Obligitory "First Post" (an Intro)

in introduction •  7 years ago 

Where to begin?

My name is Nancie. Yes, that’s with an “i” and an “e.” I’m a happily married mom (18yrs) of six kids. I heard about blockchain a while ago in TED talks and I didn’t really think much of it until I heard of Steemit. What I read so far, I like.

I’m the author of Elusive Retrospection and the owner of Zherosha Chronicles. Elusive Retrospection is something I came up with a few years ago to practice my writing skills and maybe garner some interest for the book itself. Zherosha Chronicles, on the other hand, is something that was percolating in my head since I was 13.

I’m currently building the world online. It’s slow going, since I have a family to take care of. I’ve set up a drawing contest on Minds to help with the art work. If you are interested, you can click here.

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welcome to this network , use writing as your fist tag so it became the principal , i hope you can get to announce your work to the world

Heh, I'm still just figuring it out. Sorry for the late response. Thanks for the tip. :D

Dont you worry, have a nice day.