A small group of people living together within an small area is called neighborhood. An online community is a network of people who communicate with other and share their ideas, thoughts. An online community for neighborhood is the private social network for our neighbors and our community. It's the easiest way for our neighbors to talk online and make all of our lives better in the real world.
"Every man is surrounded by a neighborhood of voluntary spies." - Jane Austen
Common problems of neighborhood
- Share problems : Part of a safe and healthy neighborhood is neighbors who take an active role in addressing neighborhood problems. But sometime, we don't have enough time to meet our neighbors and talk about the problems.
- Organize community events and daily activities : There are so many problems to organize an events or daily activities like event discussion, time management, invite all neighborhood personally, fund problem etc.
- Donation or Fund raising : There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others. Sometimes we are not able to help financially or socially to those individuals/families requiring support in exceptional cases such as accident, illness, unemployment etc, because of time and funds.
- Communicate and discussion : Now days we are very busy in our personal or social life, so we don't have enough time to communicate with each other in our neighborhood.
Proposed Solution for neighborhood problems
Social network is a network of people who communicate with one another and with an organization through interactive tools such as e-mail, events, groups, discussion boards and chat systems. Online community provide these feature which can resolved the neighborhood problems:- Discussion Forum : In the discussion forum, we can post and share the common neighborhood problems and get the quick feed back from others.
- Event Management : In this feature we can post an community event with full detail and invite the other users (neighbors). This will reduce the cost and time of the organizer. .
- Donation or Charity : Donate or charity provides powerful social tools to raise effectively funds for charities, projects and fundraisers.
- Communicate : Online community provide the chat system which enable users to communicate or chat with others.
- Social is mobile: Every one is spending more time with mobile apps than on personal computers. Mobile is the new hotspot for being social. Using mobile app, all of the neighbours can share their issues quickly and effective manner.
How to create online community for neighborhood
There are many top leading platforms available to create online community for neighborhood:- SocialEngine : SocialEngine is most popular PHP community software that helps you build your own custom social network website. The default socialEngine software core contains basic community features that include uploading/sharing content, friends networking, profile and page layout customization, user and content management. The cost of socialengine php would be $449 for premium version. You can also have a mobile app for your community by purchasing the iOS app and it gonna cost you another $699.
- Oxwall : Oxwall is a free open source community php software. Oxwall is used for a wide range of projects starting from family sites and custom social networks to collaboration tools and enterprise community solutions.
- Buddypress : Buddypress is an open source social networking software package built in php . Buddypress is a powerful plugin that takes your WordPress site beyond the blog with social-network features like user profiles, activity streams, user groups, events and many more.
- Jomsocial : Jomsocial is one of the most widely used php community platforms. It includes the usual page posting, discussion, blogs, polls, events etc.
- Drupal : Drupal is one of the community world and would come first on this list for many in the community website. It's a highly capable, mature, and extremely popular community platform that includes the usual features as well as a workflow subsystem, support for OpenID, granular user security, and much more. Drupal is developed in PHP, is open source, and has several thousand 3rd party modules available for it as well.
Neighborhood is one of the most important and useful communities in a person's life. Hence, by using the top leading community platform we can create a online community for neighborhood. We hope that neighbors are everywhere can use online community to build stronger and safer neighborhood around the world.Posted from my blog with : https://www.ipragmatech.com/neighborhood-social-networking-website/