The Ashkenazis. That is way way later, after the dispersed tribes and followers of all sorts, ten after all have mysteriously disappeared, with many claiming to be of those, anyway by the time the concept of Germany was born, the Jews who have settled there were called Ashkenazi, meaning German in Aramaic language, official of the Assyrian empire, Hebrew being Semitic language based on the Phoenician. Similarly, the Jews living in what became later known as Spain were called Sephardic.
One has to take into the context that Jewish culture genetic/ethnic/religious spans over five millennia from the times of the Sumerian civilization in the Sinai Peninsula, where the ancient Semites smelted copper and mined turquoise and traded it with Sumerians.
Egypt didn't have copper so with king Menes I of Egypt, from the powerful ancient world dominating dynasty(ies), who united Upper and Lower Egypt into Old Kingdom's 1st dynasty, a tradition was established to raid the Semites' copper smelting business.
After king Menes, all following kings in his image have made it their royal coronation custom to raid for Semites' copper. Until the 12th dynasty, each dynasty is hundreds of years, when Abraham aka Amenemhat I comes into picture.
With the help of passing through Asiatic army of Hittites, he gave them copper weapons, Abraham forged an alliance with the Sumerian empire by marrying one of the their princess'. He also reportedly married his sister, which was traditionally done in the royal families.
The Hittites have taken over the Hatties, the winged disk is their symbol, who have invented the royal descent laws after their princes slaughtered each other in strife for power.
Anyway, Abraham with his army of Semites and Hittites moved to occupy Lower Egypt with many proto Jews settling in Goshen. Of course many remained in Canaan and all over the coast of ancient Phoenicia, Canaan means 'the land of merchants' in Phoenician because of the major trade routes passing through there connecting Asia, Africa, and Europe.
The established by AbRaKham the Royal House of Isis Ra (Egyptian religion) Elohim (the Canaanite religion) Isra (in Hebrew means direct, spark) El (God), Israel, the House of Israel ruled Egypt from 12th to 18th dynasty.
The last one has collapsed with the heretic king Akhenaten aka Moses, who went all out war of his family's God Amun (Thebes center) which end up being total disaster causing the famous exodus.
Queen of England traces her lineage from King David who was Pharaoh Thutmose III, and all royalties are reportedly related.
Then you have also Turkic Khazars and whatnot who adopted Judaism or claimed being Jewish for whatever reasons, and there are many of all walk of life. I have Chinese friend who is Jewish and there are many black Jews also, again do not forget the combination of the ethnic/cultural, genetic/family, religious/spiritual distinctions.
Within religious branch alone you have plenty of diversity, the genetic too, what tribe, whose family, Judah or Dan or the rest of them, Karai (readers) vs meshugana Rabbait (breeders), we Kohen Godol high priests traditionally do not mix much with the rest of them, following father's Y chromosome line, don't ask.
So, please, who is the Jew/Hebrew/Semite/Israelite/Israeli is very much depends on who you ask and how much one knows anything about. From my experience as high priest of Israel, most Jews, real or whatnot, do not know about it a lot. Word.
Do not waste your precious time on nonsense and hate. The Divine constants are Love, Truth, and Peace in One and Only Goddess/God.
Be Well, Happy, and Prosper!
Aakhu Uab Aa AmunRa