Fly me to the moon

in islam •  5 years ago  (edited)


My six months trip to Canada was like a trip to the moon.Never had I imagined I would be in its street .True enough ,I had thr priviledge of seeing an art work that makes you feel close to the moon too in Aga Khan museum.




This art work was to commemorate the milestone of humans walking in moon .It comes with visual sounds ,of moon probe and astronouts as they make their way, as well as interpretative dancing.


It was a mouth gaping moment for me to see all those creativity of our Muslim brothers many centuries long before I was born.

The lavish lifestyle they have ,the intricateness in their designs and the depth of their spirituality all make it honestly hard for me to imagine them as ISIS or terrorist as most would want us to believe.


I suppose the museum best fit the art exhibit because in a lot of ways Islam as a religion is as misconstrued as the moon.



My limited knowledge of Islam as a way of life was confined to my History class as I have so little chance to visit the southern part of my country for fear I would be kidnapped,raped if not killed as is most often published in newsprints.


Many literatures and movies had been inspired by it teachings but unless you consciously lay away youre prejudice and biased pov it you would be highly unlikley for you to find yourself appreciative of it in its totality.


It takes a mind that thinks out of the box and a heart that dares to run after big often crazy dreams to make it all a reality .Offcourse thousands of man hours and range of human emotions to press on day in and day out.



Extensive research work would be mandatory.Archived literatures had to be studied over and over again and experts opinion had to be consulted.
Precision and excellence must have been its benchmarks.Cost would have to be counted in terms of its generational value than its present worth to be worthy of the many oppositions it has to hurdle .


Men had always been obsessed about flying even if it wasnt their nature like the birds.Islam had in all its spectrum ignite the best and the worst of humanity.


Ramadan as one of its concept encourages us love our neighbors and deny ourselves while in stark contrast jihad pushes the radical to kill themselves and others for the sake of Allah.


Maybe it would be shooting at the stars to wish complete harmony among the believer but as long as we remind ourselves of man walking in moon maybe just maybe it isnt a far fetched goal at all.



Islam global in scope and deeply entr
enched survived persecutions because of the passion and faith of its practitioners.Humans walking in the moon is a byproduct of the same -mans ability to visualize an ambition bigger than himself

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