Hey Inbre-nguins!
Just an FYI as to WHY daddy pengu Jacob Vagisil is no longer streaming on the awesome MGTV TROOF channel. You see, daddy inbre-nguin was a naughty penguin and decided to make a boo-boo with some videos I created. So he gets 7 strikes on one week. I should also mention the reason for the penguin migration to DLIVE and Steemit is because IPS' 7K sub channel was taken down. In order for a channel to now be monetized, a youtube user NEEDS 4,000 HOURS of watch time AND 1000 Subscribers BEFORE youtube will even consider it.
Bad Vagisil! So the lesson of the day children, is don't be like Jacob Vagisil. Be more like MGTV ( and Karen B ) 'MGTV noes da wae'