Bill Maher illustrates a common mentality worth noting.

in israel •  5 months ago 

I generally don't share bill maher shit because he's a racist prick that doesn't deserve the attention, but I thought this convo illustrates a pretty common mentality.

Bill Maher has become exactly the kind of chickenhawk that he accused people of being 20 years ago during the first years of the USAs war on terror. He's talking about long term thinking while ignoring that this brutalist mindset and handwaving away of Israel's crimes is setting up a future of death and terror for Israelis, Iranians and Arabs in the entire region.

One example is the typical Conservative/Centrist trope that "I don't like Netenyahu, but I support his choices" as though that's not the exact same mentality that got GWB re-elected in 2004.

It's worse than not learning the lessons of the past; it's learning exactly the wrong lessons.

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