Tiered GV Asset Indices
Fund | Asset Ranks | Link | Relative volume (as of 6 August 2019) |
Tier 0 GV Assets Index Fund | #1 - #9 | https://genesis.vision/investor/funds/indexten-030-020 | 86.60% |
Tier 1 GV Assets Index Fund | #10 - #30 | https://genesis.vision/investor/funds/jlf11 | 11.74% |
Tier 2 GV Assets Index Fund | #31 - #100 | https://genesis.vision/investor/funds/jlf12 | 1.37% |
Tier 3 GV Assets Index Fund | #101 & below | https://genesis.vision/investor/funds/jlf13 | 0.27% |
See Blue-Chip Index Fund for indexed exposure to BTC and major alts (https://genesis.vision/investor/funds/jl-indexfive).
GV's fund section has an extensive (but not complete) set of cryptocurrencies to choose from to construct funds easily and quickly. This set of tiered GV asset index funds represents the entire GV fund asset offering divided across three tiers, defined and weighted by relative 90d trading volume. Each index is volume-weighted against the sum total of the GV fund assets comprising each tier.
These funds represent a simple way to gain broad exposure to the cryptocurrency market with some control for risk given the relative volume weighting; where greater long-term volume generally (but not always) correlates with lower long-term risk.
Note that if an investor wishes to allocate capital across all tiered funds while broadly matching the volume profile (and by implication, the risk profile) of the entire GV fund offering (less BTC and Tether), see the 'relative volume' column above.
i.e., an investor wishing to allocate $100 across the three tiers while matching the volume profile of the entire GV fund offering should allocate $86.6 to Tier 0, $11.74 to Tier 1, $1.37 to Tier 2 and $0.27 to Tier 3.
To assist investors going forward, the above table will be re-produced and updated in monthly update articles posted to this blog.
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