
in introduceyourself •  7 years ago 


Hello friend steemit good night, how are you now? May you all be fine wherever steemit friends are. Here I will introduce myself, my name is despri ade, my best friend can call me despri, i have 5 brothers and 2 brothers, i am including the last child of this family. and I have 5 brothers and sisters who are married, and my 1st brother is still continuing the lecture.

I was born in Aceh in the country of the tip of Indonesia, I was born on December 15, 1998, and I was elementary school in SD Negeri 1 Karang Anyar and graduated in 2009 then I continue my junior high school education at SMP Negeri 1 Langsa, I graduated in year 2012, after that I continue my education again in one vocational school in Langsa namely SMK Negeri 2 Langsa with major in Building Materials Engineering, Alhamdulillah I graduated on time in 2015. During school I never disappoint my parents always pass on time and never lived class. After graduating school in 2015 I immediately want to continue to public universities, and I immediately took the test in banda aceh precisely in UNSYIAH I want to take the civil engineering majors but unfortunately after taking the test and see the announcement of the test results my name does not pass in the faculty of civil unsyiah , After that I tried to follow the test again at Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic with the same majors that is civil engineering, and Alhamdulillah my desire to enter the civil engineering majors successfully until finally I entered the polytechnic country lhokseumawe, and now I am still sitting in the 6th semester.

I have a habit everyday, that is Drawing, Walking to the wild, and then play the game, I know the game from my brother who ever invited me to play playstation 1 on my 6 year old time I was invited to play harvestmoon and vigilante game, and after learning to play game playstation 1 I try to learn to play GTA game on playstation 2, this game become my first game in playstation 2, until now I still play game in selah-selah time busy I draw.

I know the steemit from my friend that is @safwanmarley and @khairilmisbah, they tell me about the amount of steemit, after hearing the explanation from them I am interested to register and then join with them. I choose steemit, because steemit is a decent place to look for information and then share my experience while playing the game as well as my drawing experience, and also looking for friends here.

I think I have enough self-knowledge in steemit, and do not forget to follow me with @qori account, For those of you who like drawing, adventure, and also gamers do not forget to follow, so we can share experiences. Thank you steemit.


Hallo sahabat steemit selamat malam, begaimana kabarmu sekarang ? Semoga saya semua baik baik saja dimanapun sahabat steemit berada. Disini saya akan memperkenalkan diri saya, nama saya despri ade, sahabat bisa memanggil saya despri, saya memiliki 5 saudara laki-laki dan 2 saudara peremuan, saya termasuk anak terakhir dari keluarga ini. dan saya memiliki 5 saudara laki-laki dan perempuan yang sudah berkeluarga, dan 1 kakak saya masih melanjutkan perkuliahan.

Saya lahir di Aceh di Negara bagian ujung Indonesia, Saya lahir pada tanggal 15 Desember 1998, dan saya pernah sekolah dasar di SD Negeri 1 Karang Anyar dan lulus pada tahun 2009 kemudian saya melanjutkan pendidikan SMP saya di SMP Negeri 1 Langsa, saya lulus pada tahun 2012, setelah itu saya melanjutkan pendidikan lagi di salah satu sekolah kejuruan di Langsa yaitu SMK Negeri 2 Langsa dengan mengambil jurusan Teknik Gambar Bangunan, Alhamdulillah saya lulus tepat waktu yaitu pada tahun 2015. Selama sekolah saya tidak pernah mengecewakan orang tua saya selalu lulus tepat waktu dan tidak pernah tinggal kelas. Setelah tamat sekolah pada tahun 2015 saya langsung ingin melanjutkan ke perguruan tinggi negeri, dan saya langsung mengikuti test di banda aceh tepatnya di UNSYIAH saya ingin mengambil jurusan teknik sipil tapi sayang setelah mengikuti test dan melihat pengumuman hasil test nama saya tidak lulus di fakultas sipil unsyiah, Setelah itu saya mencoba mengikuti test lagi di Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe dengan jurusan yang sama yaitu teknik sipil, dan Alhamdulillah keinginan saya untuk masuk kejurusan teknik sipil berhasil hingga akhirnya saya masuk ke politeknik negeri lhokseumawe, dan sekarang saya masih duduk di semester 6.

Saya mempunyai kebiasaan setiap hari, yaitu Menggambar, Jalan-Jalan ke alam bebas, dan kemudian main game, Saya mengenal game dari abang saya yang pernah mengajak saya bermain playstation 1 pada saya berumur 6 tahun waktu itu saya diajak main game harvestmoon dan vigilante, dan setelah belajar main game playstation 1 saya mencoba belajar main game GTA di playstation 2, game inilah yang menjadi game pertama saya di playstation 2, hingga saat ini saya masih bermain game di selah-selah waktu kesibukan saya menggambar.

Saya mengenal steemit dari teman saya yaitu @safwanmarley dan @khairilmisbah, merekalah yang memberitahu tentang sedikit banyaknya steemit, Setelah mendengar penjelasan dari mereka saya tertarik untuk mendaftar dan kemudian bergabung bersama mereka. Saya memilih steemit, karena steemit tempat yang layak untuk mencari informasi dan kemudian membagi pengalaman saya saat bermain game maupun pengalaman saya menggambar, dan juga sekalian mencari teman disini.

Saya rasa sudah cukup pengenalan diri saya di steemit, dan jangan lupa untuk mengikuti saya dengan akun @qori, Untuk kalian yang hobi menggambar, berpetualangan, dan juga gamers jangan lupa untuk mengikuti, jadi kita bisa saling berbagi pengalaman. Salam steemit terima kasih.

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Great to have you here, Despri! You will meet many awesome people here on Steemit! :)

I am into motivation, psychology and healthy lifestyle, in case you would like to visit my channel :) VALUE guaranteed

thanksyou somucht @wild-forest

Welcome and join in Steemit hope you enjoy it and can work. Take out all your imagination 😎 😎 Greetings from me @nhaakim for you and success will come in the future. 👍👍

Thank you for the motivation and spirit @nhaakim, I hope you can help me

Welcome and join in Steemit hope you enjoy it and can work.
Take out all your imagination 😎 😎
Greetings from me @ trizwansyah79 for you and success will come in the future. 👍👍

Thank you for the motivation and spirit @trizwansyah79, I hope you can help me

Hai @qori.. Selamat berkumpul di Steemit! Senang anda join.. telah diupvote ya.. *-)

hei juga @puncakbukit, Terimakasih upvote pertamanya

Hi there Qori! Welcome to the platform, hope you will have a great time here !

Thank you for your welcome @mistercandy

You're welcome to Steemit.. I wish you a rewarding blogging

Thank you for your welcome @tosyne2much

Salam kenal @qori

Salam kenal juga mbak @ririn, saya harap mbak dapat membantu saya

Welcome to the steem community where people help each other grow and share ideas and information about what they know..... I wish you all the best for your steem journey!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for your welcome @sid9999, I hope you can always help me

Hey there!! Welcome to steemit!! Enjoy the ride! ;)

Okay thanks @dcftrad3r, I hope you can help me

Semoga sukses

aamiin bro @hendrafuadi

welcome to steemit .... greeting from indonesian (^_^)

thanks you @lopezdacruz

Hi @qori!.. Welcome to steemit!!

oke thanks you @joanderit

Hi, welcome to steemit. Good Luck.

thanks you somuch

Welcome to steemit @qori, hopefully your work will benefit us all. Have a nice day.

Hi and Welcome to steemit :)
I can tell by the time and effort that you’ve put into your intro blog, that you already have what it takes to do well here.

Amazing the post... I like...
follow steemit me @salda and do not forget post the votes... See you next time... 👈👉💪💪💪🙋‍♂️