Are Angels Created From Light?

in islam •  3 years ago 

In the previous study, we have discussed who angels are. In short, angels are one of God's creatures that cannot be reached by human senses.

Angels are Al-Mala'ul al-A'la, which means they are the highest beings or one of the creatures who have the highest caste that has no physical form, so they cannot be seen, heard, touched, smelled, and felt.

Read more: Who is an Angel?

As is customary we have heard long ago, are Angels really created from light? Whereas Jinn was created from fire, and humans were created from earth?

So, scientific evidence is needed based on the hadith editors that have the most valid credibility. One of them is according to the hadith of 'Aisha Radhiyallahu 'Anha, that the Messenger of Allah. once said:

"The angels were created from Nur (light), the jinn were created from the flames of fire, and Adam was created from what has been explained to you all." (HR. Muslim)

Responding to this authentic hadith, it can be concluded that Allah SWT. created the angel from light (nur), just as He (Allah) created Adam from clay, just as He (Allah) created the jinn from fire.

Who was created first, humans or angels?

In the book Aqidah Islam by Sayid Sabiq, one of the professors at Al-Azhar University in Egypt, it is explained that Allah SWT. created angels before creating humans.

And previously Allah had told the Angels that humans were about to be created to serve as caliphs of the world or substitutes (leaders) on the surface of the earth. As in His words:

"...And when your Lord said to the Angels, 'Indeed I want to make a caliph on earth'. The angel then said, 'Are you going to make on earth people who want to do mischief and shed blood (kill-kill), while we purify by praising You and ordaining You'. Allah then said, 'Verily I am All-Knowing what you all do not know.'" (Surah Al-Baqarah: 30)

Some conclusions we can draw are:

First, Angels are beings with the highest caste, they do not have passions like humans, and they also do not do anything that is not in their line of duty.

Second, Angels are creatures of God who are in another realm, they can come down to earth and become human.

Third, Angels are created from Nur (light) and are supernatural and subtle, cannot be reached with the human senses, whether they are felt, touched, smelled, seen, or heard.

That is the scientific basis that confirms that the Angels are creatures created from light complete with the arguments. Hopefully what we say is useful. Wallahu A'lam


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