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Blacklisted him from

Should have done that as soon as I found out about his bathroom video. But better late than never.

@therealwolf it is a lesson for others to follow rule and regulation for discipline community .

You are right
am agree with you

Yes brother I did

I like how everyone obeys to berniesanders. Who is this guy?

We need more Bernies and less bid bot owners!

Lol, i have seen just the NSFW cover and that was very weird and perved...

I thought it was funny.


No, it wasn't at all. I have read that he was in rehab treatment in the past due his porn addictions. He must be very carefull doing that kind of kinky shit because it only work for the ladies...

It definitely did not work for this lady. I am sorry I even saw the thumbnail and clicked out quick.

mam follow me back plz.. i follow you

follow me i follow

Follow me on and I will follow you there also.

for sure - people gonna pay big bucks if you got titties and then stand up for your right to do it too. otherwise expect the hillbilly brigade to burn down your house and get the cops to help as well ;-)

Agreed. It's women's choice and the choice of everyone. However once people get into that kind of business they must measure themselves about what they doing because it become always viral...

@maikelblogo respective human conscience is required for good community. better to be away from those people who don't respect others.

One thing is making a good community and respect each other and other different thing is talking about what is wrong with some people. Next time, you must be educated about some topics and then you can make a good conclusion about...

ifollow you u will back follow me.

your late lol make your Owen video

I just follow you please follow me back

Right. agreed

I am upvoting you plz help me also by upvoting and commenting me regularly I will also gove you response back soon..

I just follow you please follow me back

i need vote for vote ? can you help



hey here is our old pal using them and promoting ponzies again

I am new for steemit plish gide me.

Don't comment beg and spell your words correctly.

1。 maybe search more info about steemit in a language that you are comfortable. if you can't find any, i suggest you start one yourself =)

  1. don't spam, don't beg

Good luck


@cn-reader good advise. good language is for respective community

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

@devam Go to youtube and see videos about will get all the information about it.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

I appreciate you and smartsteem for blacklisting such a powerful guy. This is why I gave you witness vote last week. And also it is remarkable that Jerrybanfield's witness position has now been dropped down to 31. Is there any way to bring him further down? I think there are many good witnesses who haven't reached top 100.

Update- I have a doubt about this as well. when you remove such powerful upvotes, will you be returning their money back? If not, what will you do with that Steem/SBD? Just curious!

For your information, to ignore or act upon, as you see fit.

Just in case you have something against positivity-spewing bullshit artists and self-help gurus, making promises they cannot keep, we would like to point out to you the work of the trending author @chbartist, who just published this gem:

I'm going to leave this post there, with a simple yet powerful promise. If we stay positive, if we learn to control that fear, that panic and work on our personal development, before you know it summer will have arrived.

His last three posts are so full of drivel that reading them makes our eyes water, yet they are high up on the trending page.

Kind regards,

The Church of Piglet.

The fact that anyone can/will put up some crap content (that benefits no one) and buy bots to get noticed is hilarious.. it's like those hopeless people on Instagram that buy their followers, anyone with any real intelligence laughs at them (until it becomes to pathetic to laugh at anymore). Of course none of this is surprising though since people are so addicted to artificial everything these days

That website should be named Sheepit.

I follow Jerry because he is interesting, like Jerry Lewis.


an interesting talking turd

When everybody gots da same idea u know wut comes next right lol?


Many even follow @chbartist. We live in interesting times.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Thanks everyone for your comments. My comment wasn't meant to single any one person out (that would be a lot of singling out haha), and not everyone that buys followers/bots has a crap post. I was just mentioning in general that it's very common and ruins the point of being on here. It's discouraging to look at any top posts because of it.

This problem isn't unique to @jerrybanfield everyone is doing this. If Jerry went away tomorrow the problem would still persist. This is a systematic problem, not a problem with one user

I try my best in focusing on what I can change in the world. I believe in family first and local community values, offline first. The Internet has no walls. Just kidding. The Internet has walls, too. But it can be a lot different than the real world. So, I am on the Internet to influence others. Can we really stop everybody we dislike online? Maybe not always.

Totally! Never is just one person.

First we need a lot of mistakes before we can build a stable systems.
(Or I just build on my own and improve on it if it dies.

add masternodes and your good to go ;)

Jerrybanfield is struggling. It is evident in all of his content. I know many of you don't like him, and you don't have to support him, but I think we should at least offer him compassion as he is a human being like the rest of ua

Posted using Partiko Android

true he's human 2

Isn't it better that they let him waste his money and then remove their vote from his post?
I know that's what @booster did.
(oh i see the new one he has trending now...ugh, this guy)

I think its a slippery slope when we start deciding who is worthy of being on steemit, who is worthy of earning money. If Jerry went away tomorrow this problem would still exist a new person or new group of people would just become the ones to profit from it. This is a systematic problem not a jerry problem. I also find it troubling that we all bitch and moan about youtube and ohter platforms yet we try to do the same things they do

that might be the best comment so far, personally ive been on steemit for months and i never heard about the guy until this week ... bubble universe , you cant have free speech if its not absolutely free, but monetary damage is another topic i suppose, i dont know enough about it to voice my opinion on the matter, i pay little attention to witnesses since most of them i read so far are quite content fascists.
I actually decided to unvote most of those, b/c i usually did b/c someone asked, i dont like politics and central authority (which is what this system is really) but i'll go over their blogs one by one at my own snailpace and label them on a scale from intellectual anarchist over neutral to content nazi ... and bast my votes on that from now

interesting read anyway

Nobody decided he isn't worthy of being on SteemIt. They decided to not sell him a product. Voting Power. The people who own the bots are selling voting power and many of them have decided not to sell it to Jerry.

That is totally different than running him off the site or banning him from saying what he wants to say.

Okay but what have you to say about this. People whine about Youtube right, Youtube doesn't not allow anyone to use their service, they simply block monetization. That's a pretty even argument about not allowing people to use bots. On youtube people are still free to post content, they just dont want to do it if they can't earn money the same way jerry can still post he just can't use voting bots.

Apples and oranges. A vote bot is a business, not a service. they sell you votes. The bot owners have the right to decide if they want to sell you a service. A person does not have a right to buy from the business. The Bid Bots are not preventing jerry from posting or doing what he wants. he is still allowed to post as much crap as he wants, just like I am allowed to post as much crap as I want.

You can not force a bid bot owner to sell to everyone, regardless of content. There are bots that refuse to sell to NSFW content. Are they wrong for that refusal? It's is their business to be run as they see fit. I myself do not like them, so I don't use them. later down the road I may use them, but I am not much into buying reputation or votes.

The same way Youtube and Adsnese are both businesses and have the right to not offer their service to others. I realize your not saying this but the overall feeling of Steemit seems to be fuck youtube steemit rocks and in reality both have a way of censoring people and both are well within their rights to do so

censoring jerry would be systematically flagging every post and every comment he makes to take it below the level required to be visible.

Removing his ability to be seen on steemit is censorship. This, this isn't wanting your product (bid bot) to be associated with someone like Jerry.

I think this is an interesting argument. I think Steemit or any platform has to have some rules, some best practices, etc, but ultimately the important question is who gets to decide what those are and who gets to decide who is violating them.

If Bidbot owners band together and decide not to allow Jerry to use their service they are harming his visibility on the platform and harming his ability to earn money. Now its totally within their right to do that but I think that's a dangerous path to go down. What if bid bot owners decide to band together and do that to anyone they dont like or disagree with? When some people are allowed to use them and others aren't it creates an unlevel playing field.

While I use them on occasion I think bid bots ultimately are kind of bad for steemit. its basically pay to play. imagine if the nba allowed people to pay to play in the league. do you think people would still come out to games to watch tim the accountant play basketball instead of lebron james?

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

youtube censorship is a blackbox..

steemit censorship is public .. at least you could draw attention to being unfairly censored here. on youtube, you are just fucked.

here you can be saved. i was. after being unfairly downvoted simply for stating alternative facts and asking questions. I found myself losing reputation right and left. but I reached out in posts to steemcleaners and others and posted about being screwed. and a whale came and helped me.

i still kinda fuss about needing to be saved, but then maybe this is just as it is, if your cause is righteous, then someone can and probably will help you. if it is not... you might sink.

I would disagree and say Youtube isn't a blackbox, otherwise we wouldn't see all these "youtube demonetized my channel videos" and on the rare occasion Youtube actually just wipes and deletes a channel they don't stop that person from making another account telling about what youtube did to them.

On steemit while everything is publicly recorded on the blockchain ie I can see who downvoted me, not everyone peruses SteemDB to see what's going on, personally I've been on here a year and havn't really bothered to dig into that stuff extensively. Also I'm always discovering new Steemians everyday and the search function isn't great so its completely possible people on here are being fucked with by bots or high SP users and I would never hear about it.

@rulesforrebels you have a point. WHen a post like this is made to influence the business owners by giving them a bad business wrap that will make them feel compelled to blacklist him then it becomes a sensorship.

I am too new on steemit so dont want to get myself entangled on the politics here but alot of these posts are personal based and not community.

Yeah while it's true bot owners own their bots and can choose who and who not to do business with but at the same time when bots have a lot of power on steemit to determine who's posts earn money and who's posts get attention by blocking someone from using bots your in a sense stopping them from being able to earn money and stopping them from being able to be seen. While they may not own or be in control of steemit they are doing the exact same thing to those creators that youtube does to creators when they demonetize them or when they hide their videos.

I guess it begs the question ultimately who gets to decide who's content is worthy, who's views are acceptible, etc. I really don't like it when I see people banding together in groups to go against someone else who they disagree with or dislike

People have a very strange sense of censorship. What does the ability to buy a vote or have a vote sold to you have to do with censorship? There are thousands of post on steemit that have never paid for a vote. Are they all censored post because they did not pay for a vote?

@bashadow, if these bid bot owners decides not to take his business then that is within their rights and can return his funds but some wait until he pays to then withdraw their votes.

Also, by this post listing business that have offered services and asking other members to stay away is using power to manipulate the outcome.

Someone like me with no power cant even say a thing fearing the wrath of the powerful
A lot of the people with voting bots vote for themselve on their own posts with 100% power so a kettel cant call the pot black

There are a few witness votes i have withdrawn from people before for the violation i see them committing.


it has become a tradition.

saludos @booster me gusta mucho su trabajo


a visual of how this is all helping make the world the Utopia that stuff promised
happy friday beautiful peeps <3

Jerry reminds me of a hot bucket of vomit that just commited a hate crime.

Lol!! That shit is gold.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

I agree they are ruining Steemit :(

He was already Red-listed and his vote removed, you can remove @booster from your list, Banfield has been set on the blacklist now for a month so he can cool off.

At this rate, he'll be blacklisted by just about every bot in no time :P

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

@Berniesanders This and the others abusing the system are also driving users away.. It wouldn't surprise me, if they end up removing bot voting, and keep it to whales only. As for the other abusing the system, they should have a system to block any outgoings, including any savings. it seems harsh, but users shouldn't take the mick!., so if and when an offender creates a new account, they'll get fed up eventually, if mass repeating their abuse to the site.

I actually made a post about this very thing today. To me this is a systematic problem, if Jerry went away this problem would still persist. Here's my response to this post

i'll check it out in a sec.

I wish I could earn something on this site - there is no support for original music painting or writing here

Steemit isn't about creating quality content, steemit is about learnign what upvote bots to use, who to become friends with, what networks to join. Its about playing the game. That's not necessarily a good or bad things its just what it is

You are using bid bots on almost all your posts and complaining that you are unable to earn anything from this website. Most of the curation communities don't like people using bid bots. But at the same time it is indeed very difficult to earn something from this website unless you have at most patience.

I have been consistently writing a lot without using bid bots or anything. My earning is also poor only. I just learnt that I have to be a bit lucky. That's all.

Seriously? Then you hang out in the wrong places.. I curate for @smacommunity and @c-squared for example and all the above are being supported.. all of them... Very curious about your content if you are mentioning the maybe most rewarded tags here on Steemit as not supportive..

I think what @daydreams4rock is getting at is that Steemit isn't about quality content, its about playign the game. Nothing wrong with that, but its the reality. On youtube quality content alone can go viral. Here on steemit you need to know the right tags to use, the right people to befriend the right upvote bots to pay.

I've had posts that get 150 upvotes which is a clear indicication people enjoyed the content but I still only earn 47 cents where as someone else creates a shit piece of content that gets 7 votes and they earn $120

"On youtube quality content alone can go viral."

And you would make pennies, and then maybe even have some of your vids demonetised if they are political in nature.

Making money online isn't simple period so I'm not gonna knock steemit too hard for that and while Youtube does have it's problems I've made WAY more on Youtube than I've ever made here.

The whole pennies on Youtube thing is kinda a myth, at times I have over a $20 CPM, I havn't seen my CPM under $15 in a long time, I would say $17 is about average for me. My content appeals to certain advertisers of SAAS software, ecommerce platforms etc. It's very true however that more general types of content ie a vlog isn't going to monetize well. There are Youtubers who are basically famous who are still working restaurant jobs but its because while they do have a shit ton of views, none of those views are really catered towards anything so maybe a company like Pepsi will say shit we/'ll pay $1 per 1000 views just for brand recognition but your not going to have anyone really willing to pay a lot.

On the flip side an appliance repair guy who starts a channel and show syou how to diagnose a problem with your dishwaasher and how to fix it is going to get very high CPM because anyone watching that video is almost guranteed to buy a part to fix their machine so advertisers will pay more.

Not saying Youtube is perfect and not saying steemit is shit but there's no denying while it has issues Youtube is a far superior platform if for no other reason than the algorithm alone. Youtube knows content I wanna see that I dont even know that I wanna see. Steemit I have to do a TON of searching to find something that interests me.

It's so painful and discouraging, doesn't even spur someone to produce an outstanding content that would end up going unnoticed

Can be the case that he meant that. And yes I agree on that, you got to get noticed, or spend tons of money here. I don't do that though, nothing in my wallet comes from fiat investments, only earnings here. So it is possible, really! But it's harder and harder getting noticed, totally agree on this .. lots of bullshit trending topics here, from people that only post crap. Just in case he needed some tips, I did take the time to look at some posts, to see if I can contribute in any way as he is also using bots to have higher payouts, and that will make other groups not vote you. Everyone has different skills, and desires, just trying to help him out...

I used to think that @berniesanders was the bad guy instead of the fun guy ;) But I have a different view on that by now, and that jerrybanshit video kicked me even further to the other side .. By the way @berniesanders why don't you drop a better entry for @comedyopenmic ? Just to show Jerry who's boss??? And if you do, do it after tomorrow if you please, so I can judge it lol

He probably won't reply to you, because you've spelled his name wrong :D
it's @berniesanders not @berniesaunders
Not trying to be a grammar nazi, just mentioning it because he might not see your reply in his notifications.

Fully agree with what you said though ;-)

No offence taken @daan I am still noy fully operational that's obvious damn... changed it.. thanks grammar nazi :-)

@rulesforrebels i had to upvpte you.
Now riddle me how this works. I have seen some people with 1000 upvotes and 30$ and another with 50 and heck a lot of $$$

Is it knowing which bots pay big or is it knowing the whales who upvote you? I am very new on this but it is something i have been following and can't understand

This is probably my biggest problem with Steemit and I've actually written a couple posts about this topic. So I have had posts that get 150 plus upvotes so to me that means the community as a whole liked my content, however that post will only earn me like $3 where as I'll see another post with 7 upvotes that makes $120.

I understand that votes from people with higher steem power are more valuable but it seems really skewed that a post with overwhelming support ie 150 upvotes can earn nothing while one with 7 can earn hundreds of dollars. The balance of power is way out of wack.

I dont know a perfect solution. At first I thought make an algorithm so that after a certain volume of votes a post earns some type of bonus or something to kind of balance out the whale power however people will just use upvote bots or buy accounts and upvote stuff in large numbers. I'm not really sure what the solution is. Even sites like Youtube wrestle with this, they used to rank stuff based on upvotes and then realized its too easy to use bots to upvote so had to go to watch time as a main factor in their algorithm

@steemmonsters is doing tons of writing stuff.

Couldn't "demise" be the wrong term in this situation?
Looking at things purely optimistically?

Steem costing near or under a dollar, ideally.. would be a good thing.. to me..

Now if I spend a decent bit of money on it, while it's cheap, I can get a good amount of money's worth out of it. Whereas when it's 3.. 4.. 6.. 20$ each.. I can get far less steem for my $.

Knowing it has potential to go back to at least 2$.. I'd say steem dropping like hotcakes would be very beneficial to the community as a whole. Money smart people would have only ever had what they could afford to lose in steem and it would've been a fraction of their total income/available money at any given time.. and they'd be secure in their lives outside of steemit and not depending on an ultimately unreliable earning. (Things can happen in an instant and change your fate on posting platforms.)

Although I agree that it's up to each party to decide what they want to do, I also believe that steem/sbd price dropping very low, is beneficial to everyone who's been holding out so they can have a bigger say, a bigger bang for their buck, if you will, in the fight that currently is, freedom of speech vs. those looking to abuse bots vs. the stifling of content.... Idk, it's an all out brawl on here from what I can tell.

Peace to you all though, I wish you all the best. I use @therealwolf's service for vote selling because when I did my research, I saw he was truly making steps to cut the abuse, as have my friends. However large or small the part, the abuse needs to stop. There needs to be much better quality content being promoted and a lot less of the bs. We have a platform to represent here.. What type of society do we want to be? What type of wealth, in both money and intellectual value.. do we want to have here?

Just some thoughts. :)

Well said

Excellent post. I had no idea this kind of B.S went on. Thanks for the warning. I'd love to see some kind of system to weed out fake accounts and manipulation. Until then, I guess we have to rely on users like you to sound the alarm bell.

This post has received a 100.00 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @ngc.

I just wanted to pump this one up, I find it ironically funny :))

lol @booster is the top upvoter on this post, 2nd is @buildawhale. I must have misunderstood the point of the post, this is confusing.

No, you have understood correctly. There are magic things that happen here.

Read the post and top comments again

Its not okay to upvote your content if its shitty, who decides whether your content is shitty is the unknown here. it is okay to upvote your content complaining about others upvoting shitty content lol.

i actually made a response to this post and used bid bots to upvote a post i wrote about bid bots being a problem lol

Promobot does not blacklist anyone. @JerryBanfield is welcome to use our service.

fair world. ill check your bot too

@promobot Thanks for the upvote of $10 when I sent 10 sbd. That vote is worth less than 2 sbd. I appreciate it. Even though it says you cant get less than 1% roi, i got a 75% loss. Cool cool.

The voting bots are making a big disfavour to the STEEM community. I know, lot of people are misusing it, and we should rally against such cases... The proposal to remove a penalty from flagging someone is so wrong, and it is extremely wrong to get $1000 dollars from making such proposal...

Abusers should be flagged and if they reach a particular level, they should be allowed to post only once in a week and in extreme cases, move funds from their account to a common seem account.....steem/eos are all centralized in many ways!!! 21 witness node controlling the whole network!!!! how could that be decentralized

whats abuse and who gets to decide who's an abuser?

gaming the system, writing post every hour and using bitbots to upvote and get all steem rewards and many abuse. i guess the steem community can and should come up with a guide line .This free ride is screwing the platform

Only 21 nodes?

read the steem white paper/blue paper

Bid bots make 1% of the votes but take 40% of the reward pool.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Fortunately i was not part of his weird bathroom fun, was thinking of blacklisting him from a long time but enough is enough, will not support these type of posts anymore.

Blacklisted and Unvoted from @appreciator.

its a slippery slope just arbitrarily deciding who creates content that doesn't deserve bots. the vast majority of stuff i see on trending and hot being upvoted is shit

What are they doing wrong? I am using one of the bots to delegate to and earn income, how are they ruining the platform? Actually curious...

But you used all these Bullshits to promote your post

Yah ...I really DO THINK 👀👂🏽👌🏿👁♒️⚖🔨

Ironic Mystic

Are you against boost or supporting boost, I'm really very confuse. Once i invest on my posts to boost my earning but it seems useless. @berniesanders

Its about a scammer using those bots to get up to Trending, not about you. Nothing wrong with your content except you're clearly not scammy enough for Trending.

ultimately who gets to decide what content is worthy of upvotes then?

You do.

I can control who I upvote and who I don't but when bot owners start controlling who can use their service, I mean yeah it's their right to do it's their bot, but were also starting to give a single person arbitrary control over who's allowed to promote their content on here and who's not. If I dislike someone I can now use that power to not let them use my bot? I can but is that right?

I just find it hypocritical and funny how people on here bitch and moan so much about other platforms cencosring people, promoting a certain type of content, and then they do the same stuff over here.

I also just wanted to point out that I think jerry is only a piece of this problem so many other people are doing the same thing, hot and trending are flooded with garbage, jerry just gets mentioned because he does this better than most others and has more power to do it to a bigger extent.

Bot owners have every right to determine who can and can't use their service. It's their vested SP, not the community's.

more power to them. the community i imagine could decide we dont want this platform using bots, i imagine a hard fork could be done and there goes there power and money.

my point is once we start allowing a single person to dictate who can get ahead and who cant its a slippery slope. what if i had some powerful friends on here and i said hey you know that @swelker101 guys eggplant on axe handles, that's fucking dumb, lets all downvote his stuff 100% or lets not let him use any of our bots, then it really sucks to be you.

basically what im trying to say is everyone came here bitching and moaning about how bad youtube is and i see many of those same people participating in the same type of shit youtube does but its okay because its them doing it and not a corporation.

Scams, like art, like beauty, subjectively, is/are in the eye(s) of the beholder, hehe.

True true. One person's scam is another person's business. That's part of the problem here.

@guiltyparties, is it okay then for someone with a lot of powers to hold multiple accounts and upvote their own posts and comments with the said fake accounts?

I even noticed a powerful person like you give an upvote to same things you discourage.
I believe you are part of steemitclearners who discourage spamming and i am supprised to see you give a full upvote to a "lol" comment.

i think what is going on here is fight of the titans and the strongest only will survive.
To the weak and powerless the best we can do is watch and not poke our noses in to these fights. one down vote on my tiny account or blacklist and i am dead . lol

You think I'm a powerful account? I do upvote a lot of people who are either appealing Cheetah or are trying to learn to use Steemit.

With self-voting there's a few differences between the types. There's people who legitimately made and financed their accounts, they fall under one class, lets say Class A. There's people who are abusing the free delegation @steem gives out and creating giant armies of accounts only for upvoting without any investment, lets say Class B. There's also people who do a mixture of the two to make a giant botnet to publish automated copy/paste content on all accounts, and then cross-upvote them, those are Class C.

The general consensus is Class A are using their own stake, Class B lose their delegation and are rendered useless, and Class C end up getting their scammed rewards removed. It's the Class C ones that are completely demolishing the reward pool but because they're not that visible and their accounts are hard to find, most people don't realize they're there. They're the reason new people can't get accounts without waiting.

That all being said, if we use your example of an LOL comment, the Class A account may say that once in a while and upvote it. Class B and C accounts will auto-post it 100 times an hour and hide it in old posts. One LOL here and there, supported by the person's own investment (SP they bought or earned) is one thing and the 100 LOLs, also known as 'comment farming' is another.

Also, as a user you do have the right to upvote your own comments and posts. That's you using your stake as you want. It's your right and freedom, as long as you're not 'comment farming' as above. (At that point it becomes so detrimental to the entire ecosystem it must be stopped.) If anyone tells you you're not allowed to vote on your own work, they're full of shit.

Hope I answered your questions.

I sent 1 SBD to Randowhale and never got an upvote ) :

Any way you can return all the funds I sent to that upvote bot? It said it was awake, but I never got an upvote/return. I really don't like upvote bots now

Damn bots.... Donald Trump needs to build a wall.... WITH THE BONES OF THE PEOPLE THAT USE THESE BOTS!

I like walls. Family first. Local communities second. Country third. World fourth.

What movie was that where Will Ferrel says MOM! WHERE'S MY MEATLOAF? FUUUCK!

Probably all of his movies including the Lego Movie, every meatloaf is awesome.

I don't likes to use bots in my account. I geniunly repect the content creators which work hard to make there post better. but unfortunately these bots will change the game 😔

It is funny that the op uses voting bots and also owns one, while your comment disagrees with that :))

I do not run a bot.

Have you shot @randowhale down?

@randowhale has been down for months at this point...

Is @randowhale never coming back?

Oh, I didn't know that,sorry to hear it. It was an amazing idea. Why is it down?

No offense, but can I ask what you do now with that once delegated SP ?

All of the people in my life are as predictable in their “loops” as these bots.

Are you watching Westworld?

Thank you @berniesanders for the post you made in order to warn us not to use them, I will be sure to not used them under any circumstances in order to not get scammed. Thank you for warning me about it. :)

i followed them before long time,,but Blacklisted are the fucking bots that don't give good
@smartsteem - BLACKLISTED!
@buildawhale - BLACKLISTED!

Wrong. Blacklisted are those who have blacklisted jerrybanfield.

Bots are promotional tools, not your own personal cash register.

But it's your personal cash register, right?

I knew this guy he always got an A+ in carpentry - for hitting the nail on the head.
;-) well played



The decentralised hillbilly brigade

Its about time, we (humans NOT bots) should make our own upvote, curate content, help fellow steemians. It is this automation that resulted to complication to those affected accounts.

With regards to content, if you think, the content is trash, so don't vote for it, and rather look for post that suits your taste, and give higher % of upvote, so that that content creator can be inspired to produce more quality content.

Flagging other users on the grounds that his/her post is rubbish, is totally unfair if not a form of bullying/anarchy of the powerful(those with bigger sp).

Steemit is for content creation, to express their ideas, feelings, helping others to learn something, by suppressing a person to post his content, is equivalent of killing the criminal even before he can commit a crime.

Glad to see half of these already blacklisted #blacklisthisass

I am very happy watch your ernining so good luck 😊👍

I am agree with u

@berniesanders now m follow you please given me follow thank you

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thats a bad news sir.
I also agree with you.
Thanks for sharing @berniesanders.

Omg!! they are the worst

@berniesanders you are also using @appreciator for the promotion of this post.

I hope these people will disappear here

That's a trap, how can they do something like that, instead of winning their steem in a clean way?

i wonder..

you two have no idea of what is going on here and i would suggest just stay out of these big boys fights. If you want to see your account die keep up commenting and hurt feelings of the wrong whale around here. lol
Your account reputation will be blacklisted and before you know it you will be -ve reputation

Hiii @berniesanders, it's great to know about Whales/Bots, who have power to increase or decrease our Steemit power,
I this comment also help to save our account by bots to be #blacklist.
Thanks @berniesanders for sharing and plzz don't miss to follow @devkapoor423, and support @devkapoor423 by your upvote and comments on blogs

@berniesanders You are wrong because most of people use it

@berniesanders i m very regretfull to resteemed @jerrybanfield post. now i understand the whole agenda of this post. Thanks buddy. now i resteem your post on my blog.

@berniesanders this is best action what they needed. i like it.

Congratulations @berniesanders! You have completed some achievement on Steemit and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

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Do you like SteemitBoard's project? Then Vote for its witness and get one more award!

Needful action has been taken.That's great!!!

I'm respect to content creator i know how to make articel is difficult to wrriting it.. So don't use bot guys

Bro if you want any upvote in steemit you have to pay for it. lol
Even this post has been upvoted using the same listed bot services. lmao

I thought the same when i joined but leant real quick its a survival for the fittest

Sory i'm newbi on steemit i'll still need explore what upvote is and more feature.

thank man for information
blacklist all of them

Posted using Partiko Android


Steemit is more and more getting a mere Manufactury of Fakes and Clowns.............

Ouch! Such a bad news.

It's really good decision from These bots are disturbed us sometimes without any proper reason.
Thank you ;)

@berniesanders teach them a great lesson so that no one can do this again and no one can break the rules and regulation again.

In my opinion this type of bots are worthless.

last three posts are so full of drivel that reading them makes our eyes water, yet they are high up on the trending page.

so anybody tell me what is the solution of these types problems ?

why they are become a blacklists what to do them

Nice .. Nice work, thanks for the info
Great post from you
Thanks for sharing, for more creativity..

I Think so there is no batter way to promote some serious bidder. with that way many of bidder getting disturb from that.

So may i will wait for the batter conversation with Steem connector ...............!

This post can b bright future of steemit.

Earning at others expenses is FOEVER Master Sequestered by OMNILAWS and Acting Cloud if your unknowing. Obey much?
Enforcement is happening regardless of your fakkke nuze or riots or protests or hashtag metooz. The return of the Son of Man prophesied in all holy books of all people will not be treated like a flowergurl you puff urcellvz up by another dae!
Everything belongs to the righteous now! And there is nothing any of your labels, usury, lying thug lies, crooks or crooked cops will be able to orchestrate this time nor fix it!
Divine Order of the Reset has been proven documented and is CURRENT*LY the prime creator Yah Allah's CURRENT♒️✌🏿️👁See...
Sea🌊 Si🌻

@berniesanders should i flag all their comments and should i also unfollow them? Plz help me out and please make a new blog with more information.

You have to follow the rule to be successfull finding shortcuts can lead you temporary success but that will not stay with you@berniesanders

So! Let’s skip over the technical guts for now

Thank you for talking action in the name of this community. You have the power and a strong word to say here.

I still have some witness votes, just tell me who you want me to vote and i will.

When im looking sometimes in trending list makes me puke when i see tons of money thrown to promote shit posts while the bots owners takes the money and close eyes.

@upme blacklist the Jerry and remove the witness vote. Thank you.

Please check your wallet. I have sent a request 23 hours ago...


@berniesanders very nice work bro

I Think so there is no batter way to promote some serious bidder. with that way many of bidder getting disturb from that.

So may i will wait for the batter conversation with Steem connector ...............!

You got a 33.47% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @ngc!

Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker website for more info. If you would like to support the development of @postpromoter and the bot tracker please vote for @yabapmatt for witness!

Great post. Appreciate it.

Can you tell me in more detail about this topic?

What's happening to the Steemit community? It shouldn't go this way... 😥

Some of the communities are not this way, or less so.

The drama is so pure & tangible & unending that you can't look away...

I totally agree with you , some time Steemit has bigger problems,
Thanks for sharing @booster

this isn't a @jerrybanfield problem its a systematic problem. if he went away this would continue

I believe that to decide what they want to do, it is up to each party to decide, I also believe that the steem / SBD value is very low .you are a accurate guardian of Steemit .

Your thoughts are very right .sir

Your thoughts are very right .sirTMPDOODLE1530214803280.jpg

It should be done that jerrybanfield or any other steemers abusing steemit which is a great platform to make money and stay alert in the community should be banned from steemit for good. So any other steemer won't do the same "sameless thing."

come oonnn

Congrats, this wonderful post is featured on today's Joy Steemit Daily News! (in Chinese :D)

Yes every body needs such a detailed explaining forever.

i like it

g7uFEjM - Imgur.gif

Bringing Bill Cosby back from the grave, lol.

thot kiss.jpg

Bill Cosby is still alive.

He is such trash. If i did any of the shit he does they would blacklist me in a heart beat. No doubt about it.

I have to agree that bid bots are detrimental to Steem in the long run and have thought that for some time now...

excellent, this platform is the best in the world and we have to take care of it.


Steemit - The worlds first decentralized blogging platform for bots.

Banfield should just get banned from all the voting bots.

would be nice

if from the whole steemit

Hey @berniesanders I notice trevonjb was back on here and he is back to scamming again. Please help.

I'm confused.
"BLACKLISTED" means those bots are on your black list or those bots added @jerrybanfield to their blacklist? :P
I'm guessing that those bots added him to their blacklist. If so then.... Nice :P

Yeah he's being added to a list where those bid-bots won't allow Jerry to use their service. Probably because he never wears a shirt... "no shirt no service"

As I always says in my comment. Don't use any bots to promote your post. I don't know when but very soon steemit will follow this and the people who uses bot to promote their bullshit content will get in the eyes of steemit and Steem it will crash your reputation. Now enjoy with crashed reputation.

These comments are hillarious. You clearly don't know half the story and the comments you make ends being irrelevant.

Short story is, the OP is not happy about a post that was made by Jerry who used a few bots to upvote.
The post is deemed to be damaging the investment of Bernie and other big investors so they want these bots to stop helping such posts from trending.

Most of these people including Berniesanders do use bots to upvote so by you not using them then good luck if you ever get the exposure on steemit.

The bots are businesses and is not illegal to use in steemit.

I am very angry on the bots because anyone can give bots money and bots upvote their content hich can be rubbish content
So I have only this concern @fabyflavour

it is a business and it is legal in steemit. You can not fight the powerful if you have no power yourself. These bots are owned by mostly very powerful people in terms of resources in the platform. Good luck on this war but may be futile. if you cant beat them you join them

Thanks for the the details I was not aware of the fact that this is legal in steemit.
God bless you. @fabyflavour

bots vote for us...

Why Blacklisted

Good Action

इस स्थिति में गलत शब्द "मृत्यु" नहीं हो सका?
चीजों को पूरी तरह से आशावादी रूप से देख रहे हैं?

स्टेम एक डॉलर के करीब या नीचे, आदर्श .. एक अच्छी बात होगी .. मेरे लिए ..

अब अगर मैं इसे सस्ता पैसा खर्च करता हूं, जबकि यह सस्ता है, तो मुझे इससे काफी धन मिल सकता है। जबकि जब यह 3 है .. 4 .. 6 .. 20 $ प्रत्येक .. मैं अपने $ के लिए बहुत कम स्टीम प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।

इसे जानने से कम से कम 2 डॉलर वापस जाने की संभावना है .. मैं कहूंगा कि हॉटकेक्स की तरह स्टेम ड्रॉप करना पूरी तरह से समुदाय के लिए बहुत फायदेमंद होगा। मनी स्मार्ट लोगों के पास केवल वही होता था जो वे स्टेम में खो सकते थे और यह किसी भी समय उनकी कुल आय / उपलब्ध धन का एक अंश होता .. और वे अपने जीवन में स्टेमिट के बाहर सुरक्षित रहेंगे और अंततः अविश्वसनीय कमाई के आधार पर नहीं। (चीजें एक पल में हो सकती हैं और प्लेटफार्म पोस्ट करने पर अपना भाग्य बदल सकती हैं।)

हालांकि मैं मानता हूं कि यह तय करने के लिए कि वे क्या करना चाहते हैं, यह तय करने के लिए प्रत्येक पार्टी पर निर्भर है, मैं यह भी मानता हूं कि स्टेम / एसबीडी मूल्य बहुत कम हो रहा है, जो हर किसी के लिए फायदेमंद है, इसलिए उनके पास एक बड़ा कहना हो सकता है, उनके लिए एक बड़ा धमाका हिरन, यदि आप करेंगे, वर्तमान में लड़ाई में, भाषण बनाम स्वतंत्रता बॉट्स बनाम सामग्री की स्थिति को छिपाने की तलाश में .... आईडीक, यह मैं जो कह सकता हूं उससे यहां पर एक पूरी तरह से विवाद है।

हालांकि आप सभी के लिए शांति, मैं आपको शुभकामनाएं देता हूं। मैं वोट बेचने के लिए @ हैलवॉल्फ की सेवा का उपयोग करता हूं क्योंकि जब मैंने अपना शोध किया, तो मैंने देखा कि वह वास्तव में दुर्व्यवहार काटने के लिए कदम उठा रहा था, जैसा कि मेरे दोस्त हैं। हालांकि, बड़े या छोटे हिस्से में, दुरुपयोग को रोकने की जरूरत है। प्रचारित होने वाली बहुत अच्छी गुणवत्ता वाली सामग्री और बीएस के बहुत कम होने की आवश्यकता है। हमारे यहां प्रतिनिधित्व करने के लिए एक मंच है .. हम किस प्रकार का समाज बनना चाहते हैं? धन और बौद्धिक मूल्य दोनों में किस तरह की संपत्ति .. क्या हम यहां रहना चाहते हैं?

बस कुछ विचार। :)

Any one Tell me What Is This?

who is these fucking spine! what they dooo...?

I don’t like it either because they say give us sbd for your post to be shown to two thousand followers

How does blacklisting works? I am asking because this post is 15 days old while I see @buildawhale still posting few hours ago. Aren't these blacklisted folks not supposed to be able to post anymore?

And @buildawhale has his own blacklist. Who is the "official blacklister" that Steemians should follow? How are we supposed to know who is legit?

I apologize for the many questions from a newbie. Thank you.