Sky Enterprise Corporation

in investmentscam •  5 years ago  (edited)


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(first o many articles to follow)

In business, all is fair in love and war; and it’s brutal as it gets.

So how does a business model qualify as an investment scam? Essentially, it is when the model and the cash-flow are intended to saturate and crash—eventually and knowingly.

Sure it promises fantastic returns, and delivers initially, but all of that is part of the bait-hook-reel scheme. And while all of it sounds too good to be true, there persists in one’s mind the idea that wealthy and successful people do have it too good to be untrue.

There are ways that money makes good money, and fast. Through stocks trading, forex trading, property investments, etc.—but it often requires keen talent on the part of the player. And it is wise to remember that these talents utilize their craft for personal gain, and it is highly unusual (and unlikely) that they would openly share their tradecraft or let you co-invest in their money-rolling.

A scammer would suggest letting you in, this should serve as your first red flag.

Successful business isn’t just about accumulating money, it is being the best at doing so. And as Machiavellian as it may sound, business isn’t really about sharing wealth, or sharing the ability to make wealth.

The following article is a cautionary tale, and a specific warning against engaging in business with a particular person (or persons).

In the circles of money investments, you may encounter a certain Limuel Valla, Dale Valla, or Thea; operating as Sky Enterprises or some other name. (Our next article will further detail these personalities.) Please be warned.

If you have encountered them already, or are engaged in any dealings with them; kindly contact us, either for information, or for corroboration in a Criminal Case currently filed against these parties.


Their scheme offers a sweet, sweet promise: 400% of your Capital fund, in fourty (40) days, to be given out across daily payouts. Too good to be true? Your willingness to make a profit will overcome your better judgment. Yes you see the bait… but…


You get hooked anyway. How and why? Because they do give the daily payouts. And suddenly everything is very real, and feasible, and reachable. And so you enjoy your profits prematurely.

You make ROI on your capital in a week. You are excited to complete your 40-day cycle and look to the next 40-day investment cycle…
How much will you invest? Will you compound your profits by re-investing the 300% you made?


And, again, you invest for another cycle… Either you re-invest your profits, or roll with an amount closer to your net worth, now that you’ve seen that it works and pays.

And that’s how you get reeled-in.


At this point so many questions are boggling you. How does he produce the money for the payouts? What is his secret that he can generate so much profit in so little time? Is he some fucking genius?—I feel like an idiot not being able to see or access these amazing investment opportunities (and this guy is just riding it in hundreds of millions)…

The entire scheme is made possible by an (in)genius cashflow system.

For first-roll cycles, the investments are accepted in precise trickles, whereas the incoming investments cover for the daily payouts and the money volume eventually accumulates.
For regular/experienced investment scammers, they set-up a rotating fund, so they could accept bulk investments immediately as they ‘launch’ an investment cycle. The rotating fund covers for the daily payouts.


The scheme is designed to sustain the cash rotation until a certain threshold is reached. The threshold is either an arbitrary amount of money held by the scammer, or a mathematical point where the investments can no longer accommodate the payouts.

It is when everything crashes. Maybe it’s your first, second or third investment cycle… You’ll be fooled to believe that you’re ‘in the loop’ on the information, and will be be able to pull-out your investment before it crashes—but that’s exactly what the scammer is after, your money.

The scammer disappears, offices are emptied-out, online traces disappear. And your money—well, gone.

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