He Lived Alone On A Remote Island For 30 Years And Now Is Forced To Leave

in islands •  7 years ago 

Masafumi Nagasaki, 82, lived on a remote Pacific island, naked and not afraid.

He has been forced to rejoin the Japanese society by police because they have received reports that Nagasaki appeared to be malnourished and in ill-health, but his wish was to die there.

Spending 30 years of his life naked and foraging for food, it is no wonder why he or anyone else would want to leave. Of course there are many who need to interact with society, but there are also those who find happiness in being alone.

I find it extremely beautiful to live the life he was living. Taking from the land only what you need for that day and enjoying the sounds of the waves, the black nights as the moon and the stars glisten off the ocean water and having pure freedom of your mind and soul.

Although he was a city man at one point in his life, civilization didn't appeal to him. As peaceful as it may seem to me to have lived this life i'm sure it was also very difficult to survive for so long on an island.

They say being alone is a horrible way to die, but that was his wish. It brings a bit of sadness that he was stripped from his island and his wishes and now isn't even allowed to go back to that island he mastered.


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Sometimes what looks strange for us, meant peace for them...

Well, not exactly original content. However, it is an interesting story and appears to be true. Masafumi Nagasaki is a tough guy. I hope that he receives sufficient and adequate medical care and, if it is his desire, that he is allowed to return to his island.

sandiyus,you are right,everybody doing their work in this world....