""Following talks I have held with my friend, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Indian government has informed us that it is putting the Spike deal back on track. This is very important and there will be many more deals,” Netanyahu said in a brief video statement during his five-day visit to India."
Just a couple of months ago the India-Israel Rafael Spike anti-tank missile deal was cancelled. Now, after Modi and Netanyahu's return trips to each others' countries, the deal is back on.
"Israel has given initial approval for Indian energy companies to explore oil and gas in the eastern Mediterranean. Bilateral trade has jumped from $200 million in 1992, when the two countries opened diplomatic relations, to $4.16 billion in 2016, largely in favour of Israel."
India, clearly another Rothschild-dominated state like Israel, will take a new position as a leading player in the global economy after the long-awaited upcoming global economic collapse which will see the economic destruction of Europe and the United States. With the West devastated, we will see a rise in the power of India, Russia, Iran and China. Israel has already become India's main supplier of arms, and all these arms have Israeli military high-tech embedded which naturally will allow Israel to maintain kill-switch control over the Indian military as well as having Israeli-embedded spying capabilities.
Netanyahu also visited Bollywood while he was in India. Clearly Bollywood is under the same racial control as Hollywood is.
"We believe in Bollywood, we believe in India, we believe in the relations between India and Israel." Netanyahu also said that the rise of Bollywood is ''a part of India rising as a world power, which goes hand-in-hand with the ascent of Israel as a world leader in technology."
Hindustan Times - Israel likely to become India’s largest arms supplier - 5 July 2017 - http://www.hindustantimes.com/…/story-tZQFenVzYWzaQFnPqbznq…
Times of India - India has cancelled $500 million defence deal, says Israeli arms firm - 3 Jan 2018 - https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/…/articles…/62351673.cms
Reuters - Israel-India guided missile deal back on track: Netanyahu - 17 Jan 2018 - https://www.reuters.com/…/israel-india-guided-missile-deal-…
Rafael - Tactical Precision Guided Weapons - Spike Family - http://www.rafael.co.il/4516-2684-EN/Marketing.aspx