My Crypto Currency Journey: From Ethereum to Steemit

in investments •  9 years ago  (edited)

May 21st: I Discover Ethereum

It was Final Exam week, the week I face the majority of my procrastination. Every year during this week I find my self browsing the internet, specifically Reddit and Youtube , and always end up finding things I never would have discovered otherwise. This year I stumbled onto Medium, made an account, and added all the tech related tags. I added "cryptocurrency" as a tag to follow, not thinking much of it at the time. I knew what crypto was. I knew of bitcoin, litecoin, dogecoin. I even considered buying some bitcoin back in 2013 (still kicking my self for not doing so to this day). So when I read my first few posts about Ethereum I knew I had to jump on board, if not only because I did not want to be able to say in 3 years "I almost bought Ethereum".

May 29th: Ethereum as my Senior Year Paper

The last week of school we were told we would need to come up with a topic to write our 15 page paper on. I chose to write it about Ethereum, not knowing whether it would be on the mining aspect, blockchain, or what really. But the assignment of picking a topic was over and summer had now started.

June 3rd: Ethereum Mining

I read more about hashrates and throw together my mining rig with some spare parts I had in a couple hours. 2x R9 290's and I'm mining at about 60MH/s

June 4th: I'm "finished", for now.

The rig was done. I was making money and just got to sit back and relax, so I thought. I figured I'd try day trading Ethereum and try and short it once I got a substantial amount. I began watching youtubers like @craig-grant @crypt0 @bitcoinmeister and @trevonjb to learn about crypto currency and keep up with the latest ethereum news as I watch them daily.

July 14th: I Join Steemit

I join steemit and read a lot about how to succeed on the platform. I start actively trading on Bittrex and sell some Ether for Steem.

July 21st: Posting on Steemit and Day Trading

Ever since I joined Steemit I've been posting every day and been buying steem low and selling high. Now I just need to get a few top posts and grow my steem power.

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