Here in Israel we're all getting ready for another war in case Iran goes through with their threats to destroy us.
We're pretty well protected with a 5 layer missile defence system, although its only about 98% effective - some missiles might get through, especially in the first day of the conflict (before we destroy the launch sites, and the houses they are built in).
But that's not our only protection - anything built since 1991 (the large majority of dwellings) has a super strong protected room - that can survive even a direct hit by a missile completely untouched.
More recent ones, like mine, include complete NBC positive pressure filtration systems that an American prepper would die for.
The rest have shelters in the basement or very close by. People are getting these shelters and protected rooms ready and prepared - making sure the wifi works :-).
Our civil defence is top notch, not like the chaos in other places when there is a disaster.
The attitude of Israelis is very practical - A friend complained that she has a conference next week and "can the war please be put off until the following week - because the international guests won't come if there is a war."
I've already been through a few wars in the 10 years I've been here and it really brings the country together - people are much nicer to each other and sometimes you get to meet that cute neighbour in the bomb shelter.
Lets hope there is not a war because the devastation we will have to cause in Lebanon, Syria & Iran will take them generations to recover from.
They haven't spent a cent on protecting their own people because they were spending it all on trying to attack us!