"group calling itself 'The Invisible College.'"
"The Invisible College was based on Francis Bacon’s principles that knowledge is power and that all knowledge has been given for use, and the relief of man’s state (and not for its own sake)."
"The Invisible College/Royal Society is the founding cornerstone for modern science; all its genitive, scientific organizations pay tribute to the Royal Society. The term Invisible College was first made famous by the Rosicrucian Manifestos"
"The term ‘invisible college’ was first used to describe the British Royal Society, a group of scholars and academics dating back to 1660 who met regularly to exchange research and ideas."
"The original Invisible College was an informal group of natural philosophers, centered around Robert Boyle, who exchanged ideas by letters and encouraged each other as they established the methods of discovery we all take for granted today: facts, hypotheses, observations, replication. They had to keep the society secret because they feared the church, government, and other authorities of the period."
"Invisible College is the term used for a small community of interacting scholars who often met face-to-face, exchanged ideas and encouraged each other. One group that has been described as a precursor group to the Royal Society of London consisted of a number of natural philosophers around Robert Boyle. It has been suggested that other members included prominent figures later closely concerned with the Royal Society;[2] but several groups preceded the formation of the Royal Society, and who the other members of this one were is still debated by scholars."