Introducing Toads Bait Shop Short Stories and Soap Opera #00

in introduction •  7 years ago 

Welcome to Toads Bait Shop

Toads Bait Shop is a unique little bait store catering to the needs of fisherman located in East Tennessee. Toad has put his heart and soul into this shop and it is obvious once you pull into the parking lot. You see a three story old barn that was converted 20 years ago into the bait store and has been the home of some of the greatest fisherman in Tennessee. Toads place is unique, he has been collecting old fishing stuff for years and he loves to hang things on every inch of the walls and ceilings. He has a stuffed beaver with a seven-foot wooden paddle screwed to its head that hangs in the wader department. Ask him about it and he will tell you the story of how he and old Delmer Shanks fought that beaver on a catfish noodling adventure. Back in the lure room, he has a full size boat sitting smack dab in the middle of an indoor pond. There you can see how lures work and learn different techniques for different tackles. Now the real reason he put this pond inside the store was Toad, Coonfoot and Sven have been known to hit the bottle every blue moon or so, and if you drink, you got to fish, so now he is safe from getting a BUI. Right as you walk in the door you will see a beat up old green International wrecker of indeterminable age that is use to hoist up deer and fish for weighing and picture taking. It’s just too hard to describe all the stuff Toad has in there, I’ve been going to his place for years and I still find myself getting lost looking at his collections. He even has the State record Gizzard shad hanging by the cash register. Tackle, lord at the tackle, he has so many custom made items that you couldn’t use each of them in two life times and you can always tell what is selling good by how much dust is on the shelf. There is one thing I need to tell you though before you go in, Sven Peterson installed this crazy alarm that sounds like an incoming bomb from the Vietnam War, which Sven and Toad both served in. Now the alarm ain’t so bad, it’s Toad having a flash back that you need to watch out for. Just remember, those holes in the wall and ceiling did not get on their own.

Toad also sponsors a catfish club, he and the boy’s go out about once a month an catch these monster catfish, the pictures are here so go look around and see what you think. Let us know how we can help you and don’t forget to sign the guest book. Thank you for stopping by, hope you have a good visit.


About The Toad series,
First off, this is not a real bait store, its just a made up series of a bunch of old farts. I will be adding 1-2 of these stories a day. They are 100% my stories, feel free to pass them along. My goal is not Money, its to let folks get hooked into the life and times of this group of fellows and their nutty adventures. I just like folks to get a quick laugh before their day get started. The stories with the characters are intermingled, they pop in and out so be sure and follow them all. Please comment and let me know what you thunk.

This Years Chum

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