I'm narrowminded, and I just joined STEEMIT!

in introduceyourself •  8 years ago 

Well Steemians, hear I am.

(That’s code for “listen to the One True God.)

I know that some of you may find that offensive, but I did not create Him, He created me.

And… that’s why I’m here, because of Him and to represent Him.

Why Steemit?

I joined steemit because it has a lot to offer, and I think that it is becoming a great community. However, without the presence of God’s people, a community can quickly deteriorate. My focus here will be spiritual; intending to build up the Christian community that already exists within steemit. Hopefully, we will have some great, edifying conversations, and maybe some unbelievers will even receive the truth.

If some are offended by our presence, that is nothing new. Cain only killed Abel because Abel obeyed God.

Also, if the growth of steemit as a community is the goal, then why not allow all to enter. Many, who are far less moral in my view, have already been welcomed in very lovingly and graciously. If all steemit had to offer was marijuana and travel, it would never attract all that it could. Of course I fully realize that steemit has much more to offer, but it does offer Christianity too.

Therefore, if we can build up the Christian community in steemit and make it all that it can be, others will also join because of the truth and love that we share.

Who am I?

I’m just another sinner, but a forgiven one washed in the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ. I live my life for Him, because He made me and bought me with His blood, and that is a precious thing to me. I love to read the Bible and contemplate what I’ve read, and share my thought on the matter.

Often, I can be wrong, and I am always open to that option, but I think that I’ve come to understand a few things quite accurately in my time. I’ll be sharing some of that as my time here continues. I like to read and write, and tell others about what Jesus did for them. I enjoy writing gospel tracts to share my faith as well, and doing Jail Ministry. (I still think that it is amazing that they let me out these days after they let me in.)

Why so narrow minded?


Looks like you may be narrowminded too, but I know I am!
Need I say more?

Well, I look forward to meeting all of you, and I appreciate how well some of you are capable at interacting, even when there are extreme differences of opinion. I’ve seen some posts that some of the believers here have posted, and I’ve enjoyed a lot of what I’ve read.

I’ll begin tomorrow with an introduction to an “End-time Devotional”, so hopefully, you’ll enjoy it!

Thanks @narrowminded

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My apologies if I somehow appeared not be genuine.
I have no intentions of being fraudulent.

Hello narrowminded, i love your introduction and i truly hope u succeed on your purpose. Any community or group that promotes the way of jesus christ, I'd love to join, churches aren't into this narrative neither is the pope as he seems allergic to that name.. I'd love to see your future posts and I will post some to as i love reading the bible and sharing parables from the best book ever, certainly as we enter epic times the holy spirit reveals us more and more insight on our history that's been coverd-up and about the allmighty's plan for us and the world as for hiddden meanings in his book and the end times. I wish u well :-)

Thank you for encouraging me. I am new here, but I am glad to be here and to be a voice for the truth. May you continue to be blessed, @bjornbm.

Hey, there, welcome to the community! I wrote an article about my experiences after 2 months of going at Steemit.com hardcore. Read it over as it may have some hints, tips and tricks of the trade that will help you better utilize the site!

Thank you, @tee-em, I will.

Welcome to Steemit
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Thank you for your vote, @ancientofdays.

Following also now. Good response to yetimon. I think you'll do well here. I'm sending you a couple of my real life friends, also new here.
Yours because His, Guy

Thank you for that. I'm glad to be here. Just posted a new one.