Hello SteemitNation!

in introduction •  7 years ago 


I'm relatively new to the cryptocurrency universe and I came across this Steemit site through word-of-mouth. What a concept! Could this become a profound replacement for Reddit or even a more reliable newssource than today's media?

Overall it seems that there are two viewpoints in relation to crypto: either people embrace it or are scared of it. The fear is probably triggered from not only fraud/hacking worried, but the interconnectivity that the world is moving towards. Not to mention governments are becoming middle men for almost every transaction.

All in all, nice to meet you guys!


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Ich have the feeling that the 2nd group ( fear) is not actually fearing it, but don't believe that this great concept of Steemit can actually be not a scam. They are so much used to legacy social-media like Facebook where you get paid zero in the worst case and in the best case...zero as well.