experience. When summer comes, many festivals open in Korea. I have been rock festival but UMF was first time visit. I was so excited. It was June 10th & 11th and wether was so hot. Early morning and late night wether is little bit cold but day time is really hot. And when you enjoy UMF Korea, you will definitly getting hot. So I recommend you wear short pants and t-shirt. (Pictures are mixed June 10th and 11th)
오늘은 얼마전에 다녀온 UMF 이야기를 해볼까해요. 여름이 다가오면 많은 페스티벌이 한국에서 열리는데요. 저는 락페는 가봤어도 UMF는 처음이었어요. 정말 신났었죠. 참고로 6월 10일, 11일 열렸던 거라 정말 더웠습니다. 이른 아침과 늦은 저녁엔 좀 쌀쌀했지만 낮은 정말 더웠거든요. 그래서 짧은 바지와 티셔츠를 입고 오시길 추천드려요.
(참고로 사진은 10일 11일 사진이 섞여 있어요.)
UMF Korea opens noon, but I go there around 6 p.m. because of hot weather. And I saw a beautiful sunset nearby masic beach stage. There are many people who takes pictures so they can keep their preicous memories.
UMF 입장은 정오부터 가능한걸로 알고 있지만 저는 6시쯤 입장했어요. 더위때문에요. 그리고 들어가자마자 예쁜 석양을 매직비치 스테이지에서 볼 수 있었죠. 그리고 많은 사람들이 그 순간을 기억하기 위해 사진을 찍고 있었어요.
Masic beach stage was so coooool. There are real sands so people feel like here is beach. It reminds me California even though I didn't go there. Music also was fanctastic. I specially like DJ Darious.
매직비치스테이지는 정말 멋졌어요. 진짜 모레를 가져와 해변처럼 만들었거든요. 캘리포니아를 가보진 않았지만 캘리포니아를 생각나게 햇어요. 물론 음악도 좋았습니다. 특히 DJ다리우스가 좋았어요.
When sunset ends, I move to resistance stage. It is not the open area and it is located street coner. So, EDM beat was very loud.
석양이 끝나고 레지스탕스 스테이지로 갔어요. 여긴 오픈된 공간이 아니예요. 그냥 거리 중간 코너에 위치해 있달까. 그래서 EDM 비트가 크게 들렸어요.
It is closed so seems like club. Club is not my type. I prefer festival then club. So I did't stay the stage that long.
그래서 클럽같았죠. 하지만 저는 클럽보다는 페스티벌이 제 타입. 그래서 오래 머물진 않았어요.
I move to Live stage. This stage seems like rock festival because music is played not only EDM but also verous style music. I could heard cool sexophone at the stage. In addition, there are large space to hang out so many people seat or lie down and enjoy the music. Also many people bought some food and drink and had some fun with their friends.
다음으로 라이브스테이지로 갔어요. 꼭 락페느낌이 나는 곳이었는데 음악도 EDM 뿐만 아니라 다양한 음악이 흐르는 곳이었거든요. 저는 여기서 멋진 섹소폰 연주도 들었어요. 그리고 많은 사람들은 자유롭게 앉거나 누워서 음악을 듣고 있었고 음식과 술을 사와서 친구들과 즐겁게 시간을 보내고 있는 모습을 봤습니다.
There is a pink flamenco that I like. So I took little bit rest because I was on my legs very long time.
제가 좋아하는 핑크 플라맹고가 있더라고요. 그래서 그 위에서 좀 쉬었어요. 너무 오래 서 있었거든요.
I ate a lot because there are many yammy foods! Even there was Korean food street, so people can enjoy many Korean foods. You know this is UMF KOREA!! Well I eat Korean food everyday so I didn't eat Korean food that day.
음식도 정말 많이 먹은 날이예요. 맛있는게 많아서요. 한국음식거리도 있었는데 저는 매일 먹는 거라 다른 음식을 골라 먹었어요.
I finally go to main stage where the most people go. There are many people but fun! Everybody can enjoy the music. Actually, I thougth that EDM is made by only beat but I realize that EDM is cool music because of UMF Korea. It is like a song that I like.
마침내 대부분의 사람들이 가는 메인스테지로 갔어요. 정말 많은 사람들이 있었지만 즐거웠죠. 사실 EDM은 비트로만 이뤄진줄 알았는데 멋진 음악이자 노래라는 것을 이번 기회에 알게 되었어요.
I enjoy Aleso, Hardwell, and Tiesto's music from this main stage. It was verrrrry fun! I jumped a lot, so my feet was exhausted after UMF Korea. LOL.
저는 알레소와 하드웰, 티에스토 음악들이 너무 좋았어요. 정말 신났었죠. 저는 정말 많이 뛰었기 때문에 UMF 끝나고 발이 너무 아팠어요. 하하.
This was my first experience of UMF KOREA as I tell you. There are many foreigners from all over the world. So if you have plan to come to Korea in June or Summer and you like festivals like this, you should check out schedule of UMF or rock festivals. Anyways, it was cool experience for me!
I hope you like my first steemit post. :)
여기까지 제 UMF 첫 경험이야기였어요. 정말 많은 외국인들이 있기 때문에 외국인들도 6월이나 여름에 한국 올 기회가 있다면, 그리고 이런 페스티벌을 좋아한다면 강추! 어쨌는 제게는 정말 신나는 경험이었답니다.
제 첫 포스트를 좋아셨길 바라며. 오늘은 안녕! :)
hoooo now that's look like a big gathering
i'm just about finding new friends from korea to visit in future
so welcome to the community
have as much fun as possible :-)
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Welcome! Korea is nice Country for traveling. :)
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maybe i come along in future :-)
so watch out for the MelonMan ^^
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Hey and welcome to steemit, I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community :)
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Yeah I think so. Thank you. :)
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Amazing !
I like Aleso, Hardwell, and Tiesto's music,too !
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Yes they are amazing. :)
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Welcome to Steem @hannapride I have sent you a tip
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Thank you. :)
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Hi hannapride .. the UMF concert looks like a lot of fun ... I like concerts too ... mainly heavy metal concerts ... so have fun with all your concerts :-)
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Yeah it is like a concert.
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Hi hanna ... i hope you enjoy this concert.
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A big warm Steemit welcome goes out to you Hannapride! :-D
Upvoted and High Paw.

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Thank you. :)
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You're welcome! :-D
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Welcome to Steemit!
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Thank you. :)
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UMF 정말 가고 싶었는데...약속이 취소되서...ㅠㅠ
이렇게 사진으로만 봐도 신남이 느껴지네요!!!
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내년엔 꼭 가시길 바랄게요. :)
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welcome to steemit.
Up and followed you
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첫 포스트 퀄리티가 엄청나시네요
Umf 사진보니 꼭 이비자 같은 느낌입니다ㅋ
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감사합니다. ^^
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저도 2-3년 전쯤 울트라에 처음 가봤었는데. 참 재밌었어요. 사진 잘 보았습니다. 첫 포스팅! 환영합니다.
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울트라코리아 처음이었는데 신났었어요 ㅎㅎ
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Wow .. you seem like a fun person ..loved your photos Welcome to the family ... A Tip for being successful at steem "Forget about the money and just start having fun, Rest will follow you soon " ... .. would love to read more posts by you .. keep posting
Upvoted the post!
You Can follow me @utfull if you like
Will follow you back! See you around .
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Thank you for your kind advise. I am learning steemit. Yes. I start having fun. :)
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포스팅 잘봤습니다 ㅎㅎ UMF 저도 매년 가봐야지가봐야지.. 하면서 여러 핑계대면서 안가봤는데 내년엔 가봐야겠어요!!
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저도 처음 가봤는데 신나더라고요! 왜 가는지 알겠어요!!
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환영해요!!! :)
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감사합니다!! :)
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Welcome to the platform, I wish everything work out for you. It’s not easy here but not difficult neither but just ask an extra effort, engagement is the key good luck I’m @goodaytraders Start by following people and they will do the same.
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Thank you. :)
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Very cool photos. Thanks for sharing your event with us.
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You're welcome! :)
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반갑습니다~ 첫포스팅부터 열심히 써주셨네요^^
업봇하고 갑니다 :)
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감사합니다. 열심히 써봤어요. ㅎㅎ
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Welcome to Steemit! :)
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Thank you. :)
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I was hoping you were in South Korea and not North. LOL
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Yes. I am in South.
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전 레오라고 합니다
앞으로 많은 활동 기대할게요. ^^
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감사합니다. :)
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이열! 저도 언제 한번 가봐야겠네요~^^
팔로우 보팅 하구가요!
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감사해요. :)
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반갑습니다 좋은 경험하셨네요 부러워요 ㅎㅎ
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이제 락패 시즌이니 고고+ :)
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nice! i have first dan in taekwondo, so im really interested in next artcile :)
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Coool. maybe white, isn't it? Good luck for your taekwondo!
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its black belt :( :D
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Ah first dan. Now I understand. Haha
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Welcome to Steem @hannapride, I have sent you a tip. Followed you as well. Hope to hear a lot from you
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Thank you! :)
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Welcome to steemit. Good luck.
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Thank you. :)
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스티미안이 되신걸 환영합니다 ^___^
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감사해요! :)
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Welcome to steemit! im sure you will like it here!
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Thank you. :)
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Welcome to steemit community.
I’m @jyoungking2 Start by following people and they will do the same.
Good Luck
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Good tip :)
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Hello there @hannapride and welcome to Steemit! I just upvoted you!! I hope you enjoy your time here and make lots of $$$. If you're interested in lotteries, please check my profile out @steemitlotteries. I run FULLY TRANSPARENT LOTTERIES with promotional posts where I issue FREE TICKETS for those who help me curate my promotions. All the best! :)

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Thank you. :)
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환영 합니다 벤티 입니다
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반가워요 ㅎㅎ
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반갑습니다 !!팔로우하고갈게여!
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반갑습니다!! ^^
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