Worst Excuse of a Wolf Ever

in inuyasha •  4 years ago 

This screenshot demotivational poster is highly, highly, highly Anti-Kouga. Sit back, relax, and revel in how much I enjoy dragging Kouga through the mud in terms of how much of a pathetic loser he is.

I do not need to tell you any further how sky-high my contempt for Kouga really is. He is no strong Alpha Male wolf nor is he a courageous warrior. He is nothing more than a pathetic waste of space and time as well as an inconsequential piece of wolf turd who attempted to look strong and tough, but he is really not all that. Therefore, Kouga has always given a bad name to wolves everywhere.

Why on earth would I dare say that Kouga gives a bad name to wolves? Simple. I love Mowgli's wolf family from Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book because of how steadfast they are and how they will never ever leave anyone in the dust. I consider the Fenris Wolf from Norse mythology to be a formidable force of nature. Furthermore, wolves in North American and European mythology are known for their strength in numbers, cunning, resourcefulness, and unwillingness to never give up. San from Princess Mononoke is a courageous, strong, powerful warrior who can open up a can of kick-ass every single time. Even though the popular portrayal of wolves is usually designated as the villain, anti-hero or anti-villain, they are still crafty and clever in their own special ways. Ergo, Kouga and his cronies are absolute rubbish compared to other legendary wolves.

Kouga is only an arrogant, low-down, good-for-nothing prick who tries to appear strong and formidable, but he is all talk and no action. He never took accountability for his actions ranging from owning up to his horribly murderous deed to not avenging his clan members' deaths from Naraku's and Kagura's hands to using the Shikon Jewel shards as a means of propelling his own combat prowess without exercising his own natural strength to unceremoniously up and leaving his allies when he was deprived of his Shikon Jewel shards.

He has no shame for the horrible deeds he did and he never deserved to have Ayame's hand in marriage let alone lead The Northern Yoro Tribe. He has abused his own powers to boost his own ego. He has no guts nor glory to call himself a warrior. At the end of the day, he is nothing more than hot air coming out of his pathetically big mouth. If I had it my way, he should have been repudiated for abdicating his comrades and getting away with murder. Furthermore, if I were a wolf myself, I would leave the most painful bite mark on Kouga until he suffers major blood loss and death. Kouga should know that his actions have consequences and he should have faced his punishment with open arms no matter what it should be. But, no. He never had the guts to do so. A real wolf would never abuse his power and cunning to put others down let alone belittle others and would never run away from battle.

In conclusion, Kouga is not a true wolf. He is a pathetic coward who has disgraced all wolves with his inability to accept the consequences of his own actions, stand his own ground as a courageous fighter, and live by his word as a real warrior should. Kouga disgusts me inside and outside and he might as well be publicly executed once and for all.

I also want to know if you feel that Kouga is a major disgrace to all wolves. Until then, I will see you in the next submission. Take care, stay safe, and never be a cowardly blowhard like Kouga is, everybody.

Kouga the Cowardly Karma Houdini from Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise.
Worst Excuse of a Wolf Ever.jpg

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never ever leave anyone in the dust.

Fine by me.