This "Character Suffers Fate" meme originally belongs to BTNFStudios :iconBTNFStudios:. This also goes out to everybody who hates Miroku, Sango, Kagome, and Shippou with a passion and wants to see them die some gruesome deaths. Sit back, relax, and revel in the pain and gore in store for these four pathetic cowards.
I could have the pleasure of launching Miroku, Sango, Kagome, and Shippou on rockets to have them explode all the way up to the sky. I could revel in tying them up in an abandoned building with explosives, press the button, and witness their destruction firsthand. I could douse these four bastards in kerosene and butane and light up a match, thus incinerating them to a burnt crisp. However, nothing is a lot more satisfactory than seeing them die low and slow deaths by just hacking them to bits and letting the blood flow like rivers. There is something a lot more satisfying seeing these four pathetic pinheads being hacked to death whether with a dagger, a sword, or an axe because having them suffer slow and painful deaths justifies all the rubbish that they have pulled on Inuyasha. Besides, what better way to see vengeance being reined upon these four losers than having them suffer slowly and excruciatingly as possible? Considering all of Miroku's hypocrisy, Sango's inability to thank thoroughly for herself, Kagome's abuse of the Beads of Subjugation, and Shippou's crappy attitude, they may as well receive the axe for good and for all.
This idea came from how Agamemnon, Klytämnestra, and Aegisth from Richard Strauss's opera Elektra, specifically the filmed version directed by the late, great Götz Friedrich, were murdered in terms of Agamemnon being smattered with an axe to the head, Klytämnestra being stabbed by her son Orest, and Aegisth also being stabbed by him. There was also a sacrificial goat that was stabbed in the throat by Klytämnestra's retinue to cure her of her nightmares. I remembered loving it as a teenager because of the star-studded casting such as having Leonie Rysanek, a long-time interpreter of Chrysothemis, as the title heroine, Catarina Ligendza as Chrysothemis, and Astrid Varnay, who once sang the title role, as Klytämnestra. Although I still enjoy this filmed version, some aspects of it did not hold up such as Karl Böhm's sluggish conducting, considering that he was 86 years old, in the twilight of his life, and that he passed away during the recording of Elektra. However, the one visual aspect that held up was the gore that was present thanks to Herr Friedrich's chilling vision of Mycenae soaked in blood and perennial rain.
I may have gone relatively off-tangent, but this proves a point of how I would love for these four miserable creatures to die in these slow yet gory deaths. It would be a joy to see Miroku's head split in two by an axe and have his blood run down while having his body dragged off to be mounted on a funeral pyre and incinerated. It would be great to see Sango and Kagome stabbed in the midsection and in the heart, thus seeing all that blood run down their pathetic bodies, and see them laid down on the floor like the low-down, four-flushing carcasses that they are. Finally, there is Shippou the ungrateful piece of shit who thinks that Inuyasha can feel free to brag despite all the occasions he has saved their useless asses. He deserves to have a knife jabbed down his squealing throat and have his blood run down him like that sacrificial goat to be used as a special bathing liquid. As for the rest of Shippou's body, it can be used as a rug. Actually, it would be a fantastic combination of these methods if all those four losers were to be slaughtered the same way Agamemnon, Klytämnestra, Aegisth, and that goat were.
There is no better way to see Miroku, Sango, Kagome, and Shippou suffer and get executed than slowly yet painfully because it is the best way to go for them. I know it would be just as satisfactory to see them die the most explosive deaths possible complete with dynamite, kerosene, and butane. However, slow and steady wins the race for brutality, and it would be fantastic to see the four losers known as Miroku, Sango, Kagome, and Shippou die horrible deaths let alone be executed in the most painful way possible. Whether Miroku's forehead gets chopped by an axe, Kagome and Sango get stabbed multiple times in the stomach by a short sword or a dagger, or Shippou gets slit in the throat as a sacrificial lamb, any method of giving these bastards a steady death can be satisfying. Nothing can assuage the rage I have against Miroku, Sango, Kagome, and Shippou, and wanting to see their blood flow from their pathetic bodies is more than satisfactory because they deserve it. Having them die within the backdrop of Richard Strauss's Elektra heightens the horror and the thrill. And it is absolutely glorious.
I hope you all enjoyed this, and I will see you in the next submission. Take care, stay safe, and never be horrible like these four losers or else you will be greeted by some slow yet painful deaths, everybody.
The Complete Dunderhead Family from Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.