
in introduceyourself •  7 years ago 

Hi Everyone,

My online name is Twoperscent, which I know is not the correct spelling, however on other platforms, people beat me to it :).

I have heard a lot about SteamIt and the Steam community from a number of people I follow on YouTube that are focused around the Cryptocurrency space, and felt I should join what sounds like a fun and rewarding community.

I am from a small town in the North of the UK, and have worked in the private Medical Industry since I graduated from University in Manchester.

I have been interested in Cryptocurrencies since the start of 2016, however I was aware of Bitcoin in the fairly early years of its inception. The catalyst which ignited my interest was an episode of the JRE Experience with Andreas Antonopolous, who I find to be one of the most interesting and competent speakers I have ever heard. This kind of leads me to two of my current Inspirations, one being Joe Rogan.

I have been an avid listener to Joe Rogans Podcast for a number of years which I find to be enlightening in many aspects of life, science and diet. I find his guests are either sincerely educational, or downright characters (such as the other comedians he hosts), and further enjoy the fact that when you open one of his episodes up, you have no idea what you may learn in the next 90 minutes to 4 hours. I am an avid Podcast listener when I drive, and don't really consume much main stream material such as radio shows or standard television programming.

I find the way that Andreas explains the impact of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to be the most fascinating aspect of the numerous talks I have heard, and overall wish I could deliver a speech in the manner he does. I recently purchased his book Mastering Bitcoin, of which I am yet to read, and as it is designed for programmers, unsure I will be able to.

My other hobbies and interests include playing and watching sports, but the sport I follow the most by far is Mixed Martial Arts. I have done some MMA courses in the past, but I am primarily a spectator. I also enjoy cycling and running when the weather is not too cold, and when it is cold outside, Kettlebell workouts. Who needs a Gym when you have a 20kg kettlebell and some running trainers?

My other side-passion is my small YouTube channel which focuses primarily on the use of Advanced Microsoft Excel Macros. I started this in 2013 when I was required to program some specific macros for my company which would ultimately make my life easier. I quickly learnt how to do this and found myself to be fairly competent. I used this to teach others in the most simple form I could, and expanded the tutorials from there. Overall the channel is focused on teaching non-technical people on how to achieve what they would like with Macros, in the hope that their lives will also be made easier. I also have an associated website which links back to the channel, but this has a very small viewership and is mainly used to download Excel workbooks that I have created as an example so people can learn in a pre-created environment. I may also post these videos to D-Tube, because Blockchain is the future.

For the past 15 months I have been purchasing a small amount of cryptocurrency every month, and have a small diverse portfolio. I have also Cloud mined, and also mined coins on my PC, but more on that at a later time. I occasionally post cryptocurrency tutorials on my YouTube channel, but not very often.

My other major hobby is tropical fish keeping which I started 2 years ago. I currently have a 240 Litre (52 gallons for our American Friends) tropical fish tank in my front room at home, and mainly keep loaches and sharks. I did start off with a tank half that size, but it literally burst one evening which was not ideal! However it was a good opportunity to convince my significant other that I needed a bigger one. I also have a smaller tank which I use to breed snails, the offspring of which I give to friends who are also fishkeepers. Last year we also rescued a Cat from the sanctuary, shes still set in her ways but much friendlier than she was when we first took her in. I call the fish tank "Kitty TV", because she does like to watch the fish with her paws on the glass, or sleep on top of the tank as it is particularly warm.

I hope that you will welcome me into your community. I resisted looking at other peoples Introduceyourselves, because I wanted to introduce myself in my own way. I would be amazed if you got so far down to here to read my rather uninteresting snapshot of life so far, but would like to thank you if you did.

See you on the other side.

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Hello @twoperscent and welcome to steemit. I too am a bit of podcast listener and enjoy Tim Farriss' podcast a fair bit as well as a podcast named "10% Happier with Dan Harris" which revolves around the benefits of meditation. I hope you will enjoy the steemit world as well take a look sometime at DTube, which is the steemit solution to video. Fun videos, etc over there. Kind regards.

Welcome to Steemit!


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