How to drink vodka ?!

in it •  9 years ago 

How to drink vodka and get drunk - that is the question. Here it is necessary to take into account a few simple rules, and then vodka goes like clockwork. By the way, about oil, it is possible to drink, but no more than a tablespoon. Fans of raw eggs (and my own experience I know that there are any) is recommended before use "little white" drink a couple of pieces. And vegetable oil, and eggs perfectly prevents the absorption of alcohol.

If you burn the pipe, and a feast to remain two or three hours, it is possible to empty the 50-gram pile. This will prepare the body to alcohol load. By the way, this procedure is called "run the liver" in common. Before copious libations, you can drink a cup of strong tea with lemon or mint, as well as coffee with lemon. You do not want to fall off after 4-5 glasses? Then take 2-4 tablets of activated charcoal for 10-15 minutes until the first glasses of vodka, and then 2 tablets every hour, while completely intoxicated will not. Against the intoxication help cereal - semolina, buckwheat, oats. Eat half an hour before drinking, and you - "Gherkin".

In general, how to drink vodka, you can even ask a neighbor-alcoholics He'll answer you that there is nothing complicated in this process. Here it is possible to draw an analogy with the use of tequila (version wino) - drank it in one gulp, zanyuhal but not lemon and sleeve, it is desirable neighbor. If you consider yourself to be thus, who uses only on holidays, this method is clearly not suitable. After all, the whole family and closest relatives on holidays and agree that if you zanyuhivat shawl elderly aunt Ghali, it will look to put it mildly, inappropriate. And in order not to fall into an awkward position, follow the advice of some experts of drinking vodka.
So, go to the kitchen and put a treasured bottle of "green snake" in the fridge (be careful, do not even think to put it in the freezer). Belenky should only slightly fogged, then you will feel all the different taste of this liquor.

As you know, drink vodka from a 50-gram glasses. First, breathe deeply, and then takes a sip of the subsequent inhalation. "Between the first and second pereryvchik small," - says a popular rumor. And this can not but agree. Experts say that it is necessary to do a three-minute break between the first and second glasses. But after the third glass it is strongly recommended not to drink 15-20 minutes, at which time you can, for example, dance or make a smoke with Uncle Grisha, who had not seen for five years. How to drink vodka - it's up to you. The rate of alcohol consumed for each individual, but if was difficult to take a sip of vodka and simply "will not go", it's time to stop. By the way, drink a little white is not recommended, but if you - the young lady without zapivki take on his chest can not use the drinks that do not contain carbon dioxide.

If you decide - after drinking vodka, other alcoholic beverages are contraindicated! Many people ask whether it is possible to drink vodka and then a beer? No no and one more time no! If you certainly do not want to follow the well-known folk tradition "vodka drink earth lie." After all, everyone knows that when drinking hard liquor can only increase the degree, but otherwise the morning you will be extremely difficult.

Here a question arises: what better to drink vodka? It should be noted that the "little white" has an interesting feature, which consists in the fact that the alcoholic beverage is able to hide the shortcomings of almost all dishes. Vodka you can drink with any meal other than sweet foods. First of all, this strong alcoholic drink with meat and spicy fish dishes. These include dumplings, roast pork, boiled beef, herring, salmon, red and black caviar. Do not give up vegetables, such as pickles, sauerkraut, stuffed eggplant, boiled potatoes and marinated mushrooms. Under all these great snack vodka - the perfect culinary complement. By the way, no salty snacks and hearty "fire water" can not reveal all of its amazing properties.

What to drink vodka, it is now clear, but with nothing to drink? Do not use "green dragon" with cheese, tomatoes and parsley, as these foods can ferment vodka, which is undesirable if you are, of course, not a fan of extreme sports. Experts do not recommend to take "bitter" with dishes of lamb and boiled fish. Puny combined vodka and sausage.

Now you know how to drink vodka and get drunk almost. So follow all the rules of drinking, but do not get carried away!

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Cool man @makgorn

I hope it is understandable without translation. This is just one of the ways.

Ага прикольно молодец!!!!