This recording contains surah 51 of the Quran along with exposition / commentary.
CHAPTER 51 (all verses: reading and exposition)
- First plain text reading (start-6.35)
- Exposition of content (6.35-54.43)
- Second plain text reading (54.44-end)
Translation: The Qur'an: A Complete Revelation.
Read and expounded upon by Sam Gerrans.
THE QUR'AN: A COMPLETE REVELATION by Sam Gerrans on sale in hardback!
Chapter 51
In the name of God: the Almighty, the Merciful.
By the scatterers a-scattering
And the bearers of burden
And those sailing with ease
And those who distribute by command!
You are but promised what is true
And the Judgment will befall.
By the sky possessing paths
You are in speech differing!
Deluded away from it is he who is deluded.
Damned are the tellers of lies
Those who are oblivious in confusion.
They ask: When is the Day of Judgment?
The day they will be tried by the fire.
Taste your means of denial:
This is what you sought to hasten!
Those in prudent fear will be among gardens and springs
Taking that which their lord gives them.
Before that they were doers of good
They slept but little of the night
And at the break of day sought forgiveness
And in their wealth was a due for the one who asked and the one precluded.
And in the earth are proofs for those who are certain
And in yourselves.
Do you then not see!
And in the sky is your provision and what you are promised.
Then by the Lord of the Sky and the Earth
It is as true as that you are speaking!
Has there come to thee the story of the honoured guests of Ibrāhīm?
When they entered upon him and said: Peace
He said: Peace, strangers
And turned aside to his family
And brought a fatted calf
And placed it near them.
He said: Will you not eat?
And he sensed fear from them.
They said: Fear thou not
And gave him glad tidings of a learned lad.
And his wife came forward crying out and struck her face and said: A barren old woman!
They said: Thus said thy lord.
He is the Wise, the Knowing.
He said: Then what is your case, O emissaries?
They said: We are sent to an evildoing people
That we might send upon them stones of clay
Marked in the sight of thy lord for the committers of excess.
And we brought forth such of the believers as were therein
And found not therein but one household of the submitted.
And we left therein a proof for those who fear a painful punishment.
And in Mūsā
When we sent him to Firʿawn with a clear warrant:
He turned away with his supporters and said: A sorcerer or one possessed.
And we seized him and his forces and cast them into the sea
And he was blameworthy.
And in ʿĀd:
When we sent upon them the barren wind.
It left nothing it reached save it made it as though rotted away.
And in Thamūd:
When it was told them: Enjoy yourselves for a time
And they scorned the command of their Lord and the thunderbolt took them while they were looking on
And they were unable to rise up.
And they could not help themselves.
And the people of Nūḥ before
They were wantonly perfidious people.
(And the sky we built with might
And we are wealthy indeed.
And the earth we spread out:
How excellent are those who level!
And every sort of thing we created as two kinds
That you might take heed.
So flee to God.
I am a clear warner to you from him.
And make not with God another god.
I am a clear warner to you from him.)
Thus came there no messenger to those before them save they said:
A sorcerer or one possessed.
Have they handed it down between themselves as an inheritance?
The truth is: they are a people transgressing all bounds.
So turn thou from them:
Thou art not censured.
But remind thou
For the reminder profits the believers.
And I created the jinn and men only that they might serve me.
I desire no provision from them
And I desire not that they feed me.
God: he is the Provider, the Lord of Firm Might.
And for those who do wrong is a portion like the portion of their companions
So let them not seek to hasten me.
And woe to those who are indifferent to warning from their day which they are promised!
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