Slash, slash, swish, swish
A bloody death to Miroku, Sango, Kagome, and Shippo.
If you wish,
Get a scythe and slice them 'til they are no more!
These four liars, manipulators, and thieves are parasites
Lice, ticks, viruses, amoeba, and termites
Devouring Inuyasha’s loyalty and strength with all their might!
Miroku, the loser monk, is a lying pervert
Groping women by the breasts.
His infidelity is overt
Having sex without rest.
Red-hot shears shall be grand for his castration
No requirement at all for patience
His ultimate destination is eternal damnation!
Sango, the demon slayer, is physically strong,
But she is a totally sheep-minded tool.
Her stupidity always makes her wrong
And she is nothing more than a big, stupid fool.
What she deserves is a fatal lobotomy
Such a damned shame for her glorious anatomy
Because she never had a sense of autonomy.
Kagome, the puerile abuser who deserves death, is the worst!
Always abusing her sit commands on Inuyasha,
Making the Beads of Subjugation truly cursed!
Her petulance makes me want to give her a basher!
Drop Kagome an anvil on top of her squealing head,
For her maltreatment of Inuyasha fills him with dread,
This horrid abuser is better off bloodily blooming dead.
Shippou, that crappy fox demon, is a horrid little brute
Never useful as a crafty battler!
He’s always rude and full of ingratitude
After everything Inuyasha did to save this crummy tattler!
He shall be shot ten-million times with a Tommy gun!
The bullets shall fly like wanton woodpeckers having fun!
Shippou’s quick and easy death is what gets the job done!
Bring on the fire and brimstone!
Unleash a hurricane of arrows, cannonballs, and spears!
Let all the ferocious attacks be speedily flown!
What remains too late are Miroku’s, Sango’s, Kagome’s, and Shippou’s tears!
They are only sorry that they got caught
For treating Inuyasha like their mindless robot
Is it a wonder why these four manipulators should die and rot?
Miroku, Sango, Kagome, and Shippou deserve nothing!
Not even a proper burial, let alone sacred shrines!
Their crimes have only obtained them hatred and loathing!
For their condescension, abuse, ruthlessness, and blatant lies!
All four criminals shall pay with their heads!
Four heads on a platter made of titanium and lead!
‘Tis a joy to see four manipulative mountebanks rotten and dead!