Welcome to Imaxess : The first hospital in the world to accept steem : I am Dr Eduardo Padilla

in introduceyourself •  8 years ago 

Hello Steemians!

My name is Dr Eduardo Padilla and I'll be blogging as @imaxess.

First off I want to thank you all for the warm reception I received over the weekend.
When @williambanks told me about this platform I just didn't believe it.
I wish I had listened sooner.

Then he showed me the reception he got for a video game and the first question I had was
"How can we be part of this?"

He explained that this platform would be excellent for our education and outreach efforts.
So I will be blogging regularly, you may see the same content in different languages, mostly English & Spanish, I invite you to read it anyways because learning a new language is good for the mind.

The funds raised from each post will be used for a good cause, but to understand our cause, you need to understand where it comes from.

I studied pre med in Revelle college UCSD. After which I entered medical school in Tijuana where I finished my education and became an MD.

While I was a medical student I started working in the first clinic in Baja California to offer CT scans.
This is where my passion for using technology in medicine started.

One day a patient came in to have a head CT, he had been in a bad automobile accident and was rushed to the nearest hospital. When he arrived the administrator of the clinic were I worked, insisted on upfront payment for the study, which the patient's mother could not provide.

After multiple calls to friends and family, seeing that she could not get the money needed, I told the administrator that I would pay for the study personally.

He agreed, but as we were going to pass him to the CT he died.

His mother knelt and asked for forgiveness for not having the money to save his life...

In that precise moment IMAXESS was born!
I was determined to set up a hospital where we could offer state of the art equipment and if somebody needed a procedure done, we would do it regardless of his or her ability to pay.

For the last 30 years we have done exactly that.

After I started the clinic, I finished my medical training and then went to Mexico city to do my residency in Radiology.
One the biggest government hospitals in Mexico, Centro Medico La Raza, a facility belonging to IMSS (Mexico's healthcare system).

After finishing my residency, I embarked on a journey to get the right medical information to the people.

My life's work has been to provide easy to understand medical information so that everybody can have a solid understanding of how this magical machine we call the human body actually works.
I do this so that everyone is be able to make right decisions about their health.

I stated the first telemedicine and teleradiology network in Mexico.
We were the first in Baja California to offer high field MRI, helical CT and digital radiology.
Imaxess have been pioneers in Mexico in getting health technology available to the people, enlighten them on key concepts and we live to make their lives better.

From here on out you will see an eclectic mix of topics.
My goal with this blog is to demystify medicine and make approachable even to laymen.
If you learn a new thing every day, I'll consider it mission accomplished.
If even a single life is made better by this, I will consider it a gift from God.

In addition to outreach and the occasional advertisement, you will see me gradually begin to bring over my course material.

I teach radiology and telemedicine to my cadre of student doctors and we will be using this platform as part of that course. I will be tagging that material as requiremente and asking my students to blog and upload their homework.

As this account builds SP I'll use the voting weight slider to grade homework, giving each of my students a few pennies for doing a good job. If you enjoy their responses, feel free to jump in with an upvote or two.

There will be a lot of things coming as we integrate this social media platform into our workflow and we may try different experiments. I see so much potential here now...
@williambanks explained scienceinanarchy to me and while it was a good start, it's just one possible method of using this incredible tool we've got.

About the only thing I cannot do here is offer specific medical advice online.
If you need immediate medical attention I urge you to seek competent, qualified practitioners in your local area.
However for anything else, please feel free to stop by Imaxess here in Tijuana Mexico.

We treat you like family, because when it comes down to it, all of us are.

Thank you again for the warm reception and feel free to ask me anything or recommend topics you would like to know more about in the comments below.

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Welcome to Steemit. I look forward to your blog. You have a great purpose and I look forward to your insights into medicine and how medical care can be improved.

Thank you for the kind words. I have always believed that the first step to improving patient outcomes is improving education for all. There are so many silly superstitions that get touted out as medical fact and yet when groundbreaking new things come to light it can take a long time before people can accept them as real.

I promise I will do my best to make sure everyone has access to the best information possible so that they can make their own decisions.

Hello everyone!
William Banks told me that this post was getting a lot of attention, and that makes me happy. However the hospital opens at 9AM and I have to be in by 7AM for meetings and it's 11PM right now.

One key to a healthy life is to get plenty of rest. So I'll go through and respond to what I can for a few minutes, but then I need to get some rest myself.

I will check back in about 10 or whenever I can in between patients, but I like to take my time and think before I speak. So please don't think I'm being rude if I don't respond to you very quickly. I'm here to stay though, so we have plenty of time to talk.

Thank you everyone!

[] Hello Everybody and Dr Eduardo Padilla
Let us jumpstart his account! I had only 72 Steem in my Wallet this morning. I was thrilled to transfer them to his Wallet @imaxess If you feel the same, transfer a little extra. Let us continue to vote for him in the future. Be sure to follow this account @imaxess

Dr Eduardo Padilla thank you so much.

Ramta the Viking of Norway

Dude that's just awesome! I have a payout due in a few hours.
As soon as it comes in, I'll do exactly the same thing!

We have tranferred 3 SBD (Steem Dollar) to Wallet @imaxess
Thank you Dr Eduardo Padilla

5 SBD (Steem Dollar) to Wallet @imaxess
Thank you for saving lives Dr Eduardo Padilla

10 SBD to Wallet @imaxess Just a girl from Norway

Great! This is just great! Welcome! Willkommen! Buenvenido!

Here I see my seeds, pushing confidence by deploying the first Bitcoin ATMs in Tijuana, Mexico and therefor the first in Latin America 2 1/2 years ago finally sprouting! Lets bring this beautiful flower of companionship, pioneering and humanitarian action to bloom through leveraging technology and lowering the enrty efforts!

Very thrilled to be part of it and doing all I can to make this work.

Upvoted and resteemed! Welcome aboard doc!
We should get the whole Imaxess crew on here!

p.s. Before anyone complains about the photography, keep in mind I took these photos and I really, really suck at photography. Sorry I didn't do the girls justice.

Why didn't you tell me? I could have done some nice photos. Well... We'll do this for the next posts. :)

Yeah I'm going in to get my head examined this week. Was going to ask if you wanted to record that.
Well call it "Inside the mind of William Banks"

Sure! Let's do it!

Bienvenido doctor! Y por ende a todo el equipo de IMAXESS :) Ohhh esto es un cambio de juego completo, no solo aceptar SBD en la clínica sino también usar Steemit como una "herramienta escolar" (muy importante) y en ves de notas a los estudiantes... pues SteemDollars!!! (muchísimo mejor!) Yo estaría mas que contento de estudiar con usted :) Saludos nuevamente, lo sigo.

Muchas gracias @juanmiguelsalas, estamos muy emocionados de abrir las puertas que estan gran plataforma puede brindarnos. En realidad creo que esto es parte del futuro tanto en la telemedicina como en la cuestion escolar. Mis alumnos, al igual que yo estamos muy emocionados en implementar esta herramienta, como instrumento de aprendizaje. Me apasiona el poder explicar la medicina de la manera en la que ami me hubiese gustado que se me explicara durante la carrera.

Welcome aboard! I applaud your continued pioneering of new ideas and tech to move the world to a freer atmosphere. Upvoted and following

Thank you very much. I hope that I can make each person a little wiser every day.
I am following you as well.

Welcome to Steem, people like you will help shape the future.
All the best~Don

Wow, thank you for that. I think the future is shaped by everyone together and that takes knowledge.

Bonvenon Doktoro !

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

This is supercool news! Actually I would like to invite you add the tag #usesteem next time you write about this hospital accepting STEEM, since we are helping foster the use of STEEM, constantly looking for ways to use it straight. So I'm greatly impressed about this new way, everybody must know and follow your example!
-- @develcuy

What a blessing that you are providing care like this. If people opened their hearts like this more, medical care would be much less of an issue. I am in my final year of medical school and have discussed the patholophisiology of type 1 and 2 diabetes for stemians to understand. I look forward to your informative posts!

If even a single life is made better by this, I will consider it a gift from God.

We treat you like family, because when it comes down to it, all of us are.

God bless you

Hi Dr. Padilla, welcome to Steemit!
Wow, it was great to read your story of how IMAXESS got started. And the idea to put your course work on here and have your students reply and get rewarded is an exciting and creative use for steemit! I can't wait to see how this works out. Best wishes to you and your staff and students!

Hi Dr, Padilla! And welcome to steemit...As I read this Introduction, I couldn't help but have a big smile on my face! I realized In what beneficial ways steemit could be used In the health/medical fields all around the world. This platform, Is much, much, bigger than we can all grasp at this time! And I have a feeling, that we are just at our infancy in discovering it's valuable use-cases for the human experience. Thank you for the Important work you do to enrich and educate the lives of the people who will aid us In building our community...And the world:)

Hello Eduardo and welcome to Steemit.
I am speechless at reading your introduction. I'm impressed at how fast you understood how steemit works and how you turned into a practical application in the real world.
I'm glad we share mutual human values and can't wait to read forthcoming posts from you and your students.

textgreat to see

Great to see you as well!

Welkom bij SteemIt,
Another language to learn: Nederlands. :-)

Thank you for sharing your story. Good to read that there are fellow humans who care for life and human kind. We all are related, so prove our genes.

Valued and reSteemed

I hope I'm not too late to read your intro post @imaxess. I'm glad that you love to help people. Welcome to the community and good to know that we have a doctor around, which we can something in case we needed health advice.

Following you doc.

Your project is a great initiative! I would be more than happy to read about medical articles on Steemit. This is a field not too present at the moment (but maybe I am looking at the wrong place). Do not hesitate to add the #science tag to your posts.

@lemouth That's awesome! As an educator I was wondering what you thought of the idea of posting assignments and using the vote slider here to grade assignments? Tip students a few pennies for doing a good job?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

We do not have such a thing as assignments, so that I am not sure. My worry would be students getting inspiration from the posts of other students who posted first. That is not super fair.

Great intro! Wish you success! And Welcome!!!

Very cool, now if that could just spread to the states as well. Thanks for sharing with us!

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Wonderful post. You should get on the map of businesses accepting Steem.

What a great initiative, both in accepting this cryptocurrency and in getting your students involved on the platform.

As this account builds SP I'll use the voting weight slider to grade homework, giving each of my students a few pennies for doing a good job. If you enjoy their responses, feel free to jump in with an upvote or two.

That is wonderful.

I'm happy to know about your facility because Baja is on my list for the near future.

Welcome !

Looks like I'm a little late to the welcome party but I wanted to stop by and say THANK YOU for being open-minded and giving this platform a try. It truly is a wonderful thing to be a part of.