Cruel Zionism

in israel •  7 years ago  (edited)

By Jeff Prager

Cruel Zionism, a book I'm developing now, is the story of the evolution and metamorphosis of religious Judaism into political Zionism. Critical excerpts follow:

This eBook will be one of my crowning achievements in that I've uncovered publicly available yet virtually unknown material as is always the case 100 years after a story developed. Information that is often times astonishing to us—simply as a result of the revelation that we "didn't know," which seems to occur frequently in this age of "information".
You can jump down to the capitalized subtitle JUDAISM & ZIONISM if you want to skip the personal material just below which is a part of the introduction to the book.

Begin excerpts:

This story, the history of the establishment of the Zionist state of Israel is built on the foundations of Judaism and is a complex story involving numerous treaties, letters, pledges and promises, some secret, during a period of wartime.
War for oil, hegemony, colonization, resource acquisition and newly acquired power and influence dominated the global stage.

This story, my story in many ways, is a story I can promise you you didn't know. Even the most ardent and well informed anti-Zionist, pro-Palestinian activists don't know a great deal of the details I'll be writing about.

The Zionists, less than 1% of the total Jewish population at the turn of the 20th century, were from the intellectual class and preoccupied with refining Jewish political ideology in the midst of wars, pogroms and global anti-Judaism of one sort or another.

Like all minorities during various periods of human history, Jews were poorly treated and considered much the same as African Americans, Italians, the Irish or other historically mistreated ethnic groups. The reasons are immaterial. Discrimination for religious beliefs is profoundly distasteful where opposition to political ideology is another matter entirely. Zionism is a political ideology. Judaism is a religion. Let’s never confuse the two.

This is also partly the story of me and my grandmother, Esther Bloom. One of Esther’s four daughter’s, my mother Dorothy, was consumed by diabetes in 1961 when we still didn’t have a firm grip on the disease. I was six years old. As a result of both living within a couple of hundred feet from Esther‘s front door when my Mom was alive and then subsequently my mothers death, I spent many a Friday and Saturday night alone with Esther, just me and my grandmother, for years. Esther was an older Ashkenazi Jewish woman from Eastern Europe who emigrated to the United States in her early teens and met Max Bloom along the way.

They married and set about living their own American dream when that dream still existed. They struggled and they worked hard in an America where simple hard work always paid off in the end. Max and Esther had four daughters and one of them was my mother. I was adopted at three weeks old but this is the only family I’ve ever known and it’s the family I grew up in and the family I grew up with. Adoptions in the 1950s by Jewish families were almost always adoptions of children whose mothers were confirmed to be Jewish. It’s more likely than not that I’m Jewish by birth in spite of having been adopted. My father told me Grandpa Max was an architect and contractor and that he had designed or built or both, it’s hard to remember, a number of apartment buildings on South Center Street in Newark, NJ. Nana Esther opened a women’s uniform and undergarments store on South Orange Avenue where it ran through Newark and a variety of storefronts lined the street. She catered to women in uniform—housekeeping uniforms, nurses, care providers, factory workers and a middle-aged crowd of female undergarment buyers. It was 1960 when I started going with my Dad to Nana’s store every Saturday. My father Seymour was an accountant and he did Esther’s bookkeeping every weekend, hand wrote the weekly employee checks, paid the bills, etc. I ran through racks of smocks and underwear for hours, helped in the store for minutes, played with piles and piles of clothes hangers and was probably more trouble than not but that’s a permanent disability you have to get used to when you’re charged with the responsibility of a 5-year-old.

Grandpa Max died when I was two-years-old so I really never got to know him but Nana Esther and I, when I was young, well, we were close. So this is also the story of Esther because she provided me with the foundations for my own morals and ethics. Johnny Carson helped. Esther and I spent 100s of nights in her bed eating ice cream, laughing, and watching Johnny Carson and Merv Griffin before him. I laughed because Esther laughed. She laughed because she understood what was being said on the TV. I was too young to do much more than eat ice cream and follow Esther’s cues. And follow her cues I did. I spent 100s of Sunday’s at Esther’s house also, all day, while sometimes as many as 40, 50 or more various family members came and went throughout the day. Esther cooked from dawn until dusk. She was a large part of my life. I went to Hebrew School, learned to speak Hebrew, barely, and I had a Bar-Mitzvah at 13 like all good Jewish kids. I grew up in a very large, very close-knit family of Jewish immigrants, high achievers--—doctors, lawyers and a few doctors and several more lawyers. My family was as Jewish as any other and frankly, I’m a better person for it. I feel fortunate to have been adopted by, raised by and grown up with the people I was surrounded by. This was a family of good, hardworking and very close people, all dependent upon one another. We gathered for every Jewish and every American holiday religiously. And something was always going on at someone’s Jersey beach house, Crestmont Country Club or in someone’s backyard every weekend. It was the 50s and 60s and life was good.

The Vietnam War changed the dynamics within the country-—the war was divisive. Nevertheless, I think much of what follows is important for people to know. The circumstances surrounding the birth of Israel are drilled down to sound bytes whether we access mainstream or alternative media. The real history isn’t just obfuscated or difficult to find, it’s just forgotten. That’s especially so since this issue is battered daily with an overload of false propaganda. Perhaps the information contained here will provide some relevant background against a wildly distorted media backdrop with which to form your opinions on a very divisive topic-—Palestine, Palestinian rights and identity, Judaism and the founding of the Zionist state of Israel by Eastern European Jews intent on employing not just terrorism but mass murder, theft, rape, fraud, pillage and plunder. It’s here, all right here, in the images, documents and text on each page.


Judaism is certainly not Zionism and Zionism is clearly not Judaism however the two have become permanently conflated. Judaism, once considered solely a religious belief has, over the last 100 years and during a long, slow process of both propaganda and time, become so closely associated with Zionism that being anti-Zionist is actually illegal in some countries, as though anti-Zionsim were anti-religion. It’s not. Judaism is a religion, Zionism is not.

Zionism, is and always has been a fanatical right-wing political ideology closely associated with terrorism, a political ideology even my own grandmother vehemently disagreed with, and it has somehow managed to grow an acceptable face over the decades while also becoming the genuine public face of Judaism—a true metamorphosis if there ever was one.

Judaism is rarely in the news but Zionism takes center stage in the news almost every day. Zionism has hijacked Judaism and subsequently morphed into a perverted version of the Jewish religion creating a nightmare of enormous proportions.
Yet the historic record reflects the truth about Zionist terrorism, the birth of Israel, its evolution and today’s horror-story of Zionist manifestations. The historic record shows that as Zionism was birthed a majority of Jews opposed Zionism and referred to themselves as anti-Zionist.

Even Nathan Rothschild, 1st Baron Rothschild (the second Nathan) was wary of Zionism and wasn’t at all interested in a Jewish state, but he died on March 31st, 1915, right in the midst of these various debates, treaties, letters, agreements and conflicts. Had the 1st Baron Nathan Rothschild lived Palestine would be an Arab country today.

Baron Rothschild was involved in private venture finance and in issuing loans to the governments of the US, Russia and Austria. Nathan also funded the Suez Canal which left him with a distinct interest in the conditions on the ground in Egypt—and he developed a close relationship with Benjamin Disraeli. Yet he remained aloof when the question of a Jewish state arose.

One of the primary and little known reasons Nathan wasn’t particularly interested in a Jewish state in Palestine had to do with his funding of a company called the Four Per Cent Industrial Dwellings Company. This corporation was involved in designing cost-effective housing—what was decent housing for the early 1900s—primarily for Jewish residents of Spitalfields and Whitechapel, in the UK. At the same time Nathan Rothschild, the one Rothschild who I’ve grown to like, also served as a trustee of the London Mosque right up until his death.

This is the man who in 1914, after the outbreak of World War One during a consultation for economic advice to the UK with Sir Lloyd George at an invitation by the UK Treasury, when asked what could be done to raise more money for the war effort, replied, “Tax the rich and tax them heavily,” and he meant it of course. Rather than a forthcoming loan to assist the war effort Rothschild made it clear—the rich need to ante up.

On Nathan’s death his pro-Zionist son Walter not only took his place politically, he took his wealth and his influence immediately as well and the Rothschild name behind support for the Zionist state was now guaranteed. Yet Zionist ideology meant Terrorism in any and all of its forms, after all—so it wasn’t pleasantly accepted by Jewry or anyone else for that matter.

The Irgun terrorists, the Stern Gang terrorists, the Haganah with all of their inherent political and ideological flip-flopping and the Jewish Agency which couldn’t be trusted at all each contributed to a rise in anti-Semitism or better described as what was anti-Zionism and anti-Judaism combined. This manifested across Europe including in the UK, Italy and France and even the US wasn’t immune.

End Excerpts

This eMagazine, with documents, treaties, letters, correspondence and other important material reproduced also comes with over 50 PDFs of supporting literature as well as dozens of previously classified newspaper articles, now unclassified but forgotten nonetheless. This book is extremely revealing and contains a wealth of little known but crucial data surrounding terrorism and the birth of the Zionist state. I'll publish this eBook on April 25th.



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