Steemians! I need your help!

in introduceyourself •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hello Steemians!

Today I have decided to write my first post on Steemit. Yes, I have been here a very long time, 20 moons it seems, but I have never actually posted an article. I have shied away from the spotlight, but I have decided it is time to step out and enjoy the light!


Now on to what I need your help with. I have been cooped up in the same city for too long. I need to go see something new and exciting, BUT I have no idea where to go! This is where you all come in. I am looking for Steemians to tell me about their country and cities, and why I should travel there! Let me know what makes your city/country rock! In exchange for your time and effort, I am going to reward the top 3 posts by following them for a week and voting on a post a day for 7 days - to help you get your name and content out there for others to see! I will also resteem the posts of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. You help me and I help you, this seems like a grand idea and a win win for everyone!

Now, my grand idea unfortunately is not for everyone. I want to help those content creators who believe they have something amazing to offer, but have just not been getting a chance to strut their stuff. So I am going to limit my competition to only those with a reputation of 25-40 (if this goes well, I will offer other contests to either a larger reputation range or everyone). Since I just want travel tips, ideas, and destinations, I have a few stipulations on the posts I will accept in this event.


Original content!
Must be reputation 25-40.
Account must be at least 1 month old.
One entry per person.
No limit to the size of the post.
Added points for creativity.

To submit an article for review please use #travelpine as your first tag in your post. The contest start today, Monday, January 29th and will end on Friday, February 2nd. I will then spend the weekend reviewing all of your glorious content submissions and announce the winner on Monday, February 5th. I currently reside in BC, Canada eh! Just a tip, in case you were going to do a post on that.

Good luck to all entrants!!

Me-Who's In.JPG

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OMG! This is such an awesome idea! Thank you so much for your support, you really have changed my life, and allowed me to travel and see the world. I've met so many Steemanaians on this trip, and made so many amazing friendships. I couldn't have done it without your support. I'm currently in Thailand!

Although I'm not from Thailand, I would totally recommend you check it out. The people here are so kind and nice. The weather is amazing with gorgeous views, and if you do end up visiting, I met some AMAZING Steemanians out there I could set you up with.

I actually told my tour guide about Steemit yesterday, and he is currently getting his account approved. If he does get approved quickly, I'll have him enter your competition, as he will be a minnow, but his video skills are AMAZING! I think he has so much potential and good content to offer. I'm pretty sure you will be sold to go to Thailand after that. (Edit: I just realized he needs to be on for at least 1 month) :P.

IMG_3059.JPG (sneak peak of views... this could be you! hahah)

Much love,

beauti photo

Karen, if you ever get a chance visit Croatia!
It is really lovely country, I come from Croatia so if you want to know anything more about the place, feel free to ask :)

Hi! Pls follow me..:)

following, please follow back

oh I would love too! I've seen photos... so magical! :)

Oh it is amazing, if you want to get any extra info about Croatia, feel free to ask :)

Croatia is where all the awesome people come from lol

you must be from Croatia, too, haha. Hi! :)

Odakle ? :)

Ooo pa ima ljudi sa ovih prostora ovdje! :)

@edwinbeutti I have been wanting to go to Croatia for a long time now! What part are you from?

I will keep that for myself but I can tell you that I live in a town at the beach :)



Good guy..amazing and nice can introduced you my freind

Nice picture..follow me



nice and beautiful

@Kpine here is my post.

I welcome you to Colombia, thank you for supporting me

Colombia...qué país tan bonito! Disfruté mi viaje en Colombia mucho.

Nice scenery

wonderful post and amazing photos thanks for sharing ,,, Pls follow me

Hello Karen. I'm so appreciated to hear that you love Thailand. I'm Thai working in hospitality. For your next trip to Thailand if you would like any assistance, please tell me. :)

this is awesome! just curious to how you have 2600 followers with 18 posts! you must of been a youtube star yeah! badass, i cant wait to see who wins! my account isn't a month old yet but it'll be cool to see the content the winner has!

hello karensuestudios. I am a new comer boy. I learn a little bit about steemit please help me. Steemit friends also help me. For their some kindness i will make a new identity. Then i also understand how can i improve myself. please everybody help me.


@karensuestudios I'm in Thailand right now! I agree... I don't think even a year here is enough time to explore. I'm posting all of my cool discovieries on here though...I found the COOLEST thing yesterday!

AWWWW 😮❤️ I hope you enjoy yourself a lot! It’s amazing!

Hello @kpine !! I just saw this and I am soo sad that I missed this opportunity and the deadline. I never knew how to get in touch with you and thank you for the support you have provided me, I cant find you on steemit chat! So thank you! You have really kept me going on steemit through harder times and gave me soo much!!!!!YOU ARE THE Best!

If you are still considering which places to go to, then perhaps London! It is one of the best city to offer anything that you want. I will personally show you all the cool spots to eat for brunch, lunch or dinner! There is obvs sightseeing stuff! Ohh there is soo much!!!! I am so glad you did your intro post!!! #travelpine

Upvoting this in a hope that you can see it!!!!

Hey Kpine!!!

We are currently in Thailand and it is definitely one of the most amazing places I have ever been. There is something for everyone out here. I personally love the beaches in southern Thailand. They are all beautiful and the water is warm.

We went snorkeling in Koh Phi Phi yesterday and saw colorful fish, turtles, and sharks.
new pic1.jpg

Have you ever been to Thailand?

Thank you so much for all your support. You have truly changed my life. You have helped me travel and share my passion with some many people.
Many thanks and love!


You could always come to California and I would show you all the awesome places there. Tahoe, San Fran, Yosemite.
You know I would want to teach you a bunch of AcroYoga ! hahah 😊

I was in Thailand a month back and the experience is priceless.

I second Thailand! I go there every year. Leaving for Chiang Mai next week!! :D

Hey @connecteconomy. I'm in Chiang Mai and I'll be here for awhile. We should connect!

Oh yes let's do that! Are you in the Chiang Mai Nomad Girls Facebook group? I am Anja Schuetz there.

It's so exciting for me to look at those pictures. I feel a bit that I'm also with you here. and I also want to have my journey to nice places. ^^ Very nice!

it's the best place on the world
I want to go to this place 😢

this is awesome
lit awesomeness

Thailand is such a beauty

seems like a lovely place to visit ,will add to my travel schedule

I'm in Thailand, too! I'll be here for a couple of months and then to Vietnam! Will you be here for awhile? I love your underwater pic! What beach is that on?


Escape the West while you still can. You will NEVER have a life there within this lifetime. No wonder you're depressed and want to see more of this world - you're in Canada!

While you're at it being outside of it, turn in your citizenship and seek refuge somewhere else. Your STEEM money will pay for that I'm sure. Good luck! =D

wow kpine really happy to see your very first post! Thank you supporting me when I was starting out on this community, I would never ever forget your name... you really have a sound idea, although I am not qualified I will support this post! really great job my friend! I am your friend from Japan

@hiroyamagishi why your are not qualified dear?

bc his rep score is not in the 25-40 range

Can I know what is it on that picture? It looks... nice. :D

beautiful, Japan stole my heart when I was there, can't wait to go back to this magnificent country

Great idea! Awesome first post!

I like your style here with your first post. But I’ve never been good with rules. I have a rep of 60 and I live in a suburb of london. It’s not the most breathtaking place to live to put it mildly. However, if you do come, I can offer you something that nobody else can offer. Joining me on a disruptive spree, disrupting the conditioned masses in london,!in a funky thought provoking way. If you fancy, Check out my stuff on here including my promo Steem stuff.

Danny aka the socialexperimentalist

New here and share your unconditioning spree! Cheers! Check out my first poem here - I call it "Listen.."

  • Best,

Yo! I just followed, you sound mad interesting. Cheers from Florida

O man! You are so cool xD

Well played !! Big time payout on first post! I don't think they make a badge for that. Happy trails

wow your post is so good and You know I would want to teach you a bunch of AcroYoga Thank you so much for all your support. You have truly changed my life thank you for sharing this post

Well hello there shy one! I'm so glad you posted at least something, because now I can finally say THANK YOU SO MUCH! I don't think you have any idea how much you have done for someone you don't even know. I wish I were better at writing love letters, but I am not, so this is all I have, for now. <3

Btw, would you mind telling us where in the world you currently rule?

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

You are very welcome @eveuncovered! I love your photography! You are very talented, and thank you for pointing out a flaw in my post. I am going to update it now. I live in BC, Canada :)

Since you seem to like photography, I would take a look at @mostvulnerable - I don't know him but his shots are really, really good.

Dear kpine, it's really great to see your introduction post here, finally!
Thanks for the support you gave to me before although I had no idea who you are. XD

China would be a great idea for your coming destination

We have so many amazing dishes (spicy or sweet-sour, whatever you like), countless street food, even the breakfast you could eat 30 days without repetition. You can find some lovely landscape in the South and West part of the country, from Shenzhen, it's easy to across the border into the world's most amazing city Hong Kong.

No matter you are into a overland trip. or city trip. you find your options.
Maybe the only problem could be the language barrier, but I can help you on that issue. No worries.

Nice meeting you again, kpine :D

(upvoted for visibility :P)

I can't wait to go to China !! looks to be an amazing place :-)

#travelpine While I don't actually live there, one of the most breathtaking places I've visited lately was Lake Louise in Banff. Absolutely stunning views of mother nature, a serene lake at the bottom of a glacier with a cool hotel that reminds me of a hotel in the Swiss Alps that James Bond would find some two-faced villain in. Also, drink some Ice Wine. It's a local liqueur that is distilled from some sort of local berry that flash freezes in the winter and they collect the juice concentrate and create some crazy high-octane alcohol. Anyway, go Canada!!!



I loved Banff! I visited it last year! I would also recommend it :)

Well, it appears he's from Canada, but I'm all for shorter distance travels, they're so eco-friendly! And goddamn that ice wine sounds good right about now.

I have an issue paying attention to details. Place of origination aside, still an epic trip to take! I want to go back in the summer and go for some hikes!

OMG yes - one of the most stunning places I've ever been to! The pancakes were great, too! ;)

what a stunning picture.

OMG stunning landscape Muah :)

this is so cool as ice. Definitively want to visit this place someday. IDK but Im pretty damn sure that an hollywood movie has been shot here.

Holy cow. That view is amazing. Look so like a great place to fly some quadcopters!

Now.. off to convince the wifey to take a vacation to Banff!!🤣

Welcome to my back yard! There are other places like this, but they are less well known because they involve some serious hiking to get there.

I wanted to visit Moraine Lake but didn't have time. Taking the family back next time I visit!

I've never been to Banff but I've heard it's magical!

My reputation precludes me from taking part in your great idea so rather than promote my own country (the UK) as a neutral, I am going to endorse my top 3 (having travelled to over 40) - in no particular order - Iceland, New Zealand and Slovenia! They are all mind-blowing and have each left a lasting impression on me and you could do a lot worse than start your journey in one of them. Good luck and I look forward to reading about your experiences...

and Slovenia! They are all mind-blowing

Welcome to our community :)

hi @kpine, I am pretty new to Steemit and not even a month old, so I ain't eligible for the contest. I am from Nepal and I recommend you to visit Nepal if you have not.

Nepal is in South Asia, a small country in the lap of big Himalayan between great India and China. It is rich naturally and culturally. Some of the places I would recommend in Nepal are:

  1. Pokhara

    The image is of Annapurna, Dhaulagiri and Machhapuchre mountains as seen from Phewa lake of Pokhara valley. Its must go place if you anyone ever visits Nepal.

  2. Mustang

    Mustang is a place to go if you love trekking especially in the circuit of Annapurna Base Camp. I have been here last summer, believe me, Mustang is heaven on Earth

  3. Chitwan National Park

    It is home to many endangered species. Been here a couple of times, and Elephant safari is my favorite here.

  4. Everest Basecamp

    Its where I dream to be at least once in my life but have not got an opportunity yet. I want to stare the world’s highest peak from its bottom.

and many more....

image source 1 ,2, 3 and 4

That first photo blew my mind! Awesome


If you want to know a beautiful place where people treat you as if you are their brother, where there are thousands and thousands of places to visit, where you can find the largest waterfall in the world, the largest cable car in the world, thousands and thousands of cultures and traditions, the best beaches on the continent and even the most beautiful women of all (We have 5 crowns of the Miss Universe in our possession) do not miss visiting VENEZUELA the best country in the world ...

I went here in 2001 and have very fond memories of Canaima and Angel Falls - stunning!

It's so awesome to see you finally post. I am glad that I got to have some insights on your thoughts. I am also really glad that you are deciding to help the people in need here on Steemit. This will really help spread the joy. Keep being awesome 🙂

I thought you were a bot haha. Mind = blown.

Great to see you post @kpine :) I have a higher rep but I figured I’d pop in and say hi . Sometimes I really feel like I’m struggling and other times I feel great. I’ve been here for six months and I’m trying real hard to get to a 60 rating. I suppose I’m on my way with passion and consistency. Thankyou for your vote last week I.T made me so happy. Il share some travel /living experience though if that’s alright ! I now live close to Miami after being in New York for my whole life and it’s the most incredible thing ever. I.T may be an acquired taste but I think it’s unbeatable. Best Latin food you’ll ever eat. The churrasco with chimmichurri is my favorite ! They have all sorts of cool stuff as well. Russian/Turkish bathhouse is amazing. I.T has all sorts of crystals and they pump water from the ocean into there stuff it’s so cool 😎 if your into dancing and Latin woman that also is a known hit in Miami. Anyway you have given so many people wealth here and I truly am envious. Maybe you’ll be posting more and I can get to know you some more. Judging by your post I.T seems as though your a cool dude lol. Do you really look like that character bit thing ? Anyway have an awesome day or night whoever you are. I’m going to continue pursuing my dreams here and create all sorts of content to help connect. Steemit has changed my life forever and I’m so happy to be here! You must be isanely happy 😊. Have a good one @kpine and until next time ! Take care .

nice though

Cryptocurrency has come to stay and remains the future of money........................we cant debate that at all....just stay calm and watch the trend Line.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Hello, nice to meet you @kpine, I can not participate, I do not have my big wallet but my reputation speaks of being a woman in love with Steemit.
Patiently I will wait for my turn.
I will share the information, because in reality there are many waiting for a nice opportunity like this.

innovative stuff and that too on your first post. you should keep blogging more

Seeing such a nice initiative from a whale after a long time, most of the time I see posts related to who rapes reward pool in trending page. Wish, all of them would come forward and do some initiatives like this, to take Steem to top.

By the way you are most welcome to India, the country of diversity and peace. And should you need anything, just let me know.

Upvoted and resteemed to reach to more people.

I regret not being able to participate, due to the fact that I have a high reputation. although my wallet is not so full.
I would like to be able to participate in a future contest, I live in Venezuela, the country that everyone is looking at at the moment due to the tough political and economic situation that we are facing, even so, we maintain our good spirit and we try to overcome this nightmare by organizing and sharing with steemit users.
You can take a look at this publication so they can see what I'm talking about.

Good luck to all entrants !!


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

and congrats on your first post! :) great idea to create a contest like that! I will let know my followers and people from my CHAT community about it. maybe someone will be interested.

Great idea! In the CHAT community there will be some who meet the criteria.

Welcome to steemit @kpine I hope you really explore the world and the steemit community too.

Welcome to steemit family.At last you came to the most amazing community in the world.Wishing you all the success.I am following you to get more updates , hoping you will follow me too...

Hey, I live in Montreal, Quebec the city is very snowy and cold right now but it really comes alive in the summer time, and there is a steemit community!

Well, welcome to the land of the posting, and cool initiative! I have seen your name much in the curation end of things...

This isn't for me (obviously!) but I'll give you a resteem.

Im also from Canada, Im from Manitoba and I got a brother that lives in abbortsford. When I first started reading I instantly thought about writing about Vancouver, as I have had alot of fun times there and the surrounding area. But im sure you have taken the ferry a few times over to the mainland lol. Dont want to write about my home town as I want to get out of here probably more then you want out of Victoria. And I cant see you wanting to come to rural Manitoba now as its minus 30 here lol. Anyway I hope you get some really exciting Idea from the Steemit Community.

Hi! Great initiative :D.
One question, out of curiosity, why the 1 month old rule? As a newcomer, this sounds like a great oportunity to show I have good ideas and can bring something original/funny/whatever to the table :)
(I'm not saying I would participate even if I could, it all depends on whether I come up with any good idea, but nevertheless, it'd be nice to have the opportunity if I can think of something cool)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Your point is fair, but my goal is to help those who have been here a bit and are struggling. No offence to the new content creators, but there are some people who have been here a bit, and have put the time and effort in, but have come up short. As I stated in the post, if this goes well I will run other contests.

I am not qualified but wait for my suggestion soon =D

I just joined this month, but you also have a point . : )this is a nice idea and good luck for this !! :) :)

I understand, no worries, and of course no offense taken. I’ll follow you to see how the contest goes, and maybe I’ll be able to participate in the next ones :D

May I join? @kpine

I'm not yet a month old though ☹️

Same here :D

me too :D but it's okay .

You are welcome 🙏

Amazing to see u finally posting. To bad i am out of the range of the contest!! But i love that your helping minnows out and your upvote change peoples account and their lives. Looking forward to see great content. Hopefully i join the contest next time. By the way: Netherlands is the place to go smoke something in Amsterdam :P.

This is awesome. I think you should head to Lisbon, Portugal where STEEMFest2 was held last year... it was a beautiful quaint city full of character. The women were beautiful and the food was delicious... then you should head over to Amsterdam where SteemFest1 was held, have yourself the time of your life and unwind for a bit... last but not least you should rendezvous with us at STEEMFest 3 whereever @roelandp will be taking us this November!


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

just letting you know, that my reputation was 49-50 by the second day on Steemit. If account must be at least 1 month old, most people have over 40 rep by that time. not a lot of people will participate I think.

It's not the same for everyone but I agree with your statement. I only have 2 posts and a reputation over 50

Inspiring :)

not everyone gets that lucky. It took me 2 months to get to 50. And that was with a few small whale upvotes. I think it makes sense to cap at 40 if you want to target the "unlucky" ones.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I didn't even have good payout. I think comments grow your reputation. but I might be wrong. I was replying to everyone and commenting a lot and it grew in one day.

haha, steemit is sooooo confusing :)

lol right? I still don't get it :)

me neither... let's be confused together ;)

I'm confused to..... can I join you?

Lol, we've got some funny people here, I join the trend

yikes, no I need to start a steemit-confusion-support-group :)

lol... can we please not be confused at all? I dont even know what im doing here im only 1 day old. Still have 30 days to go to qualify..

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

it's part of the steemit experience. You will be confused for many weeks from now on and every time you think you figured it out, you discover that you had it with it, it's part of the addiction (and fun) ;)

it's the same for me. was just being approved less than 24 hours ago. I am wishing to join, though..

comments earns part of the payout... if someone likes your comments your rep goes up or if higher rep ppl like what you like.

I don't get it! I have been commenting, upvoting, posted my intro and replied to all comments and I'm still at 25! This is so confusing but I'm in for the long haul so hopefully it will go up eventually :)

All you need as a newbie to steemit is patient..

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

or maybe I got a glitch? .. because someone even wrote me about it, that my reputation is way too high for a newbie

I don't think it's a glitch

Interesting and impressive, but that is definitely not the case for everyone. I have been active on Steemit for a couple months, and I am just now at 43. I am sure it depends on the topics of your posts, and the communities that you engage in, but I think my slow growth experience is closer to average.

It's also worth noting that @kpine's reputation was in the 40s when he first posted this, so it really does depend.


The day has come that I... can upvote YOU! In my head I've been writing a '50 days on Steemit' post, and I have been puzzling to think how to write the part where I want to thank you SO much for your support on my content creations here.

And now I have the chance to do this here, on your own post! Wh00h00! (Seriously, thanks. Maybe you already know, but if you don't, your support really means a LOT to me.)

Anyway! I will of course NOT participate in this contest since your support got me well above REP 50 in a short time, BUT, I will say this. You should definitely visit my hometown Rotterdam. It's a great and upcoming so-called 'second' city in the Netherlands with very grounded people living in it + I want to buy you a beer (or two) if you're ever in the neighbourhood.

And I mean that :-)

Thanks for supporting Steemit, and YAY for your decision to start participating and enjoying the friendly community! I hope you'll find your inspirational travel destination(s) soon!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

don't do it... why visit the second city if you can visit the first: Amsterdam, where I live? ;) (just kidding @soyrosa, luv you)

Haha, I live in Rotterdam too! But Holland, although a tiny country, has many nice places to visit. It is Huge! You will enjoy a good time here.

Lol, I'm not up to a month old but I wanna just drop this suggestion! Have you been to Nigeria? Despite all the bad you might have heard if it, it is a magical place. The people, the sights, the closeness to nature and the freedom to do anything you want. So please, Visit Lekki, Lagos state, Nigeria and experience the best Nigeria has to offer. Remember, every magical journey starts with BELIEVE.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Mehn... honestly, it's really a magical place.




Woah your first post, I thought I would never see the day! Hope people have great entries for you and are able to help you. I'm just going to leave my suggestion here in the comments because I definitely think you should visit my country, Dominican Republic. (Cabarete or Punta Cana)

Awesome man. I'm glad you stepped out of your shell. @world-traveler check this out!!!

Wow ! This is great initiatives ! The reputation you choose is nice , it will help newbies. This is the great effort by @kpine !
One idea , it will be beautiful if we ask to use a tag #mycountry !

Daaaaaaaaaamn somebody flag me so I can get in. looooool


lol :) Great idea!!

Hi 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️😲

Welcome to Steem. Congratulations! It's an awesome community. I followed you. Please follow back. Good Luck.

I'm in! Come to Toronto! Unless your heart is set on leaving the country :(

This is an awesome idea! Can't wait to see what people come up with.

Hey, a big hello and welcome to steemit my friend! Here's a project you might look into that my friend, @markrmorrisjr is doing. @steemgoblin

Since my Reputation is over 40 I can't enter but I would like to sugest my hometown here in Sunny South Florida as your pick to come to by all means pick some great posts for the winners but pick Fort Lauderdale as the destination.

Good luck

Now I am not exactly sure how you do it or why you do it but you are really awesome. I always wondered how and why someone that helped the community this much didn't post any content. I felt you were a bot at one point. You have really helped a lot of new steemians grow.I may not have been a part of that list bit I have definitely seen your impact. It feels really good to finally get the opportunity to finally get to know a little but about you as a person. Its a pity I cant participate in this contest. Would have loved to woo you to my country . I'm glad we have people like you on this platform. Please keep posting and keep supporting the platform sir. You are highly appreciated .

I just started yesterday and I know I'm not qualified. I'll post something about my country anyway. I would really like you to visit it since it's one of the most friendly countries in the world with a lot of beautiful people. I think it's not only the view that you should consider but the people who make the views beautiful. 😊 I'll be posting it soon, please watch out. 😊

Hey man, first of all a great initiative to help fellow steemiters like myself that are just getting started. The place i would recommend to you is my hometown Krusevac in Serbia . You should know that this is a reaaaaally small place compared to the size of Canada, so you will probably get a feeling of it as a kind of a little village. But man can you enjoy this little village! Serbia is famous for our caffe shops that are always full and energetic and positive people, are cousine and cultural meals like sarma is guaranteed like nothing you have ever tasted before. Fun fact we have a clock that is maybe 10 meters high in the centre of our town, and we locals like to make fun and compare it to the Big Ben of London ( even though the size is unhumanly bigger). There is the Tower of Car Lazar which dates back to 1300 which means it's 700 years old ! That is one of the main attractions of our little town. You have probably heard of Belgrade, which is currently the capital of Serbia, but i bet you didn't know that Krusevac was once that ( about 300 hundred years ago ) The party life here is also various if you are interested in that sort of thing. There are more interesting things about this place and you can feel free to contact me on my instagram account about anything you may want to know, regardless the award, here is the link to it:
Cheers man !

Way to go @kpine and taking that first step. I probably won't enter the Contest but I am Following you now and look forward to good stuff from you :)

Nice to meet you @kpine....very good contest ..really helpful for minnows.... and followed!

hello, its really fascinating knowing you have grown without making no post. i hope you could be of help just to help me grow just as you did. just followed you am hoping you would follow back

Hi Kpine,

I know I probably don't qualify but I will still go ahead an share. If you have never taken a trip to Africa, then my country(Nairobi, Kenya) would be the perfect place to start.
My country prides itself in the fact that;

  1. It is the ONLY CITY IN THE WORLD that has a National Park right at the capital city. Within minutes, you can change your environment from the hustle and bustle of the city to the serene and tranquil nature surrounded with thousands of wild animals species..

  2. Every Year we get to enjoy the 8th wonder of the world- The Wildebeest Migration right at our capital.

And if you would like to be a little extra and personal with our giraffes, we have a place called the ''giraffe manor'' that allows visitors to dine with them,through the windows though lol
giraffe manor.jpgmanor.jpg

Well, even if you don't make it here, I hope you and someone else out there has learnt a thing or two about Kenya. There's so much more I could share, a whole day wouldn't even cut it.

Happy New Year! #travelpine

Well that is amazing! I probably would freak out but wow, I can only imagine what that experience would be like.

It's truly an amazing experience :)

That's ridiculous

Lol. Is it?

Awesome! Great first post! I am not one month old yet, and I am just a newcomer, in fact I am only 1 week old. From what I have read in steemit, I am impressed by this smallish group of content creators sharing creativity with everyone! Also the fact that there are rewards make it even more awesome! I am so glad to have found out about steemit.

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처음이면서 ..... 전 세계인의 이목을 집중 시키고 있네요.

lovely post dear @kpine

I'm not eligible for any part of this contest, but I wish you well wherever your travels take you, and hope everyone can show off the best of their current places of living! There's beauty in every place on earth we humans call home.

This is so cool, creative and kick-ass! I only just started my Steemit today, so I don't think I qualify. I'd still like to share my love for Flagstaff, AZ with you, coming soon! Where do you live now?

I would like to say thank you so much for going out of your way to help me out sending me steem!! Honestly that is so kind of you. Although to sign up for the website im trying to sign up for i need .1 of steem dollars. If you could send me that it would be amazing! I followed and upvoted this post for you, i really like your content. I made what I believe a really good post all about steemit and im trying to get it seen by people that is why i am trying to sign up for this website. The post that I am trying to get seen is this one :

Hey there!
First of all I don't write this for competition.
I am from Romania, a fish shaped country in Eastern Europe. Our Govermment is corrupted af, our Education Minister is an illiterate person and stealing is almost legal.
But despite all this, Romania is an amazing country if you wanna enjoy astonishing landscapes and wild nature. And if you ever wondered how is like to live without light and internet in the mountains, how is like to live like a farmer in the old way, Romania is the place to come. We also have ice hotels in the mountains, great food and drinks(omg!) and in some places like in the north, people are still wearing traditional costumes everyday and they are the best hosts you will ever meet. Also everything is very cheap!
So the best places to visit are the mountains, the castles and old cities like Sibiu, Brasov, Sighisoara and Iasi. Also you should visit Dacians old capital - Sarmizegetusa Regia.
If you like rock music, Romania hosts the greatest metal event in Eastern Europe: Rockstadt Extreme Fest.
Advice: don't get in a taxy without ordering one first, the drivers will ask you for a lot more money than necessary. Best thing: use an Uber.
Romania is really nice if you discover the beauty of it.

I hitchhiked through Romania last year. Great people and beautiful country!
I love Timisoara <3

I can finally give some of the rewards back. Thanks.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Hey man, nice to see you finally posting!

I have been cooped up in the same city for too long.

I feel the same, haha! Soon I'm going to have to do a post like this as well. :D

Re-steeming this so you get some more eyes on the post! Good luck! :)

You both guys have to come and visit Poland!

Also thank you @kpine for your support, helped me power up a lot recently to keep on curating! :)

Even though I obviously am not eligible, I will make a "out-of-competition" contribution tomorrow! Hope this is ok for you 😏

Btw., great Challenge for the new users here - I hope somebody from my project @welcoming will be the winner - I will definitely recommend this contest when I see someone who I think could to well here the next days.


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Hi @kpine firstly, cool initiative, and congrats on your first post! Really like the idea that you are trying to help some of the more shy steemians, who have not posted much content yet, but... 2 things... 1.) I think perhaps you should not limit entries to just a score of 40 reputation. I think perhaps it is a shame that I (as a newbie) and I am sure some other good content creators who have received a good reputation quickly are not eligible (but hey that's just my opinion).

Secondly and more importantly I have another question... How with only 2 posts have you managed to build up $11,985.512 of steem power?!! I am very confused and interested to know how this is possible?

Many thanks, @dylan007.

Hey yeah I agree, I’m a newbie as well but I’m just over the reputation number. But hopefully @kpine will change this soon would be awesome!

I would suggest you to make a trip through the countries of the Balkans. I know that most probably you have heard of this part of Europe from one of many wars that happened in this area during the last couple decades, but I would argue that the countries of the Balkans have much more to offer than the stories of war or crime, as it is portrayed in the western media.

My suggestion for you would be to start your trip in Albania by exploring the southern part of the country which offers spectacular scenery and beaches rivaling Greece and Croatia but you will be able to make that experience for the half of the price or less, while in the north you will be able to get a sense of the Albania's mysterious highlands.

You could continue your journey to Kosovo, Europe's newest country which although it’s not really a travelers destination, it offers incredible hiking opportunities and the chance to visit objects if cultural heritage.

Your journey than can continue to Macedonia where you will get the chance to explore UNESCO world heritage national parks, dramatic mountain ranges and the captivating Lake Ohrid this country hidden gorgeous destinations.

Montenegro would be the final part of your journey through the Balkan countries and you will be definitely seduced by the charm of the Montenegrin coast. With options like Ulcinj, which used to be famous pirate town, or the city of Budva which represents the tourist metropolis of Montenegro.

In each one of countries you will find restaurants with home-made food and fish specialties, cafés with beautiful terraces and excellent cocktails, hotels with pleasant staff and unforgettable views. With proper preparations you can make the whole tour in about a week and believe me it will be worth.

@kpine I love how you structured the contest to help new authors because getting that first $20 worth of Steem from $0 is the biggest difference in the world and one that most users here have not reached yet! Thank you for making your first post and asking for help with planning what you want to do next!

Its great to be part of this contest, i'm from western part of africa,Nigeria and there are alot of place you can visit but if you are the type that love nature then you come down to southern part of Nigeria,Ekiti-state in the western part of the state, ikogosi-ekiti to come see where the warm and cold spring meet to form a confluence, with each maintaining its thermal quality. The warm spring has a temperature of 70oc at the source and 37oc after meeting a cold spring. The meeting point of the warm and cold spring is a unique attraction to tourist.
The place is called IKOGOSI WARM SPRING
![DQmfVNK6q4iKo9QmtufWpX15B4Hk78TaYt6DhCvzUNWRcAc_1680x8400.jpeg ()

welcome to steemit, upvoted and followed! HERE HERE!

Hey man. Just saw your post. Here's something from my visit to Auli, India last year. This place is not as frequently visited as other places in India hence less people around here. The locals are nice and love tourists coming over. You can do skiing, trekking and night camping further on from Auli. Plus if you visit during August-September then you can have access to flower valley(I haven't seen that yet so can't comment much).

Philippines Bro! If you are looking for fun and adventure.

@ezraabas make sure to do it as a blog post if you want to be entered! And with the tag #travelpine

Can I join even my account is 6 days old :D ???

That's great way to find a best place I recommend you to visit Pakistan . I'm living here that's my contory I love Pakistan that's not a reason , here alot of nature beauty and a stunning places like thandaini , Azad Kashmir ,k2 rocks , maree , sohgran ,kaghan and naran and many more 2 days a go in visit tandaini again IMG_20180124_150040.jpg

Pakistan is actually one of the most beautiful and interesting places I have ever seen!

Thanks brother

@kpine how long did it take for you to earn such a large amount of money? I suffer from anxiety and working a 9-5 is 10X more difficult for me because of all the stress weighs me down emotionally and physically. I have a talent for story telling and any form of writing (Not to brag) and I really want to make a living out of this. Could you maybe take a look at my BLOGS and tell me what I need to be doing to earn more money?

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

@wolf6pack you could possibly earn more money by entering the contest and telling me where I should travel next! Make sure to use the tag #travelpine

Thanks for doing this, it will be wonderful for all those that have started on steem but just cant seem to get any attention. thank again...


I will make it easy for you . You will visit germany. Why ? Cause germany says so ! You have 24h !


For more funny or art related stuff visit my blog @red-panther ;)

I am just starting but have many projects coming ;)


This is the city where I was raised most of my life. Porto in Portugal.

I heavily suggest it, it is a city founded pre roman era meaning before the year 700. Where in terms of architecture you will find more then 1000 years of history. From roman to medieval buildings and bridges. Portugal was considered the best tourist destination of 2018 and Porto the best in the European Union for a couple years in a row.

You will find amazing food for very cheap prices ate each corner and its the perfect place to get lost where every now and then you can find a new beauty.

It is also home to one of the biggest Erasmus communities (European student exchange), non stop nightlife and its full of culture and art. Very easy to travel trough nearby cities by train and public transportation and it has amazing weather after spring.

Hope you like it if you decide to go. Good luck on steemit!

@sandrazeal11 thanks for the advice, but make sure you put in a blog post with the tag #travelpine to be entered!

Nice one, Nigeria is a lovely place to be, nice one sister.

welcome dear ,i hope your journey on steemit will be great ,all the best

Whoaaaa! I can give you a glimpse of what our place could offer to you, my friend. 😎Have you been to Philippines? If not,include this on your bucketlist.
The famous Chocolate Hills in Carmen,Bohol Philippines. Bohol tourism does not only offer the beautiful scenery of Chocolate Hills. It also offers prestine and white sandy beaches like this one

Oooopps, that's only a glimpse of what our country can offer. What are you waiting for? Plan for a city tour, book a ticket and wander with all the wonders of Cebu, Philippines. 😊😊

Don't forget to follow me @nekenekai and see for more adventures. 😇


Super agree to this! @kpine, answer to your problem is definitely Philippines. You will have so much fun in our more than 7,600+ islands!!😎

If not, hope you can still visit nonetheless. 🤗


Hey welcome to steemit. Just like you I've been idle and I didn't post anything up until last sunday.

Currently I am in the middle island of the philippines which is cebu.
Why cebu? aside from whale shark, you can travel up to 5 neighboring islands which is great. different taste in culture and food. aside from that language and upbringings are quite different and I find it somehow amusing.

pic is 2 hours boat ride from Cebu and island called Negros. That forest is like the forest in the Twilight series. hehe

come and enjoy here I'll be your guide :)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


There is nothing you can say that can top that and if you haven’t heard of it you lived under a rock.
But for those who don’t know, Tomorrowland isn’t a country nor is it a city.
but what is it then guys! It’s the greatest music festival in the world with the size of a small village. I last two weekends of three days in the summer.
They have more than 10 stages and they are always spectacular and it’s just crazy here is one of my pictures with my girl from last summer.

We went early so we could look at everything without the croud. this is the main stage


This is one of the "small" stages


This festival happens every year in my small country Belgium in the city Antwerp.
I would recommend going to Tomorrowland but I hear you thinking “maybe it isn’t worth coming to Belgium for just a festival” ( I can assure it is). But for those in doubt, Belgium is in the center of western Europe and you can start in Antwerp (this is where I live), really beautiful with amazing variety of restaurants and great places .

My point is from here you can travel in whole western Europe with the train and visit other great cities in Europe like Amsterdam(Netherlands), Paris(France) or even Berlin(Germany). They are all just a train ride of a couple hours away and you can do this pretty cheap.
I’ll make a post next week about Tomorrowland with more pictures and in more detail. I've got some amazing pictures, some you wouldn' believe are true.

The main stage is more than 100meters long( I think 100 yards).


This was just the beginning hahaha, at night it gets crazy.


Hope you choose Belgium, thanks for reading!!!

What a great idea! I was thinking of writing a post on Cape Town but i'm not sure many people would want to come visit here now with our extreme water crisis going on!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

It's a very good idea, thank you for supporting us and I'm really happy to know all my friends steemians:)))))))))))))))))))))))
I will introduce you to my favorite city Dubai Now with a beautiful 25 Degree, unimaginable sight of the world’s tallest building Burj Khalifa and the miraculous 8th Wonder of the World Palm Jumeirah. Lounging on sandy beaches, visiting exclusive nightclubs, and skiing inside the magnificent indoor ski slope . Here you can find modern skyscrapers, exotic markets and beautiful beaches for an unbeatable holiday.


The new Ski Dubai indoor winter sports centre at the Mall of the Emirates:


On the way to completion is the 700 metre tall Dubai Tower, set to be the world’s highest building, along with the world’s largest shoppingmall, the world’s rst underwater hotel, Hydropolis, Amazing man-made series of 250 islands shaped to represent a map of the globe.

Also Dubai Marina is one of the nicest places to go for a walk with a great view in the city. It is a promenade lled with shops and cafes, which is a wonderful place to go any time of day.
The city is full of amazing places such as lounge bars, breezy beach club and nightclubs .


The famous Cavalli Club:

cavalli club.jpg

If you are interested with shopping , enjoy with the largest malls and markets : Art market, Gold souk, Naif souq, Souk Madinat...

dubai souk.jpg
I hope that you will have a nice holiday :)))))))))))
Thank you for your time,
#travelpine #Dubai #Travel #Tourism

@jouam make sure to put all of this in a blog post with the tag #travelpine to be entered!

@kpine definitely deserves your votes... He is dedicated and very enthusiastic with steem/steemit! It seems to be one of the safest "bet" you can make ;)


I'm sure this post is just as creative as the half of the people who wanted to enter but didn't. Elora Ontario is a beautiful historic village with many natural topographic features which have been fetured in many popular movies like Stephen King's "IT"

Well, I am more like thinking about, I need your help :) Well as traveling bloggers we could recommend you a beautiful Slovenia. This pocket country really is a pearl. A lot of nature, great people and most important some of the best food in the world. I will just give you some examples we were writting about (saddly with not much effect). Here I wrote this guide just for you. I know I didn't visit all places, so some trip advisor and web will be good for sure. I will visit Slovenia 100% and add a new places into my travel blog. Please fell free to read about it and enjoy.

Here is a post what to do in Slovenia i did for you. I hope you will choose this pocket country with many many pearls. Ouuu I also did map with interests and ofcourse links to my other posts, for more reading.


Thailand and it is definitely one of the most amazing places I have ever been. There is something for everyone out here. I personally love the beaches in southern Thailand. They are all beautiful and the water is warm.

We went snorkeling in Koh Phi Phi yesterday and saw colorful fish, turtles, and sharks.

wow! Glad you finally decide to make your first post.. I just want to say THANK YOU very much for what you have done to this platform,so generous of you doing this.. I hope I can write it better. I wish everyone all the best who is able to participate. Thank you for giving everyone a chance, you have been amazing! I recently reached 3k followers and decide to give away something that people like you has done for me. here is the one if you are interested.. I hope you had amazing day!

@kpine Good post! I definitely don't qualify for the contest, but California is a great place. US. The weather is always pleasant. You can be in a desert resort or a snowboarding resort or a magical forest within hours. Many cultures in California.This place is a melting pot :) lol Best wishes :) - @splendorhub

before you start throwing words around like terrorist, Muslims, war ridden or backward. Keep an open mind, because Pakistan is safe! It recently was Voted the best tourism destination of 2018 by Backpackers society.

Apartment from breath taking lakes, unconquerable Mountains, rivers and mind blowing landscapes we are rich in history!

Architecture left by the Mughal Empire. Beautiful mosques where you can always crash a wedding or dine on the roof tops of olden days building where you can taste exquisite and mouth watering food and take a look into the past of the richest empire ever.

people here are super sweet and full of hospitality. They will super feed you and make sure to pack extra for family back home.
please do look into it.

Te muestro el lugar mas hermoso sin duda, en donde encontraras lo mejor de la naturaleza. La gente mas amable y que te ayudara en todo momento...Todo aquel que logra venir siempre quiere regresar. Este lugar se llama Merida y esta en mi querida Venezuela.



here in thailand we have beautiful temples and close to by house is a big beach you can come over i have this for youfish.jpg you cannot miss them am new to steem any way i just feel like telling you about the great city...

Hey, great idea!

Miami, because its awesome and the weather is great right now! What else is there to say?!?!


at last sir @kpineI heare your voice here'suy entry to your contest hope you like it. :)

Sneak peak of the creatures you can encounter and have eat you in the city you may move to next ;)

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