choroni in venezuela is one of the most beautiful places in the world, here you can:
1.- See the sunset from the mirador el Cristo.
coloniial facades choroni2.- Getting lost in the small streets of Puerto Colombia.
3.-Discover the underwater world of dry valley practicing snorkeling.
4.-Take a picture with the facades of the town of Choroní.
5.-Dance to the rhythm of the drums on the boardwalk.
6.-Enjoy a delicious Guarapita.
7.-Eat a fruit salad on a large beach.
8.-Take a dip in the river.
9.- Riding in a bus from the town.
10.- Take a coconut water down directly from the coconut tree on a large beach.
11.-Ask Evarista to leave you a cave with beers on a large beach.
12.- Take a boat and go along the beaches.DSC00886 [1]
13.- Eat a chocolate ice cream in Coco Café and Cacao.
14.-Visit the Town of Chuao.
15.-Enjoy a come back to life, break mattress, lift carp (seafood vinaigrettes).
16.-Visit the market of jewelery and craft of the boardwalk.
17.-Bathe naked in El Diario beach.
18.-Visit the Dry Valley Caves.
19.-Take a photo of the smoking stone.
20.-Going out during the day -and returning by day-.
So my answer does not win, I invite you to come sightseeing in Venezuela people are happy and warm for sure you will have a great time